Endogenous Pacemakers Flashcards
what is an endogenous pacemaker?
internal mechanisms that govern biological rhythms
what is the suprachiasmatic nucleus?
tiny bundle of nerve cells in the hypothalamus which helps maintain circadian rhythms
the SCN lies just above the optic chiasm and recieves information about light delivery from when nerve fibres cross at the optic chiasm on their way to the visual cortex
continues when our eyes are closed
what did DeCoursey et al (2000) do?
destroyed the SCN connections in the brains of 30 chipmunks who were returned to their natural habitat and observed for 80 days
what did DeCoursey et al (2000)’s study find?
the chipmunks’ sleep/wake cycle disappeared and may were killed by predators
what was Ralph et al (1990)’s study?
bred ‘mutant hamsters’ with a 20-hour sleep/wake cycle
SCN cells were transplanted from the foetal tissue of these hamsters into the brains of normal hamster, which then developed 20 hour cycles
what is the role of the pineal gland and melatonin and the SCN?
the SCN passes information on day-length to the pineal gland, which increases melatonin production during the night
melatonin linked to SAD
what are weaknesses of research into endogenous pacemakers?
SCN may obscure other body clocks - Damiola et al (2000) changed feeding patterns of mice which altered circadian rhythms
can’t generalise from animals