Endocrinology Medic Flashcards
Thyroid basics
The thyroid gland has its embryological origin at the back of the tongue. It migrates downwards to the midline, and sits anteriorly to the thyroid cartilage in the neck. This may lead to remnant tissue, which can present as a lingual thyroid or thyroglossal cyst. The thyroid gland has a left and right lobe joined by a central isthmus. The thyroid can be distinguished from other neck lumps by its movement on swallowing. The recurrent laryngeal nerve lies laterally on each side and the parathyroid glands lie posteriorly – both may be damaged during thyroid surgery. The thyroid gland has a rich vascular supply from the inferior and superior thyroid arteries. Thyroid tissue is made up of a substance called colloid, which contains iodinated thyroglobulin. Thyroglobulin is synthesised by the surrounding follicular cells and is the large molecule from which thyroxine is made and stored in colloid. The thyroid is also made up of neuroendocrine cells (C-cells) which secrete calcitonin. Calcitonin levels are elevated in medullary thyroid cancer which is a rare form of thyroid cancer which often has a genetic basis.
Thyroid hormones are made up of iodinated tyrosine molecules to form thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). T4 is the main circulating hormone, which is converted peripherally to the more potent and shorter-acting T3. The number indicates how many iodine atoms are in the molecule. Thyroid hormones are bound thyroxine binding globulin [TBG], transthyretin and albumin. The free hormone acts on intracellular thyroid receptors. There are two main types of thyroid receptor (TRα and TRβ).
Actions of thyroid hormones
Thyroid hormones increase the basal metabolic rate and affect growth in children, as well as having many other effects in adults. They act on the cardiovascular system to increase the heart rate, as well as having effects on the CNS and reproductive system. Because of the widespread role of thyroid hormones in metabolism, disorders of thyroid function can present with many different symptoms and to many different specialists.
Thyroid function tests
Thyroid function tests are commonly requested in clinical practice. The pituitary-thyroid axis is based on a negative feedback system. TRH stimulates pituitary TSH secretion, which drives T3 and T4 secretion. Thyroid hormones are stable, therefore basal levels are sufficient for interpretation.
Primary versus secondary hypothyroidism
Primary hypothyroidism is due to a problem with thyroid gland itself, most commonly auto- immune in origin. It is characterised by reduced circulating T4 and a high TSH. Secondary hypothyroidism is due to TSH deficiency and is usually a result of pituitary disease. Secondary hypothyroidism is characterised by low T4 levels and a non-elevated TSH.
Primary hyperthyroidism is characterised by increased T3 / T4 levels with a suppressed TSH. If TSH is not suppressed in the context of high T4/ T3, this is unusual and suggests a TSHoma, thyroid hormone resistance or assay interference.
Factors affecting thyroid results
Thyroid function tests may be affected by non-thyroidal illness. Thyroid function tests are therefore best interpreted when patients are relatively well, rather than during acute illness. Medication, such as lithium and amiodarone, as well as pregnancy may also affect thyroid function results.
Hyperthyroidism also known as?
Most commonly affected by hyptherthyroidism?
Young women but can also develop in men and present at any age.
Causes of hyperthyroidism?
Auto-immune (Graves’ disease) is the commonest cause of hyperthyroidism, and is due to the presence of TSH receptor stimulating antibodies. It typically affects young women and usually follows a relapsing-remitting course.
Nodular thyroid disease typically presents at an older age than auto-immune. Nodular hyperthyroidism is caused by autonomous secretion of T3 / T4 either from a solitary toxic nodule, or numerous nodules situated within a toxic multi- nodular goitre
Thyroiditis is inflammation of the thyroid gland causing a release of thyroxine. It may be caused by viral infection, medication (e.g amiodarone) or following childbirth (post- partum thyroiditis). A hypothyroid phase often follows the initial toxic phase.
