ENG 211 Midterm Inverted Flashcards
Agriculture in Mesopotamia
c. 10,000 BC
Sumerians conquered Mesopotamia
c. 3,000s BC
invention of writing (cuneiform)
c. 3,500 BC
massive flood - “world ending”
c. 3,000 BC
revolution of writing (phonological)
c. 3,000 - 2,800 BC
Gilgamesh ruled Uruk
c. 2,700 BC
stories about Gilgamesh appear orally
c. 2,000 BC
Sin-lequi-unninni made one big Gilgamesh story
c. 1,300 BC
Nineveh, Ashurbanipal loses the palace
c. 600 BC
Ashurbanipal is dug up with the Gilgamesh story
c. 1840 AD
cuneiform is translated
1857 AD
“Noah’s flood happened” and Gilgamesh proves this theory
1872 AD
Africans move to Egypt for the Nile River
c. 5,000s BC
Egypt becomes a nation-state
c. 3,100 BC
the Great Pyramids being built
c. 2,800 BC
the Persians invaded Egypt
525 BC
Alexander the Great invaded Egypt
332 BC
Pharaohs were Greek instead of Egyptian
332 BC - 400 AD
the French found the Rosetta Stone
1799 AD
the Rosetta Stone is interpreted (Champollion)
c. 1820 AD
Mohammad is born in Mecca
c. 570 AD
Mohammad married Khadija at 25
c. 595 AD
Gabriel recites the Koran to Mohammad orally
c. 610 AD
Mohammad and his followers flee Mecca - Medina
July 16th, 622 AD
Battle of Badr - Mohammad takes Mecca back
624 AD
Mohammad dies
632 AD
the Koran is written down
c. 650 AD
the Koran is spread around the world
c. 700 AD
Old English Period
c. 600 - 1066 AD
Middle English Period
c. 1066 - 1450 AD
Modern English
1450 AD - current day
beginning of German culture
c. 1,000 BC
the Romans invaded Britain
43 AD
Tacitus “published” Germania
98 AD
the Romans withdrew from Britain
c. 400 AD
Britain asked the Angles and the Saxons for protection
c. 450 AD
England is evangelized
597 AD
King Alfred rule - fought off the vikings
877 - 899 AD
Battle of Hastings
October 14th, 1066
invention of the printing press
1450 AD