engineering Flashcards
What is a (TCTO) time compliance technical order? and what are some of the change >?
accomplish special inspections or modification of vessels. The TCTO is applicable only to certain units administered under Surface Forces Logistics Center (SFLC) procedures. Changes: mission characteristics weight of boat/vessel hull structure paint/fluids prototype evaluations modifications
All cutter and boat operating machinery shall be inspected underway every ?
hour, and readings shall be recorded.
DC’s and all welding and allied processes on operational cutters and boats performed by Coast Guard personnel shall be conducted in accordance with
NSTM Chapter 074, vol 1 and the American Welding society and must be gas free before the start.
Coast Guard afloat gas free engineers/afloat gas free engineer petty officers, properly trained and designated in writing by the CO/OIC, are authorized to perform the duties of a Competent Person to maintain the gas free certification of a licensed
Marine Chemist
what rank EPOs can be assigned to a cutter and meeting the educational requirements set forth in NSTM Chapter 074 Volume 3 are authorized to be certified as afloat Gas Free Engineers?
E-6 EPOs
EPOs assigned to cutters must issue at least ? gas free engineering certificates per year to keep certifications current,
what is the difference between (PMS) Planned maintenance system and Preventative main? What is Alternative Main?
- PMS- is a paper or software based system which allows operators to carry out maintenance in intervals in accordance with the manufacturers requirements.
The primary goal is to avoid or mitigate the consequences of failure of equipment. - Preventative Maintenance required for all equipment and standard boats to detect failure.
Inspecting, cleaning, reconditioning. - Alternative Main- improves systems performance by changing configurations to meet environmental, safety,+ operational or economic requirements.
What is Asphyxiation?
when removing water and oily waste from a compartment, the suction created by an eductor can also remove the air supply to a compartment. Using an eductor to take suction on a space that does not have adequate ventilation (air supply) can cause asphyxiation (death) of persons in the compartment.
what is Inadvertent Flooding?
Installed eductors are operated by water pressure from the firemain. Improper valve alignment and insufficient firemain pressure may cause an eductor to operate in reverse and flood (not dewater) the compartment.
who shall ensure that all personnel on board cutters entering a shipyard or commercial dockside availability are instructed in industrial safety requirements.
who shall develop a comprehensive electrical safety program.
At minimum, one detector shall be mounted to the overhead of living and berthing spaces that have a capacity of? and 1 per living passage way.
1= 10 people 2= 20 p 3= 30 p
All cutters ? in length and greater are required to prepare and maintain an Engineering Casualty Control Manual (ECCM).
All cutters 65 feet in length and greater are required to prepare and maintain an Engineering Casualty Control Manual (ECCM).
How many chapter are in the CCM?
Chapter 1 - Machinery Readiness
Chapter 2 - Engineering Casualties (BECCEs)
Chapter 3 - General Emergency Casualties
Chapter 4 - Damage Control Organization
what is the Restricted Maneuvering Doctrine?
The restricted maneuvering doctrine is a written agreement between the CO/OIC and the EPO. EPO will not secure Main propulsion when operating under RMD, until permission is granted by OIC.
What are some event that you would not recommend the EO or EPO contact you to shut down the plant?
Crank case explosion
Bravo fire
Spraying fuel/oil
What is Organizational Level Maintenance?
Maintenance performed by crews
what is Depot Level Maintenance?
Maintenance performed by contractors or outside source.
what funding code is a portion of the units funding, set aside for the accomplishment of PMS, repairs and planned improvements, for fuel, outfit replenishment, maintenance, engine overhaul, annual availabilities, boat replacement and boat allowance changes.
AFC 30
provides for electronic equipment maintenance, telecommunications.
AFC 42
General expenses related to inventory, repair, alteration, modification(tcto), and engineering design services in support of naval engineering
Can an Aux vessel receive afc 45 funds due to a fire, flooding, collision or grounding.
To receive this assistance, the Auxiliary Vessel must be operating under official Patrol Orders issued through the Patrol Order Management System (POMS). Commandant (CG731) policy is to reimburse all expenditures related to casualty or salvage assistance provided to USCG Auxiliary Vessels operating under official patrol orders.
