English 10 flash cards
Antisemitic (n)
1 Antisemitic remarks were posted on the site
2 His antisemetic attitude cost him the election
Antisemite (N)- hostile or predict AGAINST jew
Delineate (V)
1 the reporter clearly delinates the steps that must be take
2 The deer hunter delineates about the buck
Delinate (V)
the OPPOSITE of no describing something Priestley
disseminate (V)
!there is a subset of these low-grade tumors that can disseminate and migrate
That’s our job, is to disseminate information to the public.
Disseminate(V) to SPREAD widely
Enervate(V)1Come 6:30, the long, enervating adventure was gaveled close, at last setting everyone Delilah managed to completely enervate Samson with the simple cutting of his hair.
Enervate(V) the CAUSE of something
Foreboding (N)
1”when the Doctor spoke, his voice was dark and foreboding”
2 “she read the note with a sense of foreboding”
Foreboding (N)
a FEELING something bad is going to happen
Imperative (AJD) 1 It was imperative that he act as naturally as possible.
2He found that the interests of safety and welfare imperatively required action.
Imperative (AJD of vital importance; crucial.
Midwife(N) 1”she is a trained midwife”
2”the midwife weighed the new baby”
midwife(N) assist (a woman) during childbirth.
miscreant (N) 1 He supports tough penalties against corporate miscreants.
2 He set a good example for the rest of us.
miscreant (N) (of a person) behaving badly or in a way that breaks a law or rule.
“her miscreant husband”
nonaccredited (ADJ)1In addition to the accredited media, up to 10,000 non-accredited journalists are expected to attend the event. 2 Older children have important noncognitive advantages over their younger classmates.
nonaccredited (ADJ)not recognized as meeting prescribed standards or requirement
overaccentuate (V)1 he overaccentuates that phrase to much
2 He likes to wear clothes that accentuate his muscular build.
overaccentuate (V) to accentuate or emphasize (something) too much.
predilection (N 1 He showed a predilection for poetry.
2 Ever since she was a child, she has had a predilection for spicy food.
predilection (N)a preference or special liking for something; a bias in favor of something.
“my predilection for Asian food”
reiterate (V) The government has reiterated its refusal to compromise with terrorists 2 She avoided answering our questions directly, instead reiterating that the answers could be found in her book.
reiterate (V) say something again or a number of times, typically for emphasis or clarity.
semiliterate (ADJ) 1Steil noticed that the man read like a semiliterate person, word by word, his mind searching for hidden effects or derivations.2Mary and Samantha arrived at the bus station early but waited until noon for the bus.
semiliterate (ADJ) a person who is poorly educated or unable to read or write with ease or fluency.
subserviant (ADJ) 1 “he expected her career to become subservient to his” 2 “he expected her career to become subservient to his”
subserviant (ADJ) prepared to obey others unquestioningly.
superlative (ADJ) 1It was the happiest day of my life. 2 This is the most beautiful movie I have ever seen.
superlative (ADJ)of the highest quality or degree.
transient (ADJ) 1 the transient nature of the labor force in catering 2 It was a town of transients waiting for the boat to Egypt.
transient (ADJ) a person who is staying or working in a place for only a short time.
unequivocal (ADJ) 1 It is good that the participants should know this in clear and unequivocal terms.2 they presented unequivocal evidence to prove his guilt
unequivocal (ADJ) leaving no doubt; unambiguous.
underprivileged (ADJ) 1 I got so into the article that I wanted to give back to underprivileged children. 2 The school provides free room, board, and education to underprivileged children.
underprivileged (ADJ) (of a person) not enjoying the same standard of living or rights as the majority of people in a society.
ambivalent (ADJ) 1 some loved her, some hated her, few were ambivalent about her 2 she has ambivalent feelings on the subject
ambivalent (ADJ)having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone.
percentile (N) 1 His height and weight are in the 80th percentile for boys his age.
percentile (N) a value on a scale of one hundred that indicates the percent of a distribution that is equal to or below it
circumnavigate (V) 1”he undertook to circumnavigate the globe in 80 days or less” 2”he helped her to circumnavigate a frozen puddle”
circumnavigate (V) go around or avoid (an obstacle).
(contra) counteract (V) 1 He drug will counteract the poison.
