Engaging in Moderate to Vigorous Phys Act (MVPAs) Flashcards
It is the ratio of a person’s working metabolic rate relative to their resting metabolic rate.
Metabolic Equivalent (MET)
These are commonly used to express the intensity of physical activities. (1 MET = 3.5 ml of oxygen per kg of body weight per minute)
Metabolic Equivalents (METs)
It is defined as the amount of oxygen a person consumes per unit of body weight during 1 minute of rest.
This is the act of sitting with little movements or no movement. Ex. reading, writing, eating, internet surfing.
Measuring exercise intensity using Talk Test.
__________________ Talk? _______ Sing?
Low Intensity ____ YES _________ YES
Moderate ________YES__________ NO
Vigorous _________NO___________NO
What are the approximate number of METS per intensity?
Low Intensity (< 3 METs)
Moderate Intensity (Apprx. 3-6 METs)
Vigorous Intensity ( > 6 METs)
This method of measuring exercise intensity is based on observing your body’s physical signs during physical activity, including increased heart rate, increased respiration or breathing rate, increased sweating, and muscle fatigue.
Measuring Exercise Intensity Using the Exertion Rating Scale
Chart of Exertion Rating Scale (Basically, how many physical signs are shown per intensity?)
Low Intensity: Level 1-2 Physical Signs
Moderate: Level 3-7 Signs
Vigorous: Level 8-10 Signs
What are some exercise intensity warning signs? (You should stop exercising once you experience these.)
extreme breathlessness
breathing problems such as wheezing or coughing
chest pain or pressure
extreme perspiration
dizziness or fainting
severe muscle pain or cramps
severe pain in any muscles or joints
extreme and long-lasting fatigue after exercising
Parts of Exercise Program. Preliminary activities of low- to moderate-intensity perform BEFORE any work-out in strenuous physical activities.
Parts of Exercise Program. Usually moderate to vigorous. A SESSION of exercise or practice to improve
fitness or a programmed activity that would elicit beneficial adaptations when performed regularly.
This is one complete motion of an exercise.
Repetition (Rep)
This is a group of consecutive repetitions, time, load, rest, or recovery.
Parts of Exercise Program. It bridges the period between workout and rest. It gradually returns the body to resting state, promotes effective recovery,
and removal of lactic-acid from our body.
Are these low, moderate, or vigorous phys act:
a. Aerobics
b. Brisk Walking
c. Dish Washing
d. Dancing
e. Running
a. Vigorous
b. Moderate
c. Low
d. Moderate
e. Vigorous
It is the amount of oxygen the body uses when it is at rest.