Endodontic Instruments and Supplies Flashcards
What diagnostic equipment is needed in endodontics?
- Appropriate radiographs/CBCT
- Pulp testing equipment
- Mirror, explorer, cotton pliers
- Tooth slooth (bite)
- Trans-illuminator (cracks)
- Perio probe
- Cotton rolls/2x2 gauze for isolation
Profound ____ is critical
Supplemental injections that can be done in addition to blocks/infiltration
- PDL (Ligajet)
- X-tip/Stabident (intraosseous)
____ of the field is essential during RCT field
Isolation allows for protection from ____ and prevents ____
Aspiration; saliva/bacterial contamination of canal system
You can use ____ or other sealing material in conjunction with rubber dam to help prevent ____
Kool-Dam; Saliva contamination
____ is the standard of care
Rubber dam
Performing a root canal without a rubber dam is considered to be ____
What materials are used for endodontic access?
- High speed handpiece
- Slow speed handpiece
- Endodontic explorer
- Mirror, spoon excavator
- Magnification
- Knowledge of dental anatomy
Which burs fit into the high speed handpiece?
- # 4/#6 round bur
- # 557
- Endo Z bur
- Diamonds for access through porcelain/PFM crowns
Which burs fit into the slow speed handpiece?
- Surgical length rounds
- Munce discovery burs
What does ISO stand for?
International Standards Organization
What does ANSI stand for?
American National Standards Institute
What does FDI stand for?
Federation Dentair Internationale
What instruments are used for cleaning and shaping?
- NiTi files with motor
- Hand files
Examples of hand files
- K-files (square cross section)
- Flexofiles (triangular cross sections)
- Hedstrom (circular cross section)
Stainless steel hand files are used for initial instrumentation to:
- Navigate canal anatomy and obtain patency
- Establish a glide path