Energy that passes through the atmosphere WITHOUT interacting with the gas or other particles in the atmosphere.
The process by which light bounces off (not absorbed) an obstacle in MANY directions
Rayleigh (selective) scattering
Relates wavelength to the size of molecules or particles that cause scattering
Mie Scattering
Any scattering produced by spherical particles whose diameters are greater than 1/10 the wavelength (cloud droplets or dust) of the scattered radiation
The bending of light as it passes from one medium to another
*causes a change in speed and a change in direction (bending action =___)
Visible light passes through raindrops and is REFRACTED and REFLECTED at precise angles
Light waves are REFRACTED by layers of air and different temperatures due to refraction. It looks like a a bright and bluish patch on the ground.
A portion of insulation bounces directly back into space without being absorbed
The assimilation of radiation by molecules of matter and its conversion from one form of energy to another
*Any insolation that is not part of the 31% reflected from Earths atmosphere and surface is absorbed
*it is converted by plants in photosynthesis or longwave radiation
Rayleigh SCATTERING color rules
The SHORTER the wavelength, the GREATER the scattering
*Shorter wavelengths (more direct) of visible light (blues and violets) scatter the MOST
- During the DAY (noon) BLUE light (shorter wavelengths) most readily scattered That’s what you see!!!
*When the sun is at low altitude (less direct), rays travel further through
atmosphere, leaving only oranges and reds
-During SUNSET, low sun angles, blue light is so scattered that it is eventually absorbed and only scattering of RED light is visible
White Clouds
Due to Mie Scattering, __ light is scattered in all directions. Some light penetrates to cloud base. sunlight is scattered by much larger water droplets. These scatter all colours almost equally meaning that the sunlight continues to remain ___ and so making the clouds appear ___ against the background of the blue sky.
The REFLECTIVE quality of a surface
*Important control over the amount of insolation that is available for absorption at the surface
Earths Average Albedo
Colors Effect on Albedo
*Lighter color = Higher reflectivity(albedo) = Lower absorption
*Darker color = Lower reflectivity(albedo) = Higher absorption
Process by which energy is transferred through a substance or between objects in DIRECT contact
*Molecule to molecule transfer
*Thermal energy from HIGH temperature to LOW temperature (temperature gradient)
-Conductivity of material