When corrosion of a serious nature is discovered, the ? shall be notified so that corrective action may be initiated
Product Line Manager
What is a boat inspection report(cg 3022)?
submitted on all boats less than 65 feet long, except for those boats powered by outboard motors and non-powered boats. In addition, reports shall be submitted for all barges.
Sector Commanders, District Commanders, and Product Lines shall schedule a regular detailed boat inspection of each boat as defined above, at an interval not to exceed ?
1 year between inspections, once completed submit within 10 days.
what is a Special Boat Inspection Reports?
In case of boat transfer, a special inspection shall be completed. Detail all repairs and alterations pending CO/OICs comments. The comments shall also include the date the boat was transferred, the unit or cutter transferred to, and the date the boat records were forwarded to the unit or cutter.
One copy for unit other to Product line manager!
shall comment on all unsatisfactory items and list any other items deemed necessary, especially those requiring assistance by higher authority.
What is required when your EPO is relieved?
- an immediate administrative inspection
2. Full power trial followed by a written report and sent to the OIC
Who shall the OIC fwd the letter of relief to? Follow the relief checklist which has 51 items.
SFLC Product Line Manager and the Shore Infrastructure Logistics Center for units with shore facilities. plus chain of command.
What parts are in the boat record file?
part 1 - boat record report cg-2580 part 2- boat inspection report cg-3022 part 3- casrep/cascor part 4- TCTO's pending part 5-TCTO's completed part 6- pending CSMPs
What is SILC( shore infrastructure logistics center?
The program provides support services throughout the complete life-cycle of shore facilities range from property acquisition, design, construction, Depot level Maintenance and repair, and eventually demolition.
Who will assess the damages for a catastrophic lost?
Shore infrastructure logistics center
shore facilities/ equipment failures that degrade a mission must be documented. what must be submitted?
a Casrep and sent to CG 43 and SILC
AFC-30 is the USCG’s general operating and maintenance expense account. In general, any service, supplies, and materials used for routine, recurring operations and maintenance (O&M) of shore infrastructure is chargeable to AFC-30, regardless of cost. Non-recurring shore infrastructure repairs are also chargeable to AFC-30 when less than
What is MSAM-major systems acquisition management?
There are 3 levels of life cycle logistics.
Major Systems Acquisitions management include equipment, services, and intellectual property (e.g.,software, data) that are acquired by the USCG through purchase, construction,manufacture, lease, or exchange. Depending on the complexity, cost, risk, and value major acquisitions may include: developing new systems; obtaining additional quantities of existing systems/assets or significant changes to existing systems/assets such ascapability upgrades, improvements, service life extensions, remanufacturing, restorations, re-activations, major modifications, key subsystem replacements, or major repairs.
: IAW the Commanding Officer’s Environmental Guide (COMDTPUB – P5090.1C can you be held liable for insufficient environmental stewardship in your command?
yes, Remember, you can be held liable for insufficient environmental stewardship in your Command. Coast Guard Commanding Officers and other Federal employees may be subject to civil and criminal penalties and may be prosecuted for environmental offenses.
what is the bottom line to Environmental stewardship ?
can provide a positive contribution to the
sustainability of the USCG missions and the sustainability of the environment.
As Commanding Officer,
Commander or Officer in
Charge, you are
responsible for ensuring what when it comes to environmental stewardship?
that your unit, whether ashore facility or a cutter is in continuous compliance with all applicable Federal, state and local environmental laws and regulations and international treaties.
As an OIC should you set environmental goals for your unit?
promote, ensure your unit is following the rules, and be fully aware of the requirements around you. Plus maintain all records.
Ensure your unit is scheduled for an Environmental Compliance Evaluation (ECE) from (SILC) shore infrastructure logistics center or your civil engineering support organization at least how many years?
at least every three years. Get an out-brief on the results. Follow up to ensure discrepancies are corrected and tracked using CP-Track, as directed by DHS.
What is (NEPA) national environmental policy act and how does it coincide with the CG?
it requires Federal agencies to document their environmental planning efforts. These documents become part of the administrative record of the project and may need to be a part of the project approval package.
As the OIC of a shore unit, what is the first thing you should do regarding Environmental Compliance?
Locate and review your most recent ECE, using CP-Track. Correct outstanding findings. Request assistance from your servicing LC or CEU, if you need help.