2 The heat will turn down oh-so-slightly, and higher humidity might counteract it.
(contra) counteract (V) to make ineffective or restrain or neutralize the usually ill effects of by means of an opposite force, action, or influence.
patronize (V) 1 He said two types of consumers patronize dollar stores 2 They run the neighborhood restaurants, bicycle stores, and flower shops you patronize
patronize (V) treat in a way that is apparently kind or helpful but that betrays a feeling of superiority.
portly (ADJ 1”he was a man of portly presence” 2 “a portly little man with a bowler hat”
portly (ADJ) having a stout body; somewhat fat (used especially of a man).
anticorruption (ADJ) He is a leading light in the anti-corruption crusade 2A new anti-corruption czar was to be appointed.
anticorruption (ADJ)designed to eradicate or prevent dishonest or fraudulent conduct, especially in a political context.
conscript (N)1”Bring back a draft that starts conscription at the top of the social ladder.”
“The end of conscription in most of the West is a response to these pressures.2”“Bring back a draft that starts conscription at the top of the social ladder.”
“The end of conscription in most of the West is a response to these pressures.”
conscript (N) compulsory enlistment for state service, typically into the armed forces.
sectarian (ADJ) 1there had been a series of sectarian attacks in the region 2 the peace process hopes to break down the sectarian divide in our society
sectarian (ADJ) denoting or concerning a sect or sects.
sentient (ADJ) 1 she had been instructed from birth in the equality of all sentient life forms 2 The Buddha taught that one should practice loving kindness to all sentient beings.
sentient (ADJ) able to perceive or feel things.
introspective (ADJ) 1he’s introspective and difficult to get to know 2 her poetry is introspective to the point of being almost solipsist
introspective (ADJ) As a student, he was very quiet and introspective.
infrastructure(N) 1the infrastructure of the country is in ruins 2 the social and economic infrastructure of a country
infrastructure (N) the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities (e.g. buildings, roads, power supplies) needed for the operation of a society or enterprise.
improvise (V) 1”if you forget your words, improvise!” 2”it was the trombonist’s turn to improvise”
improvise (V) create and perform (music, drama, or verse) spontaneously or without preparation.
irrevocable (ADJ) 1”this will be an irrevocable step in the wrong direction” 2”I have an aversion to displacement, scars, irrevocable changes in a familiar landscape.”
irrevocable (ADJ) not able to be changed, reversed, or recovered; final.
misanthrope (N) 1 He was a misanthrope, and to italicize his misanthropy he had made himself a juggler.2 Prompted by her annoyance with humanity, Amanda, a prickly misanthrope, rents a house to which she, Clay and their teenagers decamp.
misanthrope (N a person who dislikes humankind and avoids human society.
autoimmune (ADJ) 1 “The findings may provide new approaches for treating cancer and autoimmune diseases.” 2 “With disease progression, the autoimmune response of the disease may become more difficult to suppress.”
autoimmune (ADJ) relating to disease caused by antibodies or lymphocytes produced against substances naturally present in the body.
symbiotic (ADJ)”the reader can have a symbiotic relationship with the writer”
“They have a sort of symbiotic relationship and mutual need for each other.”
“The two formed a close friendship and a symbiotic working relationship.”
symbiotic (ADJ)used to describe a relationship between two different living creatures that live close together and depend on each other in particular ways, each getting particular benefits from the other.
anachronism (N”the wigs and robes are clearly an anachronism in the legal system”
“There is a major sin in history writing, that of anachronism.”
anachronism (N)a thing belonging or appropriate to a period other than that in which it exists, especially a thing that is
electrodynamic (N) In an afternoon they might discuss electrodynamics, cosmic rays, astrophysics, and nuclear physics.
electrodynamic (N) the branch of mechanics concerned with the interaction of electric currents with magnetic fields or
micromanager (N) 1He was a micromanager who knew of virtually everything that was going on inside his stores. 2She tends to micromanage, frustrating staff members with her unwillingness to delegate tasks.
micromanager (N) to control every part of a situation, project, etc., even including the small details, in a way that may not be necessary and may not give enough responsibility to other employees
misconstrue (V) 1Joe waited for the train. 2 Mary and Samantha arrived at the bus station early but waited until noon for the bus.
misconstrue (V)) interpret (something, especially a person’s words or actions) wrongly.
technocracy (N) I had already done a theocratic technocracy, so why not a feudal democracy 2 But technocracy is intellectually dead and politically exhausted
technocracy (N) the government or control of society or industry by an elite of technical experts.