English 1102 Flashcards
Learn all definitons
A play on words that relies on a word’s having more than one meaning or sounding like another word.
Conventional symbol
meanings that are widely recognized by a society or culture examples Christian cross, the Star of David.
the physical and social place where the action of the story takes place
Excessive pride or self-confidence that leads a protagonist to disregard a divine warning or to violate an important moral law. Common for of hamartia in dramas
First Person Narrator
The “I” In the story presents the point of view of only one character.
Dramatic convention by means of which a characte, alone onstage, utters his or her thoughts aloud. Used to inform the audience of a characters motives or state of mind
a narrated scene that marks a break ini the narrative in order to inform the reader or audience member about events that took place before the opening scene of a work
the introduction early in a story of verbal and dramatic hints that suggest whit is to come later
a French term meaning unraveling or unknotting used to describe the resolution of the plot following the climax.
Stock Character
embody stereotypes such as “dumb Blondes”
Limited Omniscence
when an author restricts a narrator to the single perspective of either a major or minor character
Dynamic Character
A character who goes under some sort of change due to the action in the plot
Deus ex Machina
latin for god in the machine. In ancient greek theater sometimes gods were lowered from the roof by mechanical devices to set matters right among the mortals below. Provides a too—easy resolution for a story.
Authors selection and arrangements of incidents in a story to shape the action and give the story a particular focus.
A termm coined by Aristotle to describe some error or frailty that brings about misfortune for a tragic hero