What is TCP designed for ?
the TCP is designed to ensure that no tools or equipment are left behind (e.g., a wrench socket left in an engine) that might damage expensive operational assets, systems, and machinery, potentially degrade
mission operations or endanger lives.
Maintain a file of Daily Tool Control Inventory Sheets for a period of two (2) years.
If hazards are found in the safety USAT, where do you report them?
Name the five main Commandant Instructions (regarding safety) listed in the NEM in addition to the applicable Naval Ships Technical Manuals?
A1: Technical Guide: Practices for Respiratory Protection
A2: Safety and Environmental Health Manual
A3: Cutter Heat Stress Program
A4: hazard communication for workplace
A5: operational risk management
Coast Guard Mishaps in Foreign Countries or Involving Foreign Assets.
The unit must be cognizant of, and prepared to follow, any DoD, Department of State (DOS), North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) or host nation requirements that are in effect. Units should investigate the possibility of establishing an MOU if operating in a foreign location on a routine basis in the absence of an existing host nation and U. S. Government agreement.
WHAT IS THE Commandant Mishap Analysis Board (COMDT MAB)?
The COMDT MAB is the primary mishap analysis body for all on-duty Class A and B mishaps. Analysis Board Member.
WHAT IS THE Permanent Mishap Board (PMB)?
The PMB is the primary mishap analysis body for all off-duty Clas A & B and all Class C, D, and E mishaps.
what is the mishap notification for A and B reports?
notify the operational commander, then contact the command center within 5 min. (202) 372-2100.
what is a mishap response plan and how often do you drill?
MRPs must be documented and readily accessible to unit personnel tasked with response duties following a mishap.
b. MRPs must be updated and drilled annually.
There are 7 steps in a MRP what are they?
- Emergency response - 911
- Determine mishap - a,b,c,d
- Determine if reportable
- Admin considerations -recall
- Mishap site management-
- medical
- mishap board analysis
how many mishaps are available onshore?
What is a Class A mishap intel?
a) injury or occupational illness results in a fatality or permanent total disability.
(b) Any military personnel are missing or missing in action.
(c) Damage to Coast Guard or non-Coast Guard property (excluding boats) is $2,000,000 or greater.
(d) Damage to a Coast Guard or non-Coast Guard boat of $300,000 or greater.
What is a class B mishap intel?
(a) injury or occupational illness that results in permanent partial disability.
(b) Damage, to Coast Guard or non-Coast Guard property (excluding boats) of $500,000 or greater, but less than $2,000,000.
(c) Damage to a Coast Guard or non-Coast Guard boat of $200,000 or greater, but less than $300,000.
what is a class c mishap intel?
(a) An injury or occupational illness that results in one or more days away from work beyond the day or shift in which the mishap occurs. This includes:
[1] Loss of time from work; and/or
[2] Placement on a limited duty or restricted duty status; and/or
[3] Transfer of any individual(s) to a different job.
(b) Damage, to Coast Guard or non-Coast Guard property, is $50,000 or greater (excluding boats), but less than $500,000.
(c) Damage to a Coast Guard or non-Coast Guard boat of $50,000 or greater, but less than $200,000.
what does a class d mishap intel?
(a) Any injury or occupational illness that requires treatment by a medical professional but does not result in any days away from work, or transfer to a different job, beyond the day or shift in which the mishap occurs.
(b) Damage to Coast Guard or non-Coast Guard property (excluding aviation) of $5,000 or greater, but less than $50,000.
(c) Any damage to aviation property of less than $50,000.
(d) Other reportable events described in Paragraph B.2.
what does a class e intel?
a) Aviation Flight mishaps or Aviation Ground mishaps only.
Who is responsible for the Tool Control Program?
The Sector EO, EPOs, and Electronic Support Detachment (ESD) Supervisors
What is the purpose and intent of the Engineering Waiver?
is to grant a temporary deviation from published MPCs, equipment operating parameters, scheduled maintenance, or other technical guidance.
Engineering Waivers are only granted after sufficient research is conducted to determine the scope and risk (from an engineering standpoint) of operating outside published standards.
what are some duties you as the oic will make sure your EPO is doing?
