Endterm Flashcards
is the distribution of lands, regardless of crops or fruits produced, to farmers and regular farm workers who are landless, irrespective of tenurial arrangement
Agrarian Reform
refers to the various agrarian laws initiated by the government aimed at ameliorating the standard of living of those who live on the land by providing for them and eventually give a decent standard of living for themselves an their children
agrarian reform
provided by agrarian reform
farm technicians irrigation system loan assistance farm-to-market road post harvest facilities profitable marketing outlet
is the center piece program of the Aquino Administration for economic growth and development
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program
signed the CARP
President Corazon Aquino
date of signing CARP
June 10, 1988
date when CARP took effect
June 15, 1988
legal basis of CARP
RA No. 6657 or Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law (CARL)
an act which seeks the massive and rapid increase in agricultural productivity and improvement of access of the masses to the resources , particularly land.
RA No. 6657
scope of CARP
10.3 million hectares of agricultural land
10.3 million hectares of agricultural land represents- 1
1/3 of the land area of the Philippines
duration of CARP
10 years
number of beneficiaries of CARP
3.9 million
coverage of CARP
- all alienable and disposable lands of the public domain devoted to or suitable for agriculture
- all lands of the public domain in excess of the specific limits
- all other lands owned by the Government devoted to or suitable for agriculture
- all private lands devoted to or suitable for agriculture regardless of the agricultural products raised or that can be raised therein
Involving tenanted rice and corn lands, land voluntarily offered by landowners, idle and abandoned land and lands held by the government
Phase I
coverage of Phase 1
1.45 million hectares
implementation of Phase 1
Alienable and disposable public agricultural lands, leased arable public lands, resettlement areas and private agricultural lands in excess of 50 hectare insofar as the excess hectarage is concerned
Phase II
coverage of Phase II
7.49 million hectares
implementation of Phase II
All other private agricultural land commencing from those with areas of 24-50 hectares, then less than 24 hectares
Phase III
coverage of III-A
24-50 hectares
coverage of III-B
less than 24 hectares
coverage of Phase III
1.35 million hectares
implementation of Phase III-A
implementation of III-B
lands exempted and excluded from CARP
parks and wildlife forest reserves and reforestation fish sanctuaries and breeding grounds watersheds and mangroves national defense school sites and campuses including experimental farm stations church sites and convent mosques an islamic centers communal burial grounds and cemeteries penal colonies and penal farms research and quarantine centers all lands 18% slope and over
location of retention limit
Section 6, RA 6657
retention limit for landownders
5 hectares
age of child eligible for land
15 years old
location of distribution limit
Section 24, RA 6657