Engels Literature Klas 5 Victorian Age Flashcards
Victorian Age
- Impressive economic and military strength
- industrial revelotion had made Britain the first industrialized country: railway, steam engine. It also came with tremendous social and political change
Industrial revolution
- left coutry for the city
- industry became more important than agriculture
- capitalistic system: little owners possessing the factories, land and machines) many people were poor.
- social inequality, bad working and living conditions and child labour.
During the reign of queen victoria (1837-1901) life gradually improved
- trade unions
- laws which protected the interests of the working-class (forbidding child labour, free elementary education, right to vote)
- new inventions made it relatively easier to work in the factories
Charles darwin
- the origin of species (1859)
- turning point -> ape angel discussion
- feelings of doubt and pessimism
- invited to the Royal society
Fin de siècle
- feeling that life was about to stop
- l’art pour l’art
L’art pour l’art
- make art because it’s beautiful, dont expect anything else
- intrinsic instead of didactic, moral, utilitarian
- oscar wilde
There is a return to the ideas and ideals of the neo classical period
-less emotions, more realism
-less imagination, more realism
-less individual freedom, more discipline
The romantic ideas become weaker
Hedonistic view
Joy has the priority, you live for yourself
Literature themes
-more discipline
-social criticism
Age of prose, especially the novel, form is very suitable for social critisism
Short stories in the paper (pickwick paper)
Charles Dickens
- familiar with poor life conditions of the majority of the people
- ambitious and industrious
- books often deal with the misery of the poor
- characters: rather flat, extremely good or extremely bad. Quite grotesque which makes them funny. Goodies always win
- master of irony
- social critic, moralistic, message is important : TRUE VICTORIAN
- the pickwick papers, oliver twist, david copperfield, hard times, a christmas carol
The Brönte sisters
- unhappy youth in bitter poverty: mother had died and father was introvert. Their only brother drugs and alcohol.
- isolated on the Yorkshire moors
- to make their life bearable they fled into the world of fantasies
- couldnt play with other kids because they were of higher class
- enormous imagination
- themes: passionate love, position of women
- romantic writers but not sentimental
Works of the Brönte sisters
- Charlotte; Jane Eyre
- emily: Wuthering heights
- Anne: the tenant of the wildfell hall
George Eliot (Mary-Ann Evans)
- used the name of a man to get books published
- intellectual
- analysis of the characters of her heroes and heroines
- moralistic
- realistic and good view of what life was like in the victorian age and how it developed
- Silas marner, the Mill on the Floss, Middlemarch, Daniel Deronda
Thomas Hardy
- life is determined by faith
- pessimistic
- fate instead of god
- works are also pessimistic, characters mostly unhappy and come to a bad end
- tess of the d’Ubbervilles, Jude the Obscure, Far from the madding crowd
- Alfred Lord Tennyson
- Robert Browning
Alfred lord Tennyson
- religious doubts
- romantic in spirit
- human life a purpose
- dichter des vaderlands
Robert Browning
- intellectual
- Anti-romantic in spirit
- interested in psychology
- interior monologue
- my last duchess
Oscar wilde
- drama
- comedies which were witty and satirical
- ireland like all important dramatists
- the importance of being earnest (satirizes the higher social clesses and the hypocrisy that ruled among the members)
- sent to jail -> openly admitted homosexual
- drama was a satirical way of presenting the weakness of society