Maintenance due list Rfo/stan inspection Boat inspection report overall conditions of engineering spaces SMART work list Usat Hazmat coordinator
What is the yellow pre mission and services card mean?
Fuel or defuel purposes.
What is the pink card used for in almis?
a deleted discrepancy can only be restored by?
A Maintenance Releaser can restore and/or permanently delete a discrepancy.
what is a cannibalization procedure?
Cannibalization is the process of removing a part or equipment from an asset, typically in a “Charlie” period or dockside availability, to restore another asset in an operational status. The Product Lines are the only entity that can authorize cannibalization of their assets with the exception of the Small Boat Product Line. The SBPL has delegated this authority to the Sector EOs.
what color is the Complete mission record?
Blue and you list all the competencies.
When do you click on successful to end your mission?
Departed within 15 minutes of the schedule ETD.
Completed the mission as planned.
Returned to the intended destination
who can only transfer an asset?
Asset transfer can only be accomplished by the Sector Engineering Officer or his/her designated representative.
Who do you send the email to transfer an asset To?
Send transfer email to both the losing and receiving Sector/Group/Unit Engineering Officers and Operations Officers; CC the FINCEN and the appropriate Product Line Supervisors/Planners.
The email should include the Date (Zulu time) and Total Underway Hours of the asset at the time of transfer
When do you approve mission records?
Mission records are reviewed for accuracy and locked (Approved) monthly
what is HAZWOPER?
Emergency response training to identify hazardous material risk that is completed annually.
How do you manage ASBESTOS while firefighting?
annual inspection
occupational/non occupational exposure analysis
CG personnel are prohibited from disturbing
What HSWL safety program must you have as the OIC?
respiratory protection hearing protection hazard communication program lock out tag confined space entry program fire prevention
what is the purpose of health and safety programs?
ensure health and safety of cg personnel
protect resources
protect the public
protect the environment
what is SELF HELP program?
What is (CSMP) Corrective ship maintenance project?
Documents corrective maintenance on ships
Do you need to have a fire marshal?
Yes your EPO
What is a NSTM?
Naval ship technical manual breaks down the NEM in parts.
What are the 3 types of Maintenance?
Corrective- CM work includes equipment and facility repair, alteration, project support, contingency planning, and environmental support.
Preventative - minimize conditions that cause unacceptable degradation, prior to actual failure.
Alternative- Changes to equipment or systems that change the design or design capabilities to improve inherent reliability or functionality
what are some safety concerns while dry docked?
FF DC night security sewage connections draining pipes
What is a disabling Casualty?
Make the boat not serviceable. Reports: Operational CDR & Sec EO 12 hrs email Cant be repaired in 48 HRS CASREP WITHIN 24 HRS
what is a restrictive discrepancy?
restrict the operations of the boat to perform some missions, but not all missions safely.
Report : Unit CDR
written waiver, verbal is fine as long as written is with 4HRS
1 HR to fix if not
Cant be repaired in 48 HRS
CASREP within 24 hrs
what is a major disc?
those that degrade the effectiveness of the boat to perform one or more missions.
What is a minor disc?
do not affect the operational readiness of the boat.
what are the 45 rbm limits?
1) 12 FT seas
2) 50 KTS sustained winds
3) 50 NM offshore
4) 100 displacement tons tow load
during a bravo period, FMC shall be provided as long as the maintenance time is less than the current bravo status.
Used when asset in a planned Charlie period, planned dockside, or planned drydock.
Used for casualty repairs and emergency drydocks or docksides.
Used when an asset is incapable of meeting mission readiness requirements and all further maintenance is prevented because a required part is unavailable.
What are the only two disabling disc that you must enter into EAL- Electronic asset logbook in the form of a CAT4 casrep? ask mr brown about casreps?
Both NMCM and NMCS
Used to indicate loss of capability to execute some missions.
what form do you request parts for your disc boat?
What is PRIORITY 02, 05, AND 12?
02- Asset in disabled, required disabling DISC in EAL.
05- Asset has limited mission capability, and required part is not in inventory.
12- On hand.
WHAT IS 02/999?
Part is needed to repair disabled asset and no other unit assets are mission capable.
who must sign both 02 and 02/999?
