English 11 - List 17 literary terms Flashcards
the repetition of initial consonant sounds (ie: Sally sells seashells…)
a reference in a work of literature to another literary work or historical work, figure or event.
the intentional repetition of complete words or phrases for emphasis and unity.
an image is a word or phrase that names something that can be seen, heard, touched, tasted or smelled. A collection or group of images is called imagery.
a contradiction, such as the difference between appearance and reality or a difference between what is said and what’s meant or expected.
a figure of speech in which one thing is described as if it were another. (ie: My love is a red, red rose)
the use of words or phrases that sound like the things that they describe or sound words. (ie: buzz, chop)
a figure of speech in which a nonhuman is described as though it were human. (ie: the old car coughed)
a type of metaphor that uses like or as to make a comparison. (ie: My love is like a red, red rose)
something that stands both for itself and something beyond itself. (ie: A dove is a symbol of peace)
a part of something is used to signify the whole. (ie: to a shawl covered head or you’re in good hands)
the emotional quality of a literary work created by imagery, word choice, events that occur. Adjectives that describe moods include sad, joyful, reflective, suspenseful.
an apparently contradictory statement that in fact has a certain truth to it. (ie: a poem should be wordless…)
the time and place in which a work of literature occurs.
a group of lines in a poem.
the main idea in a literary work or message the author is attempting to get across to readers. (ie: a work on the subject of aging might have as its theme that older people can still be young and fresh in their thinking)
the attitude adopted by the speaker, narrator, or author of a literary work toward the subject or the reader of the work. Tone is created through author’s diction.
blank verse
unrhymed iambic pentameter.
free verse
poetry with neither rhyme or rhythm.
a fourteen line poem, written in iambic pentameter, using one of two specific rhyme schemes and ending in a rhyming couplet