Englands Relations With Foreign Powers 1558-64 Flashcards
Treaty of cambreis 1559
- England and France reached agreement over vexed issue of Calais
- Ended war between France and eng that eliz had inherited from Mary
- France would retain Calais for 8 years, Calais would be restored to English control if england kept peace in the meantime
- if France fail to return Calais they agreed to pay 500k crowns to england
Intervention in Scotland
Treaty of Edinburgh 1560
- withdrawal of english and french soldiers and left Scotland to settle its own affairs
- brought popes influence over Scotland to an end
Treaty of Berwick 1560
- english fleet and army would come to Scotland to expel the french troops who were defending the regency of Mary guise (MQS mother)
Intervention in France
Conflict broke out between catholics and Protestants
Robert Dudley encouraged eliz to put military pressure on french crown
Eliz provided Huguenot leader with men and money but army defeated and condé captured
English forced to accept the treaty of Troyes 1564, loss of Calais confirmed as permanent
Despite problems in foreign policy, eliz had impressive start as queen
Established herself as queen
Achhieved settlement