English 10 Flashcards
Antisenite (N)
- Antisenite Remarks Were Posted On Site
- His Antisenite Attitude Cost Him The Election.
Hostile Or Prejudice Against Jewish People
A: Percoal
S: racits
delineate (V)
- The Boundry Of Parking Lot Is Delineate By A Low Brick Wall.
- The Report Clearly Delineates The Steps That Must Be Taken.
To Describe Portray Or Set Forth With Accuracy Or In Detail.
A: fog
S: setforth
disseminate (V)
- The Internet Allows As To Disseminate Information Faster.
- That Is Among The Honest Messages Western Information Campaigns Can Disseminate.
To Spread Information Knowledge Opinions Widely.
A: blanket
S: speed
enervate (V)
- Its Crushed Leaves And Stems Are Ased To Enervate Bees While Gathering Honey.
2.. I Want To Excite These Kids Not Enervate Them.
To Lessen The Vitality Or Strength Of.
A: brace
S: tire
Forebonding (N)
1.When The Doctor spoke, His Voice Was Dark And Foreboding
2.She Read The Note With A Sense Of Foreboding
A Strong Inner Feeling Or Notion Of A Future Misfortune, Evil
A: calm
S: fear
impervious (ADJ)
1.He Worked, Apparently Impervious To The Heat
2.An Impervious Layer Of Basaltic Clay
Not Allowing Fluid To Pass Through.
S: watertight
Intercede (V)
1.At This Point The Seconds, Attempting To Intercede, Begged The Oair To Top
2.I’m Not About To Intercede In The Little Monster’s Behalf
Intervene On Behalf Of Another.
A: avoid
S: step in
miscreant (N)
1.He Supports Tough Penalties Against Corporate Miscreants
2He Set A Good Example For The Rest Of Us
To Belive
A: equal
S: criminal
midwife (N)
1.She Is A Trained Midwife
- The Midwife Weighed The New Baby
A Person Typically A Woman Trained To Assist Women In Childbirth.
nonaccredited (ADJ)
1.She Holds A Degree From An Unaccredited University
2We Are Asked To Pray For Our Unconverted Friends
Not Recognized As Meeting Prescribed Standardse Or Requirements
overaccentuate (V)
1.He Likes To Wear Clothes That Accentuate His Muscular Build
2Don’t Drink The Milk. It Smells Terrible.
To Accentuate Or Emphasize Something Too Much.
predilection (N)
1.He Showed A Predilection For Poetry.
2Ever Since She Was A Child, She Has Had A Predilection For Spicy Food.
Bias, Prejudice, And Prepossession
reiterate (V)
1.She Avoided Answering Our Questions Directly, Instead Reiterating That The Answers Could Be Found In Her Book.
2.At The Meeting, There Were Some Reiterations Of Past Promises.
Say Something Again Or A Number Of Times, Typically For Emphasis Or Clarity.
semiliterate (ADJ)
- Don’t Drink The Milk. It Smells Terrible.
2,He’s Very Impatient And Always Interrupts Me Mid-Sentence.
Able To Read But Unable To Write
subserviant (ADJ)
1She Is Meek And Subservient To The Needs Of Her God.
2 She Was Subservient To Her Parents.
Obsequious, Servile, And Slavish
superlative (ADJ)
1.My House Is The Largest One In Our Neighborhood.
2.This Is The Smallest Box I’ve Ever Seen.
Of The Highest Quality Or Degree
transient (ADJ)
1.a transient cold spell
- The Transient Nature Of The Labor Force In Catering.
Lasting Only For A Short Time
unequivocal (ADJ)
1.He Was Unequivocal In Condemning The Violence
- They Presented Unequivocal Evidence To Prove His Guilt
Leaving No Doubt Nambiguous.
underprivileged (ADJ)
- He Plight Of The Underprivileged
- Got So Into The Article That I Wanted To Give Back To Underprivileged Children
Strongest Matches
ambivalent (ADJ)
- I Feel Rather Ambivalent About Him.
- She Has Ambivalent Feelings On The Subject
Having Mixed Feelings Or Contradictory
aquatics (ADJ)
- water lilies and other deep-water aquatics
- Watch aquatic creatures in their natural habitat
An Aquatic Plant Or Animal, Especially One Suitable
audacity (N)
benediction (N)
percentile (N)
circumnavigate (V)
(contra) counteract (V)
edict (N)
viaduct (N)
fac(t) artifact (N)
malformed (ADJ)
malformed (ADJ)
- treat in a way that is apparently kind or helpful but that betrays a feeling of superiority
- frequent (a store, theater, restaurant, or other establishment) as a customer.
He said two types of consumers patronize dollar stores
- having a stout body; somewhat fat (used especially of a man
- of a stately or dignified appearance and manner.
he was a man of portly presence
- designed to eradicate or prevent dishonest
- fraudulent conduct, especially in a political context.
He is a leading light in the anti-corruption crusade.
1. enlist (someone) compulsorily, typically into the armed services
- a person enlisted compulsorily.