Clinical features of hyperthyroidism
Hyperthyroidism presents with a range of symptoms caused by increased sympathetic action. Classical features include weight loss with increased appetite, insomnia, irritability, anxiety, heat intolerance, palpitations and tremor. Other symptoms include pruritus, increased bowel frequency and loose motions, menstrual disturbance and reduced fertility. Elderly patients may present atypically with reduced energy levels (termed ‘apathetic thyrotoxicosis’). Hyperthyroidism is less common in children than adults, and may present with classical symptoms, or with accelerated growth and behavioural disturbance. General signs of hyperthyroidism include a resting tachycardia (sinus rhythm or atrial fibrillation), warm peripheries, resting tremor, hyper-reflexia and lid lag. Lid-lag maybe seen in any cause of hyperthyroidism, due to increased sympathetic tone of the upper eyelid. Lid retraction and proptosis are only seen in Graves’ disease. Patients may have hypertension and a flow murmur. Patients often appear agitated and hyperkinetic. Specific clinical signs of Graves’ disease include thyroid eye disease, and skin changes (dermopathy) characterised by pre- tibial myxoedema as well as nail changes similar to clubbing (‘thyroid acropachy’). These are a result of cross-reactivity with TSH receptors in the back of the orbit and skin.
Investigations of hyperthyroidism
The hallmark of hyperthyroidism is an elevated free fT4 and free fT3 with undetectable TSH. An elevated fT3 alone with normal fT4 and suppressed TSH is termed T3-toxicosis. Patients with a normal FT4 / FT3 and suppressed TSH have ‘subclinical hyperthyroidism’, suggesting autonomous thyroid activity. The presence of elevated fT4 and fT3 with non-suppressed TSH is unusual and requires further investigation. Thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPO) are non-specific markers of auto-immune thyroid disease. TSH-receptor stimulating antibodies (TSHrAb) are more specific and may be helpful in particular clinical situations such as pregnancy. Thyroid ultrasound may help to confirm nodular thyroid disease but does not assess gland activity. Nuclear imaging (technetium or iodine uptake isotope scan) may help determine functionality and therefore the cause of hyperthyroidism. In Graves’ disease there is uniform increase uptake, whereas in nodular disease there is increased uptake only in the autonomous nodule(s). In thyroiditis there is absent uptake on isotope scan.
Hyperthyroidism treatment
Management options for hyperthyroidism include medication, surgery and radioactive iodine. Medical treatment is usually the first line approach, with definitive options later on. Thionamides (carbimazole and propylthiouracil) reduce the synthesis of T3 and T4. It usually takes 4-6 weeks to normalise results after initiation of anti-thyroid drugs. Beta-blockers may be used to control symptoms until thyroid function returns to normal
Definitive treatment of hyperthyroidism
These include radioactive iodine and thyroidectomy. Both treatments have advantages and disadvantages and are usually driven by patient choice. Radioactive iodine involves the administration of a single dose of 131I. It is contra-indicated in pregnancy and may lead to a flare up of eye disease in patients with pre-existing ophthalmopathy. It commonly causes hypothyroidism, which requires lifelong thyroxine replacement. Patients emit a small amount of radiation after administration of 131I and are advised to avoid close contact with young children and pregnant women for a few weeks after treatment. Thyroid surgery is an effective definitive treatment, particularly in situations where patients cannot easily comply with radiation restriction guidance (e.g. mothers with young children).Thyroid function should be controlled pre-operatively to avoid anaesthetic problems. Beta-blockade may be used during anaesthetic induction if thyroid function is not optimal, to prevent peri-operative atrial fibrillation. Complications of thyroid surgery include bleeding, infection, damage to the recurrent laryngeal nerve and temporary or permanent hypocalcaemia (due to hypoparathyroidism), but these risks are low if the surgery is undertaken by an experienced surgeon.
Hypothyroidism causes
This is most commonly due to autoimmune disease. Enlargement of the gland with hypothyroidism is sometimes termed ‘Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
Pregnancy may lead to transient or permanent hypothyroidism after delivery, and can be misdiagnosed as post-natal depression (post-partum thyroiditis).
In developing countries, iodine deficiency is a preventable cause of neonatal hypothyroidism, which causes severe mental retardation (‘cretinism’
A rare genetic defect in thyroid hormone synthesis may cause hypothyroidism in infancy (familial thyroid dyshormonogenesis).
Secondary hypothyroidism (TSH deficiency)
This is much less common than primary hypothyroidism and is caused by TSH deficiency due to hypothalamic-pituitary disease. Secondary hypothyroidism is characterised by low fT4 with non-elevated TSH, and should prompt full investigation of the pituitary gland.
