Engineering Surveying Week 3 Flashcards
What is direct distance measurement?
- Simple measurement using steel and fibreglass tapes
- 50m is most common length
When measuring slope distance what 4 corrections may need to be made to convert it to horizontal distance D?
- Standardisation (FOR ALL TAPES)
- Temperature (JUST FOR STEEL TAPES)
What is the formula for slope correction if angle theta is known?
Slope correction = - L(1 - cosθ)
What is the formula for slope correction if change in height is known?
Slope correction = -(ΔH2/2L)
What is the formula for standardisation correction?
Standardisation correction = L(l’ - l)/l
L = recorded length of a line
l = nominal tape length (e.g. 30m)
l’ = standardised tape length (e.g. 30.012m)
NB This correction can be +ve or -ve
What is the formula for tension correction?
Tension correction = L(TF - TS)/AE
L = recorded length of a line
TF = tension applied to the tape (N)
TS = standard calibration tension (N)
A = cross-sectional area of the tape (mm2)
E = modulus of elasticity for the tape material (N/mm2)
NB Tension correction can be +ve or -ve
What is the formula for temperature correction?
Temperature correction = ∝L(tF - tS)
∝ = coefficient of expansion of the tape material (0.0000112
per °C for steel)
be L = recorded length of a line
tF = mean field temperature (°C)
tS = standard calibration temperature
NB Temperature correction can +ve or -ve
What is the whole correction formula for direct distance measurement?
Which for of direct distance measurement has the best accuracy?
- Fibre glass tapes have 1:1000 accuracy if standardisation and slope applied
- Steel tapes have 1:5000 accuracy if standardisation and slope applied
- Steel tapes have 1:20000 accuracy if temp and tension also applied
How does electromagnetic distance measurement work?
- Uses phase measurement or time pulsed method to calculate 2L
What is the formula for the phase measurement method?
- 2L = nλ + Δλ
What is the formula for the time pulsed method?
- 2L = v.t
How do you calculate D and V in EDM?
- D = L cos θ
- V = L sin θ
How do you calculate the reduced level using EDM?
What are the three types of control network?
- Horizontal - Only plan positions known
- Vertical - Only RLs known
- Combined - Plan positions and RLs known