EO or AEO must sign and the route to the Asset Material Manager (AMM) to the product line.
What is CEU backlog?
Its a shopping list for CEU. Each year they look through the shopping list for things to buy outside of units capabilities. Contact Sector EO and indicate what projects to be picked off backlog. CEU chooses by late second quarter or early 3rd quarter which usually could take up to 2 yrs.
What are the MARSEC LEVELS?
What is (DSS)Decision Support Systems
within ALMIS allows users to generate reports such as Maintenance Due Lists, user roles report, etc. The Maintenance Due List is a report within the DSS module which displays the schedule and status of preventive maintenance on a selected asset.
What do you do when you MDL is overdue?
You extend it an extra 30 days and get it done
Under the Bravo status you can only display?
PMC- partially mission capable
FMC- fully mission capable
Under Not Mission Capable (NMC) the reasons are?
D—Depot Maintenance
What is the Logistics Compliance inspection? 2 yrs
The LCI program will assess the posture of shore infrastructure logistics support and provide an evaluation of the CE organization’s ability to perform key logistics processes in a safe, standardized, and technically compliant manner. Inspection consist of maintenance processes and procedures, configuration, maintenance documentation, technical data, and supply support.
What is the (SMART)Safety Mobile Assistance, Response and Training visit? 3yrs
SMART-CART is a coordinated, not combined assessment. Together, SMART and CART assess the current state of training, readiness and unit safety and is scheduled for 3 days.
RFO and STAN visits are every?
Stan is 3 yrs
RFO 1 off every 2 yrs
Self assessment team shall be designated in writing.
All USCG-owned, USCG-leased, and GSA-leased office buildings occupied by the USCG will be surveyed to ensure program compliance with Section 504. The ABAAG provides the technical standards to evaluate this compliance.
The USCG is required to submit an annual report (MD-715) to Office of Management and Budget (OMB) on progress in achieving Section 504 compliance.
(1) Shore units with a Bravo Zero Response Boat required to transit in excess of 20 minutes (one way) to a reliable fuel source are authorized USCG-owned Boat Fueling Infrastructure
.(2) The SILC will size tanks to hold a 2-week supply of fuel based on normal cruising speed and program hours. Fuel tanks will accommodate fueling needs for all boats at a unit, not just the Bravo Zero assets
Each Shore unit shall be visited and inspected?
Each USCG shore unit must be visited by trained CE personnel for the purposes of executing the facility assessment program at least once every 3 years. The SILC will develop a Facility Assessment Process Guide to detail the process and frequency of assessments for each owned or leased asset type, including fixed ATON structures. Facility assessments must be scheduled/coordinated with LCIs to the maximum extent possible
Who will help develop and maintain all load bearing structures and weight handling equipment?
The Shore Infrastructure Logistics Center (SILC) will develop and maintain process guides identifying processes for safety inspections and preventive maintenance of load-bearing structures and weight-handling equipment as discussed in this chapter. The SILC will provide the technical support for the required inspections.
Inspections of load-bearing structures require a high degree of technical expertise and will be executed as part of the
AFC-43 DLM program
Who can inspect weight handling equipment?
All WHE must be certified prior to initial use, load tested at least once every year, and prior to use after any alteration or repair to the equipment which affects the lifting capability of the equipment.
(1) WHE must be certified and load tested by an OSHA.
(2) Test loads must not be more than 125 percent of rated load unless otherwise recommended by the manufacturer (OSHA 1910.179). Never exceed the equipment’s design load when weight testing.
(3) Units must maintain a record of load tests for all WHE.
(4) WHE that has been idle for a period of over 6 months must be given a complete inspection in accordance with OSHA 1910 Subpart N, 179.(j).(4) prior to placing back in service.
Determine the normal temperature and pressure range at normal continuous duty RPM?
Mark these ranges in GREEN.
Determine the dangerous operating ranges from the table and mark those on the gauges ?
in RED.
what is (FDCC) Federal design and construction center?
provides long range facility planning and design services for new acquisition and major improvements to CG shore assets through the execution of AC&I funds.
What is the (WOPL) Waterway Operations Product line?
Supports short range Aton and (MEP) Marine Environment response programs. The Design, development, testing evaluation, procurement, and maintenance of an array of equipment: buoys and mooring hardware, on and off shore structures, light and sound signal systems.
What is the CASREP process?
- unit transmits a CASREP message to alert Operational Commander to he limits or loss of some mission capability. Also informs shore side support.
- The (ESU) Electronic systems support units receives the Casrep and evaluates the need for external support.
What is the job of the Product line Managers?
The Product Line (PL) has the overall responsibility of managing and supporting the assets. Their job is to support you in maintaining and operating the asset for your Coast Guard missions.
During a Cutter/small boat discrepancy what must be selected for assistance to happen in EAL?
Must ensure “SFLC Assist” is selected when requesting Asset Manager/Product Line assistance; leave this field selected throughout the life of the discrepancy, even when closing out the maintenance record.
Ensure “C4IT Related” is checked for all C4IT discrepancies
Ensure the most accurate “C4IT Classification” is selected for all C4IT discrepancies on their cutter; run reports (when available) and correct/update any with “Unknown” selected.
Patrol boats, small boats, and some cutter boats utilize the ?
Asset Computerized Maintenance System (ACMS) for tracked maintenance
The Maintenance Discrepancy White Sheet shall be used to?
document discrepancies that are not mission related. In addition, for assets with extended deployments, the Maintenance Discrepancy White Sheet may be used to record mission-related discrepancies if waiting until mission close out to use the Maintenance Discrepancy Pink Sheet would create an unreasonable delay.
What do you do In EAL for parts pending longer than 24 hrs?
Discrepancies open longer than 24 hours must be delayed/deferred in EAL using PP (Parts Pending), CF (Carried Forward), or CFD (Carried Forward Depot). Deferred action on Squawk (SQ) is not authorized for use.
Asset status may be classified by any one of the following statuses:
Fully Mission Capable (FMC) –FMC statuses are indicated by upward pointing green triangle adjacent the FMC status.
Partially Mission Capable (PMC) –PMC statuses are indicated by sideward pointing yellow triangle adjacent the PMC status.
Not Mission Capable Maintenance (NMCM) – NMCM statuses are indicated by downward pointing red triangle adjacent the NMCM status.
Not Mission Capable Supply (NMCS) –NMCS statuses are indicated by downward pointing red triangle adjacent the NMCS status.
Not Mission Capable Depot (NMCD) –NMCD statuses are indicated by downward pointing red triangle adjacent the NMCD status.
Not Mission Capable Lay-up (NMCL) –NMCL statuses are indicated by downward pointing red triangle adjacent the NMCL status.
Assets shall assign an asset status of NMCM while
conducting sea trials or underway test to assess critical equipment as defined in COMDTINST 3120.21, Cutter Safe-to-Sail (STS)
NMCL business rules?
(A) the cutter or boat is not mission capable because it has been laid up for temporary storage and removed from operation,
(B) the cutter or boat is not mission capable because it has been laid up for contingency operations,
(C) the cutter or boat is not mission capable because it has been laid up for decommissioning/being surveyed and removed from service, or
(D) the cutter is not mission capable because it is in an extended depot maintenance period.
While a trailer status is not tracked/visible in EAL it can affect the status of the boat that uses it. The following are examples:
- If the trailer is in the parking lot and has no issues with it and the boat is in the water with no issues, the boat can be FMC.
- If the trailer is in the parking lot and has no issues with it and the boat is on the trailer with no issues, the boat can be FMC.
- If the trailer is in the parking lot and cannot be used for any reason and the boat is in the water but the trailer would be needed to bring the boat to another part of the AOR, the boat would be PMC.
- If the trailer is in the parking lot and cannot be used for any reason and the boat is on the trailer, the boat would be NMCM no matter if trailering to another part of the AOR is needed or not due to not being able to launch at all.
What does NMCD mean for Cutter/Boat status?
For Cutters: NMCD has two essential conditions:
(A) the cutter is not mission capable because it has commenced specified planned maintenance, and
(B) the specified planned maintenance that is being executed was scheduled for execution during a maintenance availability period or CHARLIE period in the current fiscal year.
For Boats: NMCD for boats has two essential conditions:
(A) the boat is not mission capable because it has commenced depot maintenance,
(B) and the maintenance is beyond the organizational unit’s capability.