Hypothyroidism clinical features
The classical features of hypothyroidism include weight gain, cold intolerance, fatigue, constipation, bradycardia, with thickening of the skin and puffiness around the eyes (‘myxoedema’). More commonly hypothyroidism presents with subtle symptoms and is often diagnosed incidentally during routine blood tests. Symptoms of hypothyroidism may be similar to depression or chronic fatigue, which is experienced by up to 40% of the normal population, so slightly abnormal thyroid results may not always be the cause of the patients’ symptoms.
Hypothyroidism investigations
The hallmark of primary hypothyroidism is a low fT4 with elevated TSH. Most laboratories in the UK use TSH alone to diagnose hypothyroidism. This is sufficient to diagnose primary hypothyroidism, but fT4 must be measured as well as TSH when secondary hypothyroidism (TSH deficiency) is suspected. Auto-immune hypothyroidism is confirmed by measuring thyroid antibodies. Thyroid peroxidase (TPO) antibodies are usually strongly positive in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.
Hypothyroidism treatment
This consists of thyroxine replacement, given at a dose sufficient to improve symptoms and normalise thyroid function. A typical starting dose is 50-100ug / day. Elderly patients or those with ischaemic heart disease may be started on a lower dose (25ug / day). A persistently elevated TSH suggests under-replacement, poor compliance or malabsorption (e.g. from coeliac disease or concurrent medication such as iron, calcium or proton pump inhibitors). A suppressed or undetectable TSH suggests over-replacement, leading to increased risk of atrial fibrillation and osteoporosis. The use of T3 (liothyronine) and dessicated thyroid extract (‘armour thyroid’) as alternatives to thyroxine is not recommended routinely. Patients who remain symptomatic despite normalisation of thyroid function should be investigated for non- thyroid pathology. In patients with secondary hypothyroidism, fT4 should be replaced to the upper part of the normal range since TSH cannot be relied upon as a measure of optimal replacement. Doses should not be mistakenly reduced on the basis of a suppressed TSH level.
Sub clinical hypothyroidism
Subclinical hypothyroidism refers to a normal fT4 with elevated TSH. If patients are asymptomatic, treatment may not be needed. Thyroid function spontaneously reverts to normal during repeat testing in 10-15% of patients in this situation. Guidelines recommend starting thyroxine if TSH is > 10 miU/L even if patients are asymptomatic due to the high likelihood of progression to frank hypothyroidism. Treatment should also be considered at lower levels of TSH elevation (TSH of 5 to 10 miU/L) in women planning pregnancy, on a trial basis in symptomatic patients, and in patients with significant dyslipidaemia. Patients with positive thyroid antibodies should have an annual thyroid function test to ensure they do not progress to overt hypothyroidism.
Adrenal cortex
Glucocorticoids - Cortisol is the major glucocorticoid and plays a key role in metabolism. Its synthesis is regulated by ACTH. Cortisol exerts negative feedback on the hypothalamus, to reduce CRH (and vasopressin), and on the anterior pituitary to reduce ACTH. Cortisol is highest at 0800 and lowest at midnight. Most cortisol is bound to cortisol binding globulin (CBG; 80-90%) and albumin (5-10%), with only a small proportion existing in the free biologically active state. Current cortisol immunoassays measure total (bound and free) cortisol, hence conditions which stimulate CBG levels (e.g. oestrogen therapy) may increase measured cortisol levels without affecting biologically active free levels.
Adrenal androgens - Adrenal androgens are mainly controlled by ACTH. They have a more important role in adult women, and in both sexes pre-pubertally, as adult men rely mainly on testicular production of androgens. DHEA and DHEA-S, and androstenedione are converted to the more potent testosterone and dihydrotestosterone in peripheral tissues. Androgens exert their effects on sebaceous glands, hair follicles, the prostate gland and external genitalia.
Mineralocorticoids - Aldosterone is the major mineralocorticoid. It is regulated by the renin- angiotensin system. In response to low circulating blood volume, hyponatraemia or hyperkalaemia, renin is activated to catalyse the conversion of angiotensinogen to angiotensin I, which is converted by angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) to angiotensin II. Angiotensin II stimulates aldosterone release upon binding to the angiotensin receptor. Aldosterone acts mainly at the renal distal convoluted tubule on its receