Eng lit - Of Mice and Men Flashcards
In which ways is Curley’s wife depicted?
-Having her own dream
What quotes support the flirtatious views of Curley’s wife?
“Rouge lips”
“Her body was thrown forward”
“Married two weeks and got the eye”
Which quotes support the racist views of Curley’s wife?
“Well keep your place then”
“Listen n*****”
“I could get you strung up a tree”
Which quotes support how Curley’s wife was objectified?
“Jail bait”
No name
“Glove full of vaseline”
Which context can you apply to Curley’s wife?
Objectified/flirtatious = Sexism towards women in a patriarchal society
Golden age of Hollywood
Racism = KKK and lynching
How is Curley depicted?
-Neglectful of his wife
Which quotes show that Curley is depicted as insecure?
Suspicious of Curley’s wife and Slim
Boasts with a “Glove full of vaseline”
“Terrier” (Small size)
Which quotes show that Curley is neglectful of his wife?
“I’m lookin for Curley”
“Curley comes to life” (When he sees his dead wife)
Which quotes show that Curley is violent?
“Hands closed onto fists”
Assaulted Lennie (Weakling)
What context can be applied to Curley?
-Steinbeck viewed landowners as exploitative
-Steinbeck believed capitalism disturbed the natural order of society/ created a brutal world (Curley’s violence)
-Patriarchal society
How is Lennie depicted?
-Child like
-Threat to society
What quotes show that Lennie is a threat to society?
“Huge paws”
“As strong as a bull”
Which quotes show that Lennie is a burden?
‘if I was alone I could live so easy.’
“You’re a crazy bastard”
“dum dum”
Which quotes show that Lennie is child like?
“Follower” - dependent
George repeats his words rhythmically which mimics nursery rhymes
Which context can be applied to Lennie?
-Vulnerability of people with mental health issues (Lack of understanding)
-Electric shock therapy - the cruel treatment of people with disabilities
(Viewed as animals)
-Great depression caused a huge lack of respect
How is George depicted?
Lennie’s protector
Short tempered
Which quotes prove that George is Lennie’s protector?
Lennie is a “Follower”
“Don’t drink so much” … “You’re going to be sick”
George told Lennie to jump into a lake and he did - Yet George saved Lennie
Significant moment as George realised he was more powerful than Lennie and had to protect him