Engines Flashcards
Name the two most common ways to measure cam lobe wear
Camshaft lobe wear may be measured with an outside micrometer or with a dial indicator
What is the deck?
The deck is the top surface of the block to which the cylinder head mounts.
Where does maximum cylinder bore wear occur?
Maximum cylinder bore wear occurs at the top of the ring travel area
What is the function of compression rings?
Compression rings form a seal between the piston and cylinder walls
What does piston pin offset refer to?
the piston pin located close to the major thrust side to help prevent piston slap
What are most pistons used today made from?
What is the initial purpose of core plugs?
to allow the release of sand from the block moulding process
What tool(s) is generally used to measure cylinder block deck warpage?
straightedge and feeler gauge
What tools) is generally used to measure crankshaft bearing journals?
What can excessive piston clearance cause?
Piston slap
Why are cylinders deglazed?
To ensure proper ring sealing
Each half of a split bearing is made so that it is slightly greater than an exact half. What is this extension called?
What is the connecting rod journal also called?
Crank pin
How can main bearing bore misalignment be corrected?
Line boring
What is the correct procedure for boring cylinders?
bore to the new piston size, and hone to the clearance specification
What type of hone should be used during a cylinder bore operation?
A rigid hone
Connecting rod bearings are to be replaced. The rod journal measures 70.866 mm (2.790in.). The standard rod journal diameteris 71.12 mm (2.800 in.). What size bearings should you order from the parts room?
0.010 undersized
What measurements would have to be taken to calculate cylinder bore taper?
take a bore reading at the top and bottom of ring travel at 90 degrees to the block centreline
What speed and direction are balance shafts rotated?
at twice the crankshaft speed and in the opposite direction