Engagement Planning, Obtaining Understanding, Assessing Risk Flashcards
Management assetions that have a meaningful bearing on whether an account balance, transaction, or disclosure is fairly stated
Relevant assertions
Management assertion that all trnasactions/events that are recorded have occurred and all assets/liabilities/equity stated actually exist
Management assertion that all transactions/assets/liabilities/disclosures have been recorded
Management assertion that all amounts recorded have been recorded appropriately
Management assertion that trnasactions and events have been recorded in teh correct accounting period
Management assertion that transactions and events habe been recorded in the proper accounts and disclosure information is presented and described cleary
The standards and benchmarks used to measure and prsent the subject matter and against which the CPA evaluates the subject matter under AT 101 Attestation Standards
Suitable criteria
A type of attest engagement in which teh CPA selects from all available procedures and provides a high level of assurance to limit attestation risk to an appropriately low level
An attest egagement in which the CPA generally limits procedures to inquiries and analytical procedures and rpovides a moderate level of assurance to limit attestation risk to moderate level
An attest engagement in whichte CPA is engaged by a client to issue a report of findings based on specific procedures performed on subject matter
Agreed-upon procedures
Consists of the risk that an account and its related assertiosn contains mateiral misstatemetns and teh risk theat the auditor will not detect such misstatements
Audit risk
Refers tothe likelihood of material misstatement of an assertion, assuming no related internal control
Inherent risk
The likelihood that a mateiral misstatement will not be prevented or detected on a timely basis by internal control
Control risk
the likelihood that an auditor’s procedures lead to an improper conlcusion that no material misstatement existas in an assertion, when in fact one does
–primarily relies on substantive procedures
Detection risk
The magnitude of an omission or misstatement of accounting information that, in light of surrounding circumstances, makes it probable that the judgment of a reasonable person relying on the information would have been changed or influencedby the omission or misttatement