Engine Electrical Systems Flashcards
Where are generator rating and performance data located?
They are stamped on a name plate attached to the generator.
What does an ammeter/load meter indicate when it is connected in the battery positive lead, and the engine is operating?
Whether the generator is supplying enough current to charge the battery, or the battery is discharging.
What does an ammeter/load meter indicate when it is connected in the generator output lead, and the engine is operating?
The current leaving the generator, for example, electrical system load.
What is used to control D.C. generator voltage?
To control DC generator voltage, you vary the Field current strength
What D.C. alternator system component prevents battery reverse-current flow into the armature?
The rectifier
Why are multiple generator systems paralleled?
To ensure that each generator shares the load
How many phases are used in most aircraft A.C. alternator systems?
What determines the frequency of an alternator output?
The speed of rotation of the rotor and the number of poles.
How does a voltage regulator control the voltage of an alternator?
By regulating the voltage output of the D.C. exciter.
Name at least two methods that are used to maintain 400 Hertz alternator output frequency on large turbojet/ turbofan engines.
1) Constant Speed Drives
2) Integrated Drive Generators
3) Variable Speed Constant Frequency Generator
What are the major components of a D.C. motor?
The armature, field, brush, and frame.
What are three types of D.C. motors?
Series, shunt, and compound.
What are the components of a direct cranking electric start system?
An electric motor, reduction gears, and an automatic engaging and disengaging mechanism.
What are the operating modes of a turbine engine starter-generator?
It operates first as a starter, then as a generator after the engine is operating.
What is the size standard for electrical wire used in the U.S. manufactured aircraft?
The American Wire Gage (AWG)
What is the maximum slack allowed between the supports of a single wire or bundle installation?
Not over 1/2 inch.
What kind of wire is used for wires running close to exhaust stacks or heating ducts?
Wire with high temperature insulation material
What is an indication of a dirty, worn, starter commutator?
The starter is excessively noisy.
What type of D.C. motor is commonly used for an aircraft engine starter?
Series wound motor
Why is a series wound motor commonly used as an aircraft engine starter?
Because it has a high starting torque under heavy load conditions.