HAMER v SIDWAY: According to bargain test, was uncle’s promise to his nephew supported by consideration?
Yes, it is supported by consideration – uncle is giving money in exchange for the conduct and nephew is foregoing a legal right to engage in those activities in exchange for the money.
HAMER v SIDWAY: According to bargain test, would it have mattered if the uncle’s executor could prove that the nephew’s forbearance did not harm him, but actually benefited him?
No, it would not matter whether he was
actually benefitted; it is consideration
because he is legally harmed by foregoing a
legal right
HAMER v SIDWAY: Would uncle’s promise be enforceable if he bargained not for the nephew’s refraining from drinking, smoking, swearing, and gambling, as in the actual case, but merely for the nephew’s promise to refrain from such activities (assuming the nephew promised to do so)? Why?
Yes, a return promise is consideration.
HAMER v SIDWAY: Suppose that the nephew stopped drinking, smoking, swearing, and gambling all on his own and the uncle, overcome with joy, promised him $5,000. Is the promise enforceable?
No – the performance was done in
exchange for the money.
HAMER v SIDWAY: The nephew approaches the uncle and promises to stop drinking, smoking, swearing, and gambling. The uncle, overcome with joy, promises to pay the nephew $5,000. Is the promise enforceable?
No – the promise to pay was not done in
exchange for the promise to perform, just
in response to that promise
HAMER v SIDWAY: The nephew is addicted to coke. The uncle, wishing his nephew to stop, approaches him and says: “Nephew if you stop your cocaine habit until you’re 21, I’ll give you $5,000.” The nephew stops. When he turns 21, he walks up to uncle and says I need $5,000 to buy some coke. Uncle refuses and the nephew sues. Result?
COKE IS ILLEGAL YOU IDIOT. There is no consideration; what he gave up (doing cocaine) was not something he had a legal right to do in the first place.
In consideration of one cent received, A promises to pay $600 in three yearly installments of $200 each. Is there valid consideration? 79.
No. The one cent is merely nominal and is not consideration for A’s promise.
A offers to buy a book owned by B and to pay B
$10 in exchange therefor. B accepts the offer and
delivers the book to A. Is there consideration?
Yes. The transfer and delivery of the book constitute
a performance and are consideration for A’s
promise. This is so even though A at the time he
makes the offer secretly intends to pay B $10
whether or not he gets the book, or even
though B at the time he accepts secretly intends
not to collect the $10.
A receives a gift from B of a book worth $10.
Subsequently A promises to pay B the value of
the book. Is there consideration?
No. There is no consideration for A’s promise. This
is so even though B at the time he makes the
gift secretly hopes that A will pay him for it.
A promises to make a gift of $10 to B. In reliance
on the promise B buys a book from C and
promises to pay C $10 for it. Is there consideration?
No. There is no consideration for A’s promise.
A desires to make a binding promise to give
$1000 to his son B. Being advised that a
gratuitous promise is not binding, A writes out
and signs a false recital that B has sold him a car
for $1000 and a promise to pay that amount. Is there consideration?
No. There is no consideration for A’s promise.
A desires to make a binding promise to give
$1000 to his son B. Being advised that a
gratuitous promise is not binding, A offers to buy
from B for $1000 a book worth less than $1. B
accepts the offer knowing that the purchase of
the book is a mere pretense. Is there consideration?
No. There is no consideration for A’s promise to
pay $1000.
A offers to buy a book owned by B and to pay B $10 in exchange therefor. Is B’s transfer and delivery of the book valid consideration for A’s promise, even though both parties know that such books regularly sell for $5 and that part of A’s motive in making the offer is to make a gift to B?
Yes. B’s transfer and delivery of the book are consideration for A’s promise even though both parties know that such books regularly sell for $5 and that part of A’s motive in making the offer is to make a gift to B.
A owns land worth $10,000 which is subject to a mortgage to secure a debt of $5,000. A promises to make a gift of the land to his son B and to pay off the mortgage, and later gives B a deed subject to the mortgage. Is B’s acceptance of the deed consideration for A’s promise?
No. B’s acceptance of the deed is not consideration for A’s promise to pay the mortgage debt.
A and B agree that A will advance $1000 to B as a gratuitous loan. Is B’s promise to accept the loan consideration for A’s promise to make it?
No. B’s promise to accept the loan is not consideration for A’s promise to make it. But the loan when made is consideration for B’s promise to repay.
A promises B, his nephew aged 16, that A will pay B $1000 when B becomes 21 if B does not smoke before then. Is B’s giving up smoking consideration for A’s promise?
Yes. B’s forbearance to smoke is a performance and if bargained for is consideration for A’s promise.
A says to B, the owner of a garage, “I will pay you $100 if you will make my car run properly.” If B makes the car run properly, is that consideration for A’s promise?
Yes. The production of this result is consideration for A’s promise.
A has B’s horse in his possession. B writes to A, “If you will promise me $100 for the horse, he is yours.” A promptly replies making the requested promise. The property in the horse at once passes to A. Is the transfer of the horse to A consideration for A’s promise?
Yes. The change in ownership is consideration for A’s promise.
A promises to pay B $1,000 if B will make an offer to C to sell C certain land for $25,000 and will leave the offer open for 24 hours. B makes the requested offer and forbears to revoke it for 24 hours, but C does not accept. Is there still consideration?
Yes. The creation of a power of acceptance in C is consideration for A’s promise.
A mails a written order to B, offering to buy specified machinery on specified terms. The order provides “Ship at once.” Is B’s prompt shipment or promise to ship consideration for A’s promise to pay the price?
Yes. B’s prompt shipment or promise to ship is consideration for A’s promise to pay the price.
A promises B to guarantee payment of a bill of goods if B sells the goods to C. Is B selling the goods to C consideration for A’s promise?
