English Flashcards
It is a word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence, and forming the main part of the predicate of a sentence.
What are the kinds of verbs?
Transitive verb, intransitive verb, linking verb, auxiliary verb
Kind of verb that expresses an action that has a direct object or receiver of the action
Transitive verb
Kind of verb where the subject of the sentence performs an action but not to, for, or against anything or anybody
Intransitive verb
Linking verbs are used together with a main verb to show the verb’s tense or to form a question.
False (linking verb do not show any action and simply link the subject with the rest of the sentence)
What are the 2 types of Auxiliary verbs?
Primary and modal auxiliaries
What verb is used to indicate modality that allows speakers to express certainty, possibility, willingness, obligation, necessity, and/or ability?
Modal verbs
What are the functions that are expressed with the use of modal verbs?
Permission, ability, obligation, prohibition, lack of necessity, advice, possibility, and probability
What are the kinds of voices of verbs?
Passive and active voice
This voice describes a sentence where the subject performs the action stated by the verb.
Active voice
Voice of verbs that tells that the subject of the sentence is the receiver of the action.
Passive voice
What tells whether the subject of the sentence is the doer or receiver of the action?
Voice (of verbs)
It indicates how the action of the verb is expressed.
Mood (of verbs)
What are the kinds of moods of verbs?
Indicative, subjunctive, imperative mood
The mood that expresses a fact, a truth, or an opinion.
Indicative mood
A mood that is commonly used to express a wish, a desire, a demand, or a contrary-to-fact situation.
Subjunctive mood
This mood of a verb expresses a command or a request.
Imperative mood
What are the different verb tenses?
Simple tenses, progressive tenses, perfect tense, perfect progressive tense
A verb that is a combination of a verb and an adverb or a verb and a preposition.
Phrasal verb
A phrase or expression whose meaning cannot be understood from the ordinary meanings of the words in it.
It is a word that functions as the name of some specific thing or set of things such as living creatures, objects, places, actions, qualities, states of existence, or idea.
What are the kinds of nouns?
Proper, common, collective, concrete, abstract, compound, count, and mass nouns.
A noun that always begins with a capital letter and is the name of a specific person, place, thing, or idea.
Proper noun
It is the generic name for a person, place, or thing in a class or group and is not capitalized unless it either begins in a sentence or appears in a title
Common noun
A noun that denotes a group of individuals
Collective noun
A kind of noun that can be identified through one of the five senses
Concrete noun
A noun that denotes an idea, quality, or state that is known by its effects but has no physical form or body.
Abstract noun
This kind of noun is made with two or more words used/joined together to name one person, thing, or place.
Compound noun
The noun that refers to the object that can be counted.
Count noun
The noun that denotes something that cannot be counted but can be quantified by measurement.
Mass noun
What are the genders of nouns?
Feminine, masculine, neuter, common
Common pertains to nouns that are either male or female
It pertains to objects with no gender.
What are the uses/cases of nouns?
Nominative, Objective, Appositive, and Possessive cases
What are the uses/cases of pronouns?
Nominative, Objective, and Possessive cases
This use of noun is used to explain or identify another noun.
A use/case of noun/pronoun where it is used as the subject or subjective complement in a sentence.
Nominative case
It is the one performing the action of the verb.
A use/case of noun/pronoun where it is used as a direct object, indirect object, the object of a preposition, or objective complement in a sentence.
Objective case
Direct object is when the noun is the person or thing to or for the action is performed.
False (direct object is when the noun receives the action from the verb)
Direct object answers the question what or who.
It is the noun that completes the meaning of the direct object or tells what the direct object is.
Objective complement
It is a case where a noun is used to show ownership or possession.
Possessive noun
What do you call a word, phrase, or affix that occurs together with a noun and serves to express the reference of that noun?
Determiner or determinative
Are words that define a noun as specific or unspecific
What are the two types of articles?
Definite and indefinite articles
The definite article is the word “the”
This limits the meaning of a noun to one particular thing.
