Engineering Plant Operations, Maintenace, And Inspections Flashcards
What is the primary goal of any ship?
Get underway
Which of the following systems is designed to eliminate problems due to operator error during the alignment of piping systems and the starting and stopping of machinery?
Engineering operational sequencing system
What provides a detailed explanation of the engineering operational sequencing system?
Engineering operational sequencing systems users guide
What document is a compilation of corresponding operational procedures used for a specific plant status change?
Master plant procedure
What document contains a logical sequence of actions and required reports to prepare, align start, shift, secure, or stop a specific component?
Component procedure
😂Master plant procedure
What procedure consists of technically correct, logically sequenced procedures, used for responding to and controlling commonly occurring casualties?
Engineering operational casualty control
What vital actions minimize casualties caused by material failure?
Preventative maintenance
When, if ever, are abnormal readings on a gauge or other indicating instrument assumed to be caused by a problem with the gauge or instrument?
What document is a the record of engineering system status and operational events for surface ships and submarines
Engineering log
Which of the following forms contains the instructions for entering data into the engineering log?
Naval sea systems command (NAVSEA) 3120/2D
Naval ships systems command (NAVSHIPS) 3648
What steps are taken when corrections are necessary to entries made in the engineering log?
The original entry is one lined correct entry inserted, so clarity and legibility are maintained
While underway who is authorized to make corrections, additions, or changes to the engineering log
The engineering officer of the watch for the watch
The engineering log shall be preserved as a permanent record onboard except in obedience to a demand from whom?
A naval court or board
What document governs the disposal of engineering logs?
Disposal of navy and marine corps records, SECNAVINST 5212.5
How is the engineers bell book maintained when the engines are controlled directly from the bridge?
😂Bridge personnel, by means of deck log
Engineering watch by means of the engine order telegraph
What documents provide trend analysis of long-term machinery performance?
Equipment operating logs
On most modern ships the equipment operating logs are done electronically by what system?
Automated component assessment system
Integrated condition assessment system
What document contains the previous days feed water and potable water performance and results of water tests?
Fuel and water report
What naval sea systems command document number is given to the alternating current/direct current electric propulsion operating record?
What document provides a chronological check off of key steps required in warming up the engineering plant for getting the ship underway?
Engineering operating sequencing systems
Warming-up schedule
The gas turbine propulsion plants are unique in that service and maintenance records are similar to what type of propulsion plant
What document provides clear guidance for circumstances where a ship must deviate from standard engineering operational or casualty control procedures?
Restricted maneuvering doctrine
In the absence of the engineer officer, who can perform as the plant control officer?
The main propulsion assistant
What period of time, in years, must the engineering log and engineers bell book be preserved, onboard ship, as permanent records?
If a ship is scrapped, what location are the ships current books forwarded?
The nearest naval records management center
The primary objective of what system is to provide for managing maintenance, and maintenance support, in a way to ensure maximum equipment operational readiness?
Ships maintenance and material management system
What primary purpose does maintenance provide?
Ensures that equipment is ready for service at all times
What system is a means for the fleet to report configuration changes to equipment?
Maintenance data system
What location originates the ships maintenance action form?
Work center
At what frequency, in months, are new current ships maintenance project reports received?
Division officers should be given accurate work estimates for which of the following reasons?
May effect the ships operational schedule
When multiple shops are required for a work project, what process will provide the most accurate work estimate?
Each shop drafts and all estimates are combined to obtain final
The lead shop drafts factoring prior work estimates
What risk, if any, is associated with estimating the time requirements of other personnel for a work project?
It is impossible to obtain sufficient information on someone else to make an accurate estimate
Which of the following officers onboard a ship typically organizes and supervises the engineering department inspecting group?
Engineering officer
What document aids inspecting officials and ensures that no important item is overlooked during an inspection?
Inspection check off list
What types of inspections include battle problems?
Operational readiness inspections only
What is the primary purpose of a shipboard battle problem?
To provide a medium for testing and evaluating the ability of all divisions to function together as a team
The value of a battle problem to a ships company is directly proportional to which of the following factors?
The amount of realism provided in the problem
Which of the following is a main inspection item for a material inspection of engineering spaces?
Installation and maintenance of required equipment in the engineering spaces
What effect will an interruption during a full-power trial cause to the trials outcome?
Unsay new trial
What minimum number of days must an engineer officer report to the commanding officer the condition of the engineering plant machinery and whether the ship is fit to proceed with a planned trial?
Naval shipyard personnel typically accompany the ship on what type of trial?
Post- repair
What frequency range in hertz is the loss of hearing sensitivity most common
What cause is typically attributed to permanent hearing loss?
Repeated exposure to intense noise level
Repeated exposure to jet prop aircraft
Human speech falls within what frequency range in hertz
What command manages the hearing conservation program and maintains the programs currency and effectiveness
Naval medical command
What command, in coordination with naval medical command, provides technical assistance and engineering guidance to commands in the area of the noise abatement?
Chief of naval material
Who is responsible for ensuring high noise signs are posted in spaces that are high noise areas?