Endterm Flashcards
Electromagnetic induction and voltage transformation, its function is to provide current at high voltage to the x-ray tube
X-ray generator
electrical power available in the hopsital or clinic provided up to?
Much __ than 20,000 to 150,000 needed for x-ray production
__ are principle components of x-ray generators they convert low voltage to high voltage through a process called __
Transformers, electromagnetic induction
Effect that occurs with changing magnetic field and alternating electrical current, a reciprocal between electric and magnetic field
Electromagnetic induction
Performs task of transforming alternating input voltage to alternating output voltage using principle of electromagnetic induction
Input ac power (voltage and current) produced?
Oscillating electrical and magnetic field
One insulated wire wrapping (primary winding) carries the__ other insulated wire wrapping (secondary winding) carries
Input load (primary voltage and current), induced output load (secondary voltage and current)
Primary and secondary windings are electrically but not __ isolated by insulated wires
Secondary windings are bathed in the?
Oscillating magnetic field
Ns is?
Seconday coil
Np is?
Primary coil
Vs is
Alternating input
Vp is?
Alternating output
Ns > np
Step up transformer
Step down transformer