Important note: Cutter boats shall be independent of the cutter for status (i.e. the CB may be FMC while the cutter is in NMCD or NMCM status)
O) Open Discrepancy ?
An open discrepancy is created as the initial maintenance record is entered. All open discrepancies in EAL must be corrected or deferred within 24 hours. Discrepancies that remain open greater than 24 hrs will be marked with a red exclamation mark “!” by the system for visibility and awareness.
(PP) Parts Pending?
A non disabling discrepancy requiring parts shall be delayed as PP when the discrepancy requires parts that are not available or will be shipped to the unit through the supply system. All deferred maintenance actions SHALL be authorized by the Engineer Officer or their designated representative prior to release of the asset for a mission. Disabling discrepancies cannot be PP.
(CF) Carried Forward ?
A discrepancy that has been deferred until a more convenient or appropriate time and could not be corrected within the 24 hour corrective action requirement. A discrepancy shall be deferred as CF when it is “not disabling”. All deferred maintenance actions SHALL be authorized by the Engineer Officer or their designated representative prior to release of the asset for a mission.
(CFD) Carried Forward Depot?
A discrepancy may be CFD’d when it is “not disabling”. All deferred maintenance actions SHALL be authorized by the Engineer Officer or other designated representative prior to release of the asset for a mission.
What is a disabling report?
Make the boat not serviceable.
Report- message or email no later than 12 hrs. Cannot be fixed then in 48 hrs, then Casrep within 24 hrs.
What is a Restrictive report?
Those which restrict the ops where it can perform some activities but not all activities safely.
Report- verbal waiver, follwed by email with 4 hrs. Report to Operational CDR within an 1hr if cannot be fixed. Cannot be fixed within 48 casrep within 24hrs.
What is a Major discrepancy?
Those that degrade the effective of the boat to perform one or more missions.
How many sections on a cutter engineering report? CG -4874
What form is the Boat inspections report?
Section 1= safety items section 2 = Hull section 3 = Machinery/Electrical secton 4 = administrative program(tcto) section 5= Cutter eng report(pms,mpc) section 6 = remarks section 7= HPI
BIR = cg-3022
SILC has two Chief of contracting offices?
The COCO for base support services provides technical oversight of the contracting functions executed at each base,.
COCO for construction-provides technical oversight of the contracting functions executed at the CEUs and FDCC.
Organizational Level Maintenance. Organizational Level Maintenance (OLM) is maintenance that a shore unit is capable and authorized to perform and is commonly funded with the AFC-3X (e.g., 30/34) account.
Priority OLM activities generally include preventive maintenance of critical building systems (e.g., heating, ventilation, and air condition (HVAC), fire and other life safety systems, plumbing systems) and other recurring facility support services (e.g., snow removal, grounds maintenance services, janitorial services, pest control services). OLM may include corrective maintenance/repair activities (e.g., repairs and replacement of flooring/carpeting and window treatments, interior painting),
SILC is organized into four product lines?
- Tactical ops 2. strategic ops 3.mission readiness
4. mission support. 5. waterway ops
Most available resources are prioritized by ?
POP planned obligation prioritization boards held at various levels with reps by all stakeholders.
There are six priority categories for OLM CM work orders within the FE / Operational module of SAM.
Emergency 30 minutes
(24 hours per day)
When the emergency is alleviated
(same-day action)
2 – Urgent 2 calendar days Within 5 calendar days
2 – Urgent (Housing/REPFAC) 1 calendar day Within 2 calendar days
3 – High 5 calendar days Within 20 calendar days
4 – Routine 15 calendar days Within 45 calendar days
5 – Low 30 calendar days Within 180 calendar days
6 – Backlog 30 calendar days N/A
Performed every two years
WHE weight handling equipment shall be tested?
once a year, or after any repairs to the equipment, must be tested at 125 of rated load. If idle more than 6 months, then must be given a complete inspection.
what are Maintenance Procedure Cards (MPC)?
MPCs provide step-by-step guidance to Coast Guard assets to perform organizational or depot level maintenance.
NSTMs are guidance documents and are secondary in augmenting established Coast Guard policy.
Conflicts that require clarification should be brought to the attention of the SFLC-ESD for disposition.