English Flashcards
something is not important to a person anymore
As if I care (I don’t care)
calm down
Take a chill pill
We failed at something!
We screwed up!\ We screwed up big time!
to scream or speak angrily to someone
Give somebody a bollocking
means to ignore a person
Give him air time
когда дела идут плохо
When the going gets tough
I’m just so amazed!
I can’t get over something
Я не была здесь так долго
I haven’t been here in so long.
Самый первый
Very first one
Так много изменилось за пять лет
So much has changed in five years
Поздравляю с семьей
Congrats on the family
ладить, уживаться вместе
to get along
Просвещенный, хорошо информированный
Просвети меня
enlighten me
Она была отвлечена звуком текущей воды.
She was distracted by the sound of running water.