Englisch with Jerry Flashcards
встречаться с кем-то (романтик)
be seeing (see)
Is she seeing anyone at the moment?
Is Marg still seeing Tom?
Are you seeing somebody else?
I’m seeing somebody right now.
I see what you mean.
I don’t see why I should go there.
You’ll see what I mean when you get to college.
провожать кого-то до (двери)
see smbd out
I’ll see you out. - Don’t worry, I’ll see myself out.
I’ll see you to the door.
Let me see you to the elevator.
провожать кого-то в (аэропорт)
see smbd off
My parents came to the airport to see me off.
Thanks for coming to see me off.
You don’t tell me, you were coming to see me off.
нравится / не нравится
like / dislike
I like skiing, but I dislike snowboarding.
Why do you want people to dislike you.
в отличии от
Unlike my friends, i like to do sport.
Unlike you, I don’t have a lot of time for parties.
Unlike my brother, I know when to say no.
It is likely to rain, i need to take an umbrella.
получить приобрести
get + существительное
I got the letter from Jerry.
I got a new phone for my wife on her birthday.
добираться, добраться
get + place
I got to the office late.
I get home at 7pm every day.
get + adjective
I had to take those pills, to stop me from getting sick.
I got angry because I were right and I knew it.
I’m getting tired of.
I’m getting hungry.
It’s getting dark.
be back
I’ll be back in an hour
вернулся - he is back
through - через, сквозь
in - через (10 минут)
every - через день (every other day)
over - через стену (he climbed over the fence)
один раз, однажды
сразу, моментально
at once
время от времени
once in a while
хоть раз
for once
раз и на всегда
once and for all
I intend to stop it, once and for all!
еще раз, снова, в очередной раз
once again