Energency Procedures Flashcards
Emergency Shutdown on Deck
1) Condition Levers - Fuel Cutoff
(In case of confirmed or suspected fire or fuel leak, continue checklist. If not, secure remaining engine using secure checklist)
2) Firewall Valves - Closed
3) Boost Pumps - Off
4) Fire Extinguisher - As Required
5) Aux Batt Switch - Off
6) Gangbar - Off
7) Evacuate Aircraft
Windmilling Airstart
+1) Power Lever (Failed Engine) - Idle
+2) Prop Lever (Failed Engine) - Full Forward
+3) Condition Lever (Failed Engine) - Fuel Cutoff
4) Firewall Valve - Open
5) Autoignition - Armed
6) Condition Lever - Low Idle
7) Power - As Required
Emergency Shutdown Checklist
+1) Power Lever - Idle
+2) Prop Lever - Feather
+3) Condition Lever - Fuel Cutoff
+4) Firewall Valve - Closed
+5) Fire Extinguisher - As Required
+6) Bleed Air - Closed
Smoke/Fire of Unknown Origin
1) Crew - Alerted
2) Cabin Temperature Mode - Off
3) Vent Blowers - Auto
4) Oxygen Mask/Mic Switches (100%) - As Required
Smoke and Fume Elimination
1) Oxygen Mask/Mic Switches(100%) - As Required
2) Pressurization - Dump
Explosive Decompression
1) Oxygen Mask/Mic Switches(100%) - As Required
2) Descent - As Required
Prop Failure/Malfunction
1) Prop RPM - Adjust to Normal RPM
+2) Power Lever - Idle
+3) Prop Lever - Feather
4) Alternate Prop Feathering Checklist - As Required
Single Engine Waveoff/Missed Approach
- Power - Max allowable, set and maintain a positive rate of climb (Vxse minimum)
- Flaps - Approach (unless already up)
- Gear - Up
- Flaps - Up
- Prop - 1900 RPM
Engine Failure After Takeoff
- Power - As require
- Gear - Up
- Airspeed - As Required
- Emergency shutdown checklist - Execute
Generator Failure
- Starter - Off
- Generator - Off, reset momentarily, release slowly to on
(If generator fails to reset) - Generator - Off
- Current Limiter (Battery Ammeter) - Checked
Emergency Descent Procedure
- Power Lever - Idle
- Prop Lever - Full Forward
- Flaps - As required
- Gear - As required
- Airspeed - As Required
- Windshield Heat - As required
Spin/Out of Control Flight Recovery
- Power Lever - Idle
- Rudder - Full deflection opposite of turn needle
- Control Wheel - Rapidly forward
- Rudder - Neutralize after rotation stops
- Control Wheel - Pull out of dive by exerting smooth, steady back pressure
Aborting Takeoff
- Announce “Abort”
- Power Lever - Idle
- Reverse - As required
- Brakes - As Required
- Condition Lever - Fuel Cutoff
- Firewall Valves - Closed
- Boost Pump - Off
- Fire Extinguisher - As required
- Aux Battery Switch - Off
- Gangbar - Off
- Evacuate Aircraft
Fuel Leak
- Condition Lever - Fuel Cutoff
- Emergency Shutdown Shutdown Checklist - Execute
EGPWS Pull Up Warning (IMC or at Night)
- Wings Level
- Power - Max Allowable
- Pitch - Set and maintain Vx
- Flaps - Approach (unless already uo)
- Gear - Up
- Flaps - Up
- Prop - 1900 RPM
- Continues climb at Vx until visual and voice warning cease
Jammed Power Lever
- Condition Lever - Fuel Cutoff
- Emergency Shutdown Checklist - Execute
Low Altitude Windshear
- Power - Max Allowable
- Pitch - Set and hold approximately 15° nose high
- Gear - Up
- Flaps - Maintain current setting
Abnormal Start
- Condition Lever - Fuel Cutoff (decrease below 790°C)
- Starter - Starter only (for remainder of 40 seconds)
- Starter - Off (at 40 seconds)