Engineering Managemant Flashcards
What is criminal law?
Prosecutions are almost always brought about by the state against individuals for breaches of criminal laws. The sanctions are a fine and/or prison and/or community service and obtaining a criminal record.
What is the burden of proof in criminal and civil
In criminal it is beyond reasonable doubt. In civil it is on the balance of probabilities.
What is the hierarchy of criminal and civil courts
Criminal: magistrates, crown, appeal, supreme.
Civil: small claims, county/high, appeal, supreme
What happens in court
Each side presents evidence in turn. Each side may cross examine. Then it’s either considered by jury who give verdict, then judge decides sentence or fine, or considered by judge who decide verdict and sanction.
What are the two sides in criminal court
Crown, represented by crown prosecution service and defendant
What are the two areas of civil law relating to safety
Negligence and nuisance
What is negligence
When an employer fails to observe their duty of care. It can be failing to do something a reasonable person would do, or to do something that a reasonable person would not.
What must the duty of care provide
Safe premises, safe systems of work, safe materials and equipment, safe machinery, competent personnel.
What is contributory negligence
The employee contributed to their injury
What is nuisance
When an occupier of land that has something dangerous in escapes and causes damage. The law applies whether or not there was any negligence.
What is civil law?
The litigation is between individuals, the injured party (claimant) and the individual alleged to have caused the injury (defendant). The state plays no part. The legal costs have to paid by the losing side.
What can inspectors employed by the HSE do
They have right of entry into premises at all reasonable times without prior notice. And on finding breaches of regulations, the inspector can issue an improvement notice, issue a prohibition notice, seizure of the dangerous machinery or prosecution. More than one option can be used at once.
What are the COSHH regulations
Set of regulations that cover all substances hazardous to health. Only lead, asbestos and ionising radiation are exempt.
What three sections are COSHH split into
General, carcinogens, biological agents
What do the COSHH regulations demand
The suppliers of potentially hazardous substances provide a safety data sheet. And that employers prepare written plans of work to ensure safe use of substances. The written plan evaluates the risk and then decide what actions are needed to reduce risk
What are the principle sections of the management of the health and safety at work regulations
Risk assessment, health and safety arrangements, health surveillance health and safety assistance, procedures for danger areas, information for employees, co-operation and co-ordination, capabilities and training, employees duties.
What does a risk assessment involve
Identify risks to health and safety and what preventative measures have been taken. It needs to be recorded when the company has more than five employees
What does the dangerous substances and explosive atmospheres regulation require
Employers and self employed to find out what dangerous substances and what the fire and explosions risks are in workplace. Carry out risk assessment. Classify hazardous places into zones. Make arrangements for dealing with accidents. Make sure employees are informed and trained to control risks.
What does the reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations require
Employers to notify HSE if person working on premises is killed or majorly injured, a member of public at premises is killed or taken to hospital. A full report sent to HSE within ten days. All injuries that result in someone taking three days or more off work, or if notified by a doctor that employee has notifiable disease reported the HSE. If something happens that could have resulted in death or injury, HSE must be notified straight away.
What does the display screen equipment regulations require
All operators of display screen equipment have adequate training and information, proper breaks, work stations suitable for them and eye tests.
What does the manual handling regulations require
Employers avoid the need for manual handling as far as reasonably practicable, assess risk of injury of manual handling , and reduce the risk as far as possible.
What does the working at height regulations require
All work at height is properly planned and organised, work is risk assessed, appropriate equipment is selected, risks from fragile surfaces are controlled, equipment is properly inspected and maintained. Avoid work at height if possible, if not, use measure to prevent falls, if not, use equipment that limits distance to fall.
What does the control of major accident hazards regulations require
Prevent and mitigate the effects of major accidents involving dangerous substances.
What are key duties of COMAH for lower tier operators
Notify to CA details of amounts of dangerous substances on site, site activities, environmental details. Take all measures necessary to prevent accidents and limit consequences. Prepare document setting out policy for preventing accidents.
What are the key duties of COMAH for top tier operators
Same as lower tier operators but additionally need to prepare safety report to show CA that all steps have been taken to prevent accidents. Need to provide certain info to public about activities.
What do the offshore installations regulations require
Duty holder needs to submit a safety case for the installation. Duty holder is either operator of production installation or owner of a non production installation.
When must revisions to a safety case be submitted
3 months before material change, 6 weeks before implementing the revision, after an accumulation of small changes could constitute a material change and in any case 3 months before the end of a three year life of a safety case
What does PFEER do
Defines goals for the preventative and protective measures necessary for managing fire and explosion hazards. It supports OSCR by providing the statutory framework for aspects of fire, explosion, evacuation, escape, and rescue required to be addressed in the safety case.
What areas do PFEER cover?
Assessment, performance standards, preparation for emergencies, equipment for helicopter emergencies, emergency response, communication, control of emergencies, muster areas, arrangements for evacuation, arrangements for escape, recovery and rescue, suitability and condition of plant.
What’s the aim of REACH regulations
Make the people who place chemicals on market responsible for understanding and managing the risks associated with their use. It requires chemicals made in quantities greater than a tonne to be registered, greater than 100 tonnes to be evaluated and certain substances of high concern to be authorised.
What does the pressure systems safety regulations cover
Steam boilers, steam heating systems, steam traps and filters, pressurised process plant and piping, compressed air systems, autoclaves and retorts, heat exchangers and refrigeration plant. Air systems above 0.5 brag to be covered and steam and water above 110 C.
What is a HAZOP study
It’s a systematic meeting based method of auditing the safety and operability of a plant design. A team of people follow a system of deviations from key words and to apply them to the complete plant line by line, item by item.
Who is required at a HAZOP meeting
Chairperson, scribe, design process engineer, independent process engineer, operations representative, safety engineer.
What documentation should be available for a HAZOP meeting
PFDs, piping and instrumentation diagrams, process data sheets
What’s the methodology of HAZOP
Pre meeting: chairperson provides preliminary nodal breakdown and preliminary guide word list.
Meeting: they work through the worksheet, when not enough safeguards are in place, and action is recorded.
Post meeting: chairperson concludes meeting with a list of action points raised.
Why is HAZOPs timing critical
Early enough so that changes can be made but late enough so that adequate definition exists.
What is a HAZOP study
It’s a systematic meeting based method of auditing the safety and operability of a plant design. A team of people follow a system of deviations from key words and to apply them to the complete plant line by line, item by item.
Who is required at a HAZOP meeting
Chairperson, scribe, design process engineer, independent process engineer, operations representative, safety engineer.
What documentation should be available for a HAZOP meeting
PFDs, piping and instrumentation diagrams, process data sheets
What’s the methodology of HAZOP
Pre meeting: chairperson provides preliminary nodal breakdown and preliminary guide word list.
Meeting: they work through the worksheet, when not enough safeguards are in place, and action is recorded.
Post meeting: chairperson concludes meeting with a list of action points raised.
Why is HAZOPs timing critical
Early enough so that changes can be made but late enough so that adequate definition exists.