english Flashcards
French revolution
industrial revolution
peterloo massacre
abolishment of slave trade: where slave trading is was banned but it still basically still went on
Total abolishment of of the slave institution
restoration of Charles the second
formal realism
“a narrative method” for producing “a full and authentic report of
human experience
as a principle of artistic construction defines not just what events
are likely to happen, but also how characters and society are likely to react to
the novel
Richardson turns the familiar letter into a dramatic form by inventing a technique called writing to the moment
gothic novel
a turn away from regular novels that focus on clarity, gothic novels focus more on the pleasure of uncertainty
Menippean Satire
Menippean satire is a style of satire that is characterized by attacking mental attitudes rather than specific individuals or entities.
The beautiful
not perfection but beauty in weakness. beauty is Small, Smoothness, Gradual Variation
the sublime
that which excites ideas of pain and danger, that which excites
feelings of terror
ottava Rima
Italian poetry style that is written in iambic pentameter, that has eight lines per stanza
art is an
imitation [of nature] seemed almost too obvious to need iteration or proof.
A work of art is essentially the internal made external, resulting from a creative process operating under the impulse of feelings, and embodying the combined product of the poet’s perceptions, thoughts, and feelings.
heroic verse
Poetry style written in iambic pentamer, defined my rhyming couplets
great chain of being
All existing beings exist on a scale of perfection, with God’s essential goodness at the top, the angels and other higher, intellectual beings beneath him, man somewhere in the (lower) middle, and everything else beneath man
Jane Austin
pride and prejudice
Willam wordsworth
exposition and reply, the tables turned, the thorn , lines written a few miles above Tintern abby, ode imatations of immoratily
Samuel taylor coleridge
kubla khan, Christabel
percy shelley
the mask of anarchy
lord byron
don juan
horace walpool
castle of ortranto
eliza haywood
maty wollstonecraft
vindication of the rights of the women
alfred lord tennyson
in memoriam
willam blake
The tyger
1rst generation romantics
William Blake, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and William Wordsworth
2nd generation romantic
lord byron, percy shelley,