Endocrinology & Metabolism Flashcards
Most common signs/sx of hyperthyroidism
- nervousness/emotional lability (99%)
- increased sweating (91%)
- heat intolerance (89%)
- palpitations (89%)
- fatigue (88%)
- weight loss (85%)
- —— - tachycardia/afib (100%)
- goiter (99%)
- tremor (97%)
- proptosis (40%)
Most common signs/sx of hypothyroidism
- sluggish affect/depression (91%)
- fatigue (87%)
- cold intolerance (70%)
- constipation (70%)
- weight gain (56%)
- ———— - dry, coarse skin or hair (75%)
- periorbital puffiness (75%)
- bradycardia (55%)
- slow movements/speech (53%)
Indications for TSH screening w/out sx
- relative with hashimoto or graves
- other autoimmune disease (e.g. DM1)
- hx prior thyroid dysfxn
- pts on amiodarone or lithium
- pts living in iodine-deficient region
- obese pts (BMI >30)
- women pregnant or anticipating pregnancy
Lab tests for autoimmune thyroid dz
- TPO-ab: good indicator of hashimoto dz (hypothyroidism)
- TSH-receptor ab: option when RAIU is contraindicated for detecting graves dz, but lacks sensitivity and specificity for graves
thyrotoxicosis =
excess thyroid hormone (exogenous or endogenous)
steps in evaluating thyrotoxicosis
- TSH: elevated => ?pituitary tumor
- if TSH low => free T4/3: normal = subclinical thyrotoxicosis
- if free T4/3 elevated => RAIU scan
- RAIU elevated => graves; RAIU focal => Tox Nod Goit; RAIU low => thyroiditis
- Thyroiditis + painful thyroid = subacute thyroiditis; painless + normal/high TG=postpartum vs. lymphocytic thyroiditis; painless + low TG=factitious thyrotoxicosis
Complications of graves/thyrotoxicosis
- cardiac/arrhythmias
- osteoporosis
- hypermetabolic state
- graves opthalmopathy (proptosis, eom. dysfxn, optic neuropathy)
- pretibial myxedema = infiltrative dermopathy w/nonpitting scaly thickening and induration of skin
subclinical hypothyroidism
- mildly elevated TSH (5-10) and normal free T4
- requires no tx w/out sx or w/out pregnancy
Tx of thyrotoxicosis
- b-blockers for tachy
- antithyroid drugs (methimazole or propylthiouracil)
- radioiodine therapy
- pharma > RI tx in patients w/severe graves optho/thyroid storm
- thyroidectomy
Thyroid disease and pregnancy
- more thyroid hormone req. in pregnancy; low levels increase risk for maternal/fetal hypothyroidism
- tx @ TSH>2.5
- increase baseline levothyroxine dose by 30% as soon as pregnancy confirmed
- measure thyroid fxn q4weeks
DDx of hypothyroidism
- hashimoto (+TPO, fhx)
- iodine def.
- postpartum thyroiditis(TSH low, high, norm over 2-4 mo, ult. elevated TSH)
- silent thyroiditis
- subacute (painful thyroid, ESR elevated)
- drug-induced (amiodarone, Li, interferon)
- pit/hypothalamic mass (TSH low)
- pit/hypo radiation hx (TSH low)
Thyroid storm
- exaggerated s/sx of thyrotoxicosis + systemic decompensation
- often 2/2 rapid release of thyroid hormone (s/p large iodine load, w/draw of antithyroid drugs, tx w/radioactive iodine) or surgery, infection, trauma
- s/sx: tachy, hyperpyrexia, AMS, GI sx
- tx = reduce thyroid hormone + supportive
Myxedema coma
- caused by severe hypothyroidism
- AMS + hypothermia
- hypoxemia, hypercapnia, hyponatremia
- tx = ppx steroid tx (prevent adrenal crisis) before thyroid hormone + supportive
Thyroid cancers (most => least common)
- papillary carcinoma (80-85%)
- follicular carcinoma (10-15%)
- medullary thyroid carcinoma (<5%) [MEN II]
- anaplastic carcinoma (<1%)
Layers of adrenal cortex
- “GFR = salt, sugar, sex”
- zona glomerulosa = mineralcorticoids (“salt”) <=RAAS
- zona fasciculata = glucocorticoids/cortisol (“sugar”) <=ACTH
- zona reticularis = androgens (“sex) <=FSH/LH
Causes of primary adrenal insufficiency
- autoimmune adrenalitis
- infection (TB, mycosis, bacterial, HIV)
- metastatic cancer
- adrenal hemorrhage
- medication (etomidate, ketoconazole)
Causes of secondary (central) adrenal insufficiency
- exogenous GC
- hypothalamic/pituitary diseases or surgery
- cranial irradiation
- drugs (e.g. megestrol => gc activity)
Indication for GC tapering
-tx w/GC for >3 weeks requires tapering
Sx of adrenal insufficiency
- weight loss
- anorexia
- weakness
- nausea, abd. pain
- arthralgias
- fatigue/malaise
- skin hyperpigmentation @ primary insufficiency (2/2 elevated ACTH)
- orthostatic hypotension, salt craving 2/2 volume depletion from aldosterone deficiency
Lab dx of adrenal insufficiency
- cosyntropin stimulation test: ACTH/cortisol measured at 0,30,60 minutes s/p cosyntropin admin; rise of >18 cortisol rules out adrenal insufficiency
- also measure free cortisol in critically ill patients