ENGLISH Flashcards
Which statement on remedial teaching is WRONG?
Remedial teaching involves _____.
a. Working systematically; observing, diagnosing, remediating, evaluating
b. Working purposefully and intensively with a pupil
c. Seeing to it that the pupil can remain at his/her school
d. Re-teaching, reviewing, assessing
Which statement about the use of voice in academic or scientific writing is NOT true?
a. Scientific or academic writing uses the passive voice more than the active voice.
b. Scientific writing uses the passive voice more than the active voice is a myth.
c. The choice of active voice or passive is constrained by functional considerations; thus, writers
use the we-form active when describing standard procedures.
d. Writers use the we-form active when contrasting their work with previous work in the field, but
use the passive when describing previous research.
Which of the following statements about hedging is INCORRECT?
a. Hedging is a scientific writing strategy where writers use aspects of the verb as devices to
express politeness or to distance themselves from a claim.
b. When hedging, academic writers use words that strongly and sharply express commitment to
their criticism.
c. ESP learners need to appreciate the role of hedging in academic, professional and business
genres and to manipulate its actual linguistic devices.
d. In research or in the professional community, the criticism, Mr. de la Cruz appears not to
have understood my point, is hedged and is more acceptable that the statement; Mr. de la Cruz
definitely did not understand my point.
Another problem that constantly faces ESP teachers is the new realms of knowledge that
ESP teachers have to cope with. This suggests that __________.
a. ESP teachers have to struggle to master language and subject matter they know very little
b. ESP teachers often feel a sense of utter inadequacy at their ability to cope
c. ESP teacher feel boredom as they teach subject matter that are very simple and familiar
d. A and B
Which program for school staff members and teachers was conducted to better match
students with their aptitude and career interests?
a. Project Effective and Affordable Secondary Education (EASE)
b. Revitalized Homeroom Guidance Program (RHGP)
c. School Based Education (SBE)
d. Thinking Skills Development for Maximized Cognitive Performance (TSD-MCP)
Which was the Secondary Education Curriculum that was implemented in 1989 to replace
the Revised Secondary Education Program (RSEP)?
a. Program for Decentralized Education (PRODED)
b. Secondary Education Development Program
c. New Secondary Education Curriculum (NSEC)
d. Revised Secondary Education Curriculum (RSEC)
The K to 12 curriculum envisions __________.
a. Holistically developed learners with 21st century skills
b. A good competition with other countries in the financial world
c. 12 years of basic education that meets international standard
d. Students equipped with 21st century skill who are able to compete internationally
Given below are some of the contributions of theoretical linguistics to language teaching
a. Changing views and theories of language of language teaching
b. Different technical terms like phoneme, morpheme, hyponymy, etc.
c. Pronouncing words and transcribing sounds like IPA
d. Different approaches to language teaching
Good instructional materials produce satisfactory results only if the teacher _______.
a. is creative and has pleasant presentation techniques
b. uses them in teaching lessons that s/he has not fully mastered
c. allows students to manipulate during her presentation
d. is knowledgeable of developments and principles underlying those materials
What attitude needs to be maintained by language teachers about the feelings of linguistics?
a. Knowledge is constantly changing; take them with a grain of salt.
b. Findings are permanent foundations; memorize them for future application.
c. Many research findings spring from careless research procedures; be choosy and selective.
d. Knowledge is in a continuous state of flux; be open to new developments and give them a try
Language learning refers to how an individual learns a language. Which statement about
language learning is correct?
a. Language learning occurs in a natural manner.
b. Language learning happens when a person knows how to speak a language after living in the
country that has it as its native tongue.
c. Language learning occurs in a formal and non-constructive process.
d. Language learning is a constructive process through which we know and use a language
Which method emphasizes isolated word lists and a thorough examination of its grammar is
used in second language teaching?
a. Direct method
b. Total Physical Response
c. Grammar Translation Method
d. Suggestopedia
Which approach is frequently used in task-based language teaching (TBLT) and features
small group activities that promote positive interaction?
a. Total physical response
b. Cooperative learning
c. Academic language scaffolding
d. Dialogue journals