A peasant conscript army was established, with weapons being the possessions of the government.
sectarian (ADJ)
sentient (ADJ)
she had been instructed from birth in the equality of all sentient life forms”
“The Buddha taught that one should practice loving kindness to all sentient beings.
able to perceive or feel things.
introspective (ADJ)
“he’s introspective and difficult to get to know”
“her poetry is introspective to the point of being almost solipsist”
spends considerable time examining his own thoughts and feelings.
infrastructure (N)
the infrastructure of the country is in ruins”
“the social and economic infrastructure of a country”
the basic physical systems of a business, region, or nation and often involves the production of public goods or production processes.
improvise (V)
“if you forget your words, improvise!”
“it was the trombonist’s turn to improvise”
reate and perform (music, drama, or verse) spontaneously or without preparation.
irrevocable (ADJ)
this will be an irrevocable step in the wrong direction”
“And thus the final bond is achieved, an irrevocable connection that can never be broken.”
not able to be changed, reversed, or recovered; final.
misanthrope (N
Prompted by her annoyance with humanity, Amanda, a prickly misanthrope,
rents a house to which she, Clay and their teenagers decamp.
a person who dislikes humankind and avoids human society.
autoimmune (ADJ)
The findings may provide new approaches for treating cancer and autoimmune diseases.”
“With disease progression, the autoimmune response of the disease may become more difficult to suppress.”
A condition in which the body’s immune system mistakes its own healthy tissues as foreign and attacks them.
symbiotic (ADJ)
the reader can have a symbiotic relationship with the writer”
“They have a sort of symbiotic relationship and mutual need for each other.”
one in which organisms, people, or things exist together in a way that benefits them all.
anachronism (N)
the wigs and robes are clearly an anachronism in the legal system”
“There is a major sin in history writing, that of anachronism.”
an act of attributing a custom, event, or object to a period to which it does not belong.
electrodynamic (N)
The drink will replenish your electrolytes.
Shinbrot’s lab originally was looking at the effects of electrostatics on pharmaceutical powders, and how a charge can make them stick to surfaces.
a branch of physics that deals with the effects arising from the interactions of electric currents with magnets, with other currents, or with themselves.
dysphoria (N
Growing up with alcoholic parents can produce dysphoria and low self-esteem in adulthood.
He had severe acid reflux and a swallowing condition called dysphagia that caused milk to go down his windpipe instead of his esophagus, making him choke.
of feeling very unhappy, uneasy
etiology (N)
Today an epigram is generally defined as any short poem with a witty ending.”
“He was a master of the scintillating surface, the witty musical epigram, the surprising twist.”
the cause or causes of a disease.
monograph (N)
“To be sure, it is a worthy subject for a monograph or doctoral dissertation.”
“Detailed notes and an excellent bibliographic essay end the monograph.”
a detailed written study of a single specialized subject or an aspect of it.
There’s the bromance, and then there’s the hetero couple. …
What did all those white-on-white-let-alone-hetero love stories look like to me?
In music, heterophony is a type of texture characterized by the simultaneous variation of a single melodic line.
He played the guitar in the live band yesterday
Will he be able to beat the champion of all times?
each of two or more words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins, or spelling,
He had already done everything he could using conventional knowledge of geology and hydrology.
the branch of science concerned with the properties of the earth’s water, and especially its movement
Their accusations of corruption are hypocritical - they have been just as corrupt themselves.
excessively and unreasonably critical, especially of small faults.
Quartz pulls a hypodermic filled with a clear sparkling liquid out of his bag.”
“‘Empty,’ he sighed, nudging the hypodermic with his gun.”
relating to the region immediately beneath the skin.
At college she developed an interest in etymology
The etiology of absence of the duct is unclear.
the study of the origin of words
asymmetrical (ADJ)
he church has an asymmetrical plan with an aisle only on one side”
“At the very top of the structure is an asymmetrical spire
as two sides that don’t match
micromanager (N)
It is not the CEO’s job to micromanage the company.
When you watch me do calculations for our performance report each week, I feel like I’m being micromanaged and that you don’t have confidence in my abilities.
a management style characterized by excessive scrutiny of and control over a team and its members.
Don’t drink the milk. It smells terrible.
Has anyone seen my phone? I can’t find it anywhere.
to interpret (something, such as a statement or action) wrongly
monocle (N)
“A brown derby covered his white hair, and a monocle covered his eye.”
“He adjusted the monocle and focused it on the large sparkling stone.”
a single eyeglass, kept in position by the muscles around the eye.
amorphous (ADJ)
pseudonym (N)
philharmonic (ADJ)
hydrophobia (N)
arthroscope (N)
technocracy (N)
telepathic (ADJ)
you’ll have to explain - I’m not telepathic”
“The four friends are telepathic.”
supposedly capable of transmitting thoughts to other people and of knowing their thoughts; psychic.
thermodynamics (N)
The field of thermodynamics is concerned with all types of energy changes in physical systems.”
“Is the 3rd law of thermodynamics valid even for objects smaller than atoms
the branch of physical science that deals with the relations between heat and other forms of energy
The need for brevity made Lincoln pack a great deal into few words.”
“But in the interest of brevity I now leave this short summary as it is.”
concise and exact use of words in writing or speech.
“patients with liver disease may be susceptible to infection”
likely or liable to be influenced or harmed by a particular thing.likely or liable to be influenced or harmed by a particular thing.
“they provided considerable empirical evidence to support their argument”
based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic.
“keys allow people to decipher coded messages”
convert (a text written in code, or a coded signal) into normal language.
“he wondered if the doctor was being deliberately obtuse”
annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand.