Energy and Atmosphere Flashcards
British Thermal Unit (Btu)
The amount of heat to raise the temperature of one pound of liquid water from 60 to 61 Fahrenheit. This standard measure of energy is used to describe the energy content of fuels and compare energy use.
Building Envelope
The exterior surface of a builing-the water walls, windows, roof and floor; also referred to as the building shell.
A device that removes heat from a liquid, typically as part of a refrigeration system used to cool and dehumidify buildings.
Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL)
A small fluorescent lamp, used as a more efficient alternative to incandescent lighting; also called a PL, twin-tube or biax lamp (EPA).
Energy Efficiency Products and Systems
Building components and appliances that use less energy to perform as well as or better than standard products.
Energy or Greenhouse Gas Emissions per Capita
A community’s total greenhouse gas emissions divided by the total number of residents.
Energy Management System
A control system capable of monitoring environmental and system loads and adjusting HVAC operations accordingly in order to conserve energy while maintaining confort. (EPA)
Energy Star Rating
A meassure of a building’s energy performance compared with that of similar buildings as determined by the Energy Star Portfolio Manager. A score of 50 represents average building performance.
Energy Use Intensity
Energy consumption divided by the number of square feet in a building, often expressed as British thermal units (Btus) per square foot or as kilowatt-hours of electricity per square foot per year (kWh/sf/yr).
Fossil Fuel
Energy derived from ancient organic remains, such as peat, coal, crude oil and natural gas. (EPA)
HVAC Systems
Equipment, distribution system and terminals that provide the processes of heating, ventilating or air-conditioning. (ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2007)
Lighting power Density
The installed lighting power per unit area.
Measures of Energy Use
Typical primary measures of energy consumption associated with buildings include kilowatt-hours of electricity , therms of natural gas and gallons of liquid fuel.
Not capable of being replaced;permanently depleted once used. Examples of nonrenewable energy sources are oil and natural gas; nonrenewable natural resources include metallic ores.
Performance Relative to Benchmark
A comparison of a building system’s performance with a standard, such as ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager.