ENERGETICS yr 2 final for comps Flashcards
“four seams” are used to move pain our through the fingertips, you can prick them to bleed them, or can needle and retain them dispersing toward the fingertip, also treat gan syndrome, bi syndrome, and expels roundworms
these extra points at the tips of the fingers are for coma, collapse, fever sunstroke, they open the portals, revive consciousness, drain heat and pacify the liver
located 1.5 cun lateral to spinous process of 8th thoracic vertebae, this point is called the “pancreas point” and treats diabetes (wasting and thirting), vomit, dry throat, local pain, it clears heat and generates fluids
“lumbar eyes” these 2 points are located 3.5 cun lateral to the spinous process of L4, they are they butt dimples and treat SCIATICS, lumbar pain, and strengthent the kidneys
.5-1 cun lateral to the depression BELOW and LATERAL tot he spinous proscesses of cervial, throacic and lumbar vertebrae, and are used to open the spine, regulate and harmonize the zangfu and benefit the back
“eight pathogens”
used for excess heat, local numbness, swelling and spasm, also for throat swelling and pain
located 3.5 cun lateral to lower border of L1, this xtra pt is for lumbar pain and HEPATOSPLENOMEGALY
this is the xtra pt for the GB, located 1-2 cun below GB 34 on the RIGHT leg only and is used to treat acute and chronic cholecystitis and cholelithasis
named “8 winds” these xtra pts are used for periphreal neuropathy, cleras heat and dissipates swellings, leg qi, redness/swelling on dorsum of foot, it RELEASES THE EXTERIOR, DISPELS WIND AND TRANSFORMS DAMP
midpoint between LI 15 and axillary crease, this pt is for frozen shoulder
jian qian
between the 2nd and 3rd fingers on back of hand, used to treat ACUTE NECK PAIN
located 4 cun proximal to Pc 7 on BOTH sides of the flexor carpi radialis, this pt treats HEMORRHOIDS
located at tip of olecranon, MOXA ONLY, transforms DAMP, dissipates swellings, could be used for scrofula, goiter, etc
the BL begins at the ______, then ascends along head to vertex at Du 20, , a brnach from here descends to the _____ (body part) intersecting with GB channel. From the vertex it eneters the brain, and emerges at the back of the head at DU____. then descends to the nape of the neck at BL____, where the channel splits into 2 branches. The 1st branch descends along the spine 1.3 cun lateral to the midline to the ____ region. There it penetrates deep into the interior to connnect with the _____ and BL organs. a subbranch seperates at the lumbar and , goes down sacrum and butt, and descends to the ______ at the pt BL -40. a second barnch seperates at the nae of the neck and goes down back 3 cun from the midline to meet up w/ previous branch and then down thru gastroc and lateral malleolus-> lateral edge of the ____ toe
inner canthus, ears, Du 17, BL-10, Lumbar, kidney, poplietal crease/behind the knee, pinky
T or F, the BL is the hand taiyang
T or F, as a taiyang pathway the BL only deals w/ external wind, not internal wind
t or f the shu pts are transporting pts and used to enhance a prticular organ
T or F, the BL channel deals with chronic epf’s, often presenting with and underlying deficicncy
T or F, there are no pts on the bladder channel that deal w/ diuresis or movement of water
T or F, the bladder meridian goes to the brain and ends there
T or F, due to its length and the terrain of the body that is crossed, the BL channel has a great range of actions
T or F, the BL channel os only on the yang side of the body and has no influence on the sensory orifices
T or F, the entry/exit, beginning/end points of the bladder channel are the same
as the luo point, BL-____ invigorates the blood; and is also used for sinew issues
T or F, BL-2 expels wind, soothes the liver, and is a local point for the eyes
A majot pt on the BL channel for clearing hemrrhoids, this is also a major pt to promote defecation and urination. Its name, supporting the moutain, refers to its anatomical location and local indication for treating the lower leg muscles
____ xi cleft pt of the BL, deals with acute urinary bladder pain, clears heat, it is the xi cleft pt of the bladder channel as well as the starting point of the yang wei mai
BL-____ named “kinlun” is the fire and jing river point and as its name implies it can be used for going through the transition of dying, and birth (induces labor), it rectifies the qi, and has a sedating action, it lowers the yang, and it is an asprin pt and soothes the sinews
T or Fm the bladder shu points of the inner line can be treated with MOXA to tonify the yang of the individula organs
____ xi cleft pt for the YANG QIAO, it deals with seizures, epilapsy, and the ability to stand up in the world
T of F, the bladder meridian takes things out of the brain and can be used for chronic sinus issues
T or F, The inner shu line is better to needle while the outter shu line is better to moxa
the _____ (inner or outter) shu points serve as outlets for the contaminants/turbidity/phlegm that has been displaced to them through the experinces of life
T or F, the key role of the BL is to promote diuresis and eliminate turbidity
T or F, the order of the shu points goes: metal, fire, wood, earth, water
T or F, the BL channel deals with weakness of the external anatomy
this BL pt is the command pt for the LOW BACK and can affect the spine. It also can affect the knees. These dynamics are particularly due to the channel pathway connecting these areas to the kideny region
BL-____ as the wood point, it is the _____ (child or mother) of water. It releives fire toxins and is useful for headaches or back pain
BL-65, child
BL-____ from a five element perspective is the metal point and therefore the “tonification pt” for the channel
located in the gluteal crease, this point soothes the sinews and can be used for constiaption
as a point on the OUTTER BL line, this pt spreads liver qi, eliminates liver qi stagnation and fortifies the spleen as well as harmonizes the stomach
BL-____ as the earth point and also the ___ point (antique category), one of its functions is to bring yin abck to the stomach, supporting digestion; it can also clear damp heat in the lower jiao. These are only 2 of its many functions
BL-40, He Sea
BL shu pt for the S.I., it promotes the function of the S.I., resolves dampness and clears heat, eliminates stagnation by opening the waterways
This BL pt on the outter shu line tonifies the spleen, stimulates memory and concentration, and could help w/ someone who over thinks
this pt (not a liao pt) tonifies the kidneys, strengrthens the low abck, consolidates the essence and reinforces the will (zhi), BL-___
known as gao huang shu, it corresponds to the Pc shu, it tonifies the qi, nourishes the essence and tonifies the 5 taxations
due to its association with the shu, and as the spirit of the element, it stimulates the descendsing of lung qi, settles wheezing, and helps release greif
according to JY, this Ba Liao pt is the most tonifying of the 4 pts, it tonifies the lumbar/knees and nourishes the kidneys
all of these are true for BL 34 EXCEPT:
a. helps w/ diuresis
b. not a liao pt
c. most draining pt
d. helps w/ defecation issues
which of these is true for BL-28?
a. Important Liao pt
b. regulates the intestines
c. regulates the BL and resolves damp heat
d. stabilizes the essence
according to Jeffery, ths liao pt rectifies the qi, quickens the blood and is often used in gynecology it also treats yellow leukorrhea
this pt is the meeting place for taiyang, it treats stiffness and pain in the area. It courses the wind, and is a point that can be used to set biorhythms on the BL channel, similar to 4 gates
a. BL-45
b. BL-41
c. BL-55
d. BL 22
the following are true for BL-39 EXCEPT:
a. it is the xi cleft pt for the blood and skin
b. lower h sea of SJ
c. beneifts the bladder
d. can be needled for knee issues
thi pt soothes the sinews and as such could be called the aspri pt, it also clears heat and lowers yang, treats uterine blood stasis and is also the fire point
a. BL 60
b. BL 61
c. BL 66
d. BL-63
what does the term “soothe the sinews mean”?
to bring qi and blood to that area to create lubrication and ease in movement
the kidney channel begins ____ and ends _____
begins little toe, and ends at root of the tongue
the kidney primary channel connects with what primary meridians?
K, BL, Lu, Heart, Liver
T or F, kidney channel is most vulnerable to External cold, just as the lung chanenl is especially vulnerable to internal cold
T or F, the kidneys regulate the ren ancd ching and treat diseases related to these symptoms
T or F, darkness around the mouth can signify a kidney disease
T or F, you can look at the area where the kidney terminates to diagnostically determine the status of the kidneys
T or F, the kidney shu points were added later in history and reflect the same alignment, as far as elemental order, as the back shu
T or F, the kidneys are about our essence, about our comfort with who we are, a comfort in carrying out the ancestral code
T or F, the kidney channel goes through the throat and terminates at the root of the tongue
T or F, in the K meridian we can see damage to the thick fluids
symptoms involving: individual unable to support tailbione, weakness in upright posture, frigid/cold limbs, empty heat signs (loss of yang), unregulates ren and chong indicate a pathology of _____
T or F, kidney channel goes to the tip of the coccyx and then threads through the spine, connecting with the Du channel
K-____ is level with ren 8, and relates to digestion, it dispels an accumulation of food and/or blood
K-_____:this is the fire point of the K SHU, you can combine it with K-22 to increase heart kidney communication:
thi pt tonifies and invigorates the K yang, thus helping with frequwnt urination, benefits the essence and helps low back and knees, it is also the shu stream point of Kidney channel
this is the opening point of the yin qiao mai, it rules the inside of the leg. It is also an important point for kidney yin, K-___
this is the He Sea pt of the K channel, it clears damp heat from the lower jiao and strengthens the knees
this is the happy baby pt, it is used often in pregnancy to clear the karma in a new fetus
this is the lowest point on the body, it is known as bubbling sping and it clears deficienct heat damaging the blood and essence and tonifies kidney yin
this K pt, “recover the flow” is the jing river pt and as such it regulates the waterways