What is the structure of a nucleus?
Neutrons and protons held together by the strong nuclear force
What are the properties of the strong nuclear force?
Strong, attractive, independent of charge and has a very short range force
What happens to atoms when they have more than 82 protons and why?
They become unstable, thus releasing alpha particles thus becoming radioactive. This occurs because there is a limit to how many neutrons can be packed around a given proton. Above 83 protons, the strong nuclear force will always be beaten by the repulsive positive force of the protons.
Which nuclei have the correct balance between the number of protons and neutrons to be stable?
Only around the first 10
Which particle is emitted during alpha decay
a helium nucleus
On an N vs Z graph, why does the line of stability curvy so that N (neutrons) is greater than Z
As the amount of protons increases (repulsive force), the amount of extra neutrons to balance the force are needed.
What happens when both antimatter particles collide?
Both particles annihilate eachother and release energu
The mass number is the…
Amount of total particles in the nucleus
The atomic number is…
The amount of protons the atom has
Alpha decay occurs when….why>
The atomic number of an atom is above 83. This is because the unstable nucleus is attempting to stabilise.
Beta Minus decay occurs when…
a radioactive nuclei that are unstable because they have too many neutrons relative to the number of protons.
Beta Minus decay is the process of…
when one of the excess neutrons in the nucleus decays into a proton as well as releasing from the nucleus a beta particle or electron.
Beta plus decay occurs when…
a nucleus has too many protons to be stable and one of the protons decay to form a neutron with a byproduct being a positron. or positive electron. Which is ejected from the nucleus.
An alpha particle consists of…
2 protons and 2 neutrons
Chemical energy requires?
A chemical reaction to release the energy