Definite article
The indefinite article is the word “the”
False (it’s the word a/an)
This article only appears with singular nouns.
Indefinite articles
It is a word that replaces a noun in a sentence.
What are the kinds of pronouns?
Personal, Intensive and Reflexive, Demonstrative, Relative, Interrogative, Indefinite, and Reciprocal pronouns
These are compound personal pronouns that end in the suffix ‘self’/’selves’
Intensive and reflexive pronouns
These pronouns are _____ when the action indicated goes back to the subject.
These pronouns are intensive when they are used for emphasis or reinforcement.
What kind of pronoun directs attention or points a specific person, place, or thing?
Demonstrative pronoun
This kind of pronoun is used to connect a clause or phrase to a noun or pronoun.
Relative pronoun
Relative pronoun is a connecting word to another idea in the same sentence.
What kind of pronoun is used to ask questions?
Interrogative pronoun
What are the interrogative pronouns?
What, which, who, whom, and whose
What kind of pronoun does not refer to any person, amount, or thing in particular?
Indefinite pronoun
What kind of pronoun indicates mutual interchange of action?
Reciprocal pronoun
It refers to a word that modifies a noun or a pronoun.
An adjective appears before the noun it modifies.
What are the types of adjectives?
Descriptive, limiting, interrogative adjective
What are the degrees of comparison?
Positive, comparative, superlative
What type of adjective is a word that gives quality, size, age, shape, color, origin, and material/kind to a noun or pronoun?
Descriptive adjective
Descriptive adjective often answers the question, “what kind of?”
Limiting adjective often answers the question, “what kind of?”
False (it answers the question, “which?” or “how many?” or “how much?”)
What type of adjective is a word that points out an object or indicates its number or quantity?
Limiting adjective
What type of adjective are question words?
Interrogative adjective
This degree of comparison is used when two things are being compared with each other.
The positive degree of comparison is used when three or more things are being compared with each other.
False (positive is used when the adjective is NOT being compared with anything else)
What degree of comparison is used when three or more things are being compared with each other?
What refers to a word that modifies a verb or an adjective?
What are the kinds of adverbs?
Adverb of Manner, Adverb of Place, Adverb of Time, Adverb of Frequency, Adverb of Degree, Adverb of Reason, Adverb of Negation
The Adverb of Negation expresses negativity.
Today, tomorrow, now, next month, early, again - they are examples of the Adverb of Time.
What kind of adverb indicates how an action is done?
Adverb of Manner
What kind of adverb shows how many times an action is done?
Adverb of Frequency
What kind of adverb signifies the intensity of or how much an action is done?
Adverb of Degree
What is a word that expresses relationships between a noun/pronoun and another word in the sentence?
What do you call a preposition that consists of two or more words?
Compound preposition
What is a word that is used to connect clauses or sentences?
What are the different kinds of conjunctions?
Coordinating, Correlative, Subordinating Conjunction
What kind of conjunction connects ideas of the same kind?
Coordinating Conjunction
Subordinating conjunctions connect two ideas that are not the same in rank.
What is used to express feelings or emotions?
What kind of conjunction connects the same kinds of words or groups of words and comes in pairs?
Correlative Conjunction
It is defined as a group of words containing both a subject and a verb. It makes up sentences.
What are the kinds of sentences?
Simple, compound, complex sentence
A Simple Sentence consists of one main/independent clause.
What kind of sentence has at least two independent clauses that are connected by coordinating conjunctions?
Compound Sentence
What are the different problems in sentences?
Sentence fragments, Run-on sentences, Loose sentences, Choppy sentences, Excessive subordinations, Parallel structure
A sentence fragment is not a complete sentence.
What kind of problem with sentences is caused by excessive use of the connective “and” when other conjunctions would convey more precise meaning?
Loose Sentences
What are the two types of Run-on Sentences?
Fused sentences and comma splice
What kind of problem with sentences is it when two or more independent clauses are inappropriately joined?
Run-on Sentences