Yes. B Selling the goods to C is consideration for A’s promise.
A makes a promissory note payable to B in return for a payment by B to C. Is the payment consideration for the note?
Yes. The payment is consideration for the note.
A, at C’s request and in exchange for $1 paid by C, promises B to give him a book. Is the payment consideration for A’s promise?
Yes. The payment is consideration for A’s promise.
A promises B to pay B $1, in exchange for C’s promise to A to give A a book. Are the promises consideration for one another?
Yes. The promises are consideration for one another.
A promises to pay $1,000 to B, a bank, in exchange for the delivery of a car by C to A’s son D. Is the delivery of the car consideration for A’s promise?
Yes. The delivery of the car is consideration for A’s promise.
A gives emergency care to B’s adult son while the son is sick and without funds far from home. B subsequently promises to reimburse A for his expenses. Is the promise binding under this Section? 86.
No. The promise is not binding under this Section.
A lends money to B, who later dies. B’s widow promises to pay the debt. Is the promise binding under this Section? 86.
No. The promise is not binding under this Section.
A finds B’s escaped bull and feeds and cares for it. Is B’s subsequent promise to pay reasonable compensation to A binding? 86.
Yes. B’s subsequent promise to pay reasonable compensation to A is binding.
A saves B’s life in an emergency and is totally and permanently disabled in so doing. One month later B promises to pay A $15 every two weeks for the rest of A’s life, and B makes the payments for 8 years until he dies. Is the promise is binding? 86.
Yes. The promise is binding.
A owes B one debt of $500 and one debt of $600.
Both debts are barred by the statute of limitations. A writes to B, “I promise to pay you the $500 debt which I owe; the other debt I shall not pay.” Is A’s promise binding? 82.
Yes. A’s promise of $500 is binding.
A is indebted to B on a judgment, which is barred
by a twelve‐year statute of limitations, and makes
a written promise to B to pay the debt. Can this judgement be revived? 82
Probably not - The subsequent promise does not revive the judgment, but may be the basis of an action.
A owes B $100 and the claim is not yet barred by
the statute of limitations. A promises B in a
signed writing to pay the debt. Is this promise binding? 82
Yes. The promise is binding, and the statute of
limitations will begin anew from the date of
the making of the new promise.
A owes B $500, and writes B “I cannot pay you
now, but I will never set up the statute of
limitations against your claim.” B delays bringing
an action to collect his claim until more than the
statutory period from the time of A’s promise not
to set up the statute has expired. 82. Can A assert the SofL? 82
Yes. A may then successfully assert the bar of the
A owes B $100 and is about to go into
bankruptcy. Immediately BEFORE filing his petition
he promises B to pay the debt in spite of any
discharge that he may get in bankruptcy. Is the promise binding? 83.
No. The promise is not binding but would have
been binding if it had been made after the
petition in bankruptcy was filed.
A owes B $100, and the debt is discharged in A’s
bankruptcy. Thereafter A promises in writing to
pay the debt “as soon as I sell the mill.” Two years
later A sells the mill. Is the promise binding? 83.
Yes. B can recover the debt from A by an action brought within the period fixed by the statute of limitations after the sale.
– If promise were oral, B would be limited in most States to an action within the statutory period after the original debt became due.
FRESH consideration needed for a contract w. modified terms to be enforceable.
Exceptions to Pre Existing Duty Rule when contract not fully performed
- if modification is a fair response to an unanticipated development or
- to the extent provided by statute; or
- there’s been detrimental reliance.
By a written contract A agrees to excavate a cellar
for B for a stated price. Solid rock is unexpectedly
encountered and A so notifies B. A and B then
orally agree that A will remove the rock at a unit
price which is reasonable but nine times that
used in computing the original price, and A
completes the job. Is this a binding modification? 89.
Yes. B is bound to pay the increased amount
A contracts to manufacture and sell to B 100,000
castings for lawn mowers at 50 cents each. After
partial delivery and after B has contracted to sell
a substantial number of lawn mowers at a fixed
price, A notifies B that increased metal costs
require that the price be increased to 75 cents.
Substitute castings are available at 55 cents, but
only after several months delay. B protests but is
forced to agree to the new price to keep its plant
in operation. Is the modification binding? 89.
No. The modification is not binding. It is unfair for B as this is a decision made under duress.
o There must have been a promise;
o The promisor must have had reason to expect reliance on the promise;
o The promise must have induced such reliance; and
o The circumstances must have been such that injustice can be avoided only by enforcement of the promise
A, knowing that B is going to college, promises B that A will give him $5,000 on completion of his course. B goes to college, and borrows and spends more than $5,000 for college expenses. When he has nearly completed his course, A notifies him of an intention to revoke the promise. Is this promise binding? 90.
A’s promise is binding and B is entitled to payment on completion of the course without regard to whether his performance was “bargained for.”
A promises B not to foreclose, for a specified
time, a mortgage which A holds on B’s land. B
thereafter makes improvements on the land. Is this promise binding? 90.
Yes. A’s promise is binding and may be enforced by
denial of foreclosure before the time has
A sues B in a municipal court for damages for
personal injuries caused by B’s negligence. After
the one-year statute of limitations has run, B
requests A to discontinue the action and start
again in the superior court where the action can
be consolidated with other actions against B
arising out of the same accident. A does so. Is B’s implied promise that he won’t ruin the 2nd trial by asserting SofL binding? 90.
Yes. B’s implied promise that no harm to A will
result bars B from asserting the statute of
limitations as a defense.
A has been employed by B for 40 years. B promises to pay A a pension of $200 per month when A retires. A retires and forbears to work elsewhere for several years while B pays the pension. Is B’s promise binding? 90.
Yes. B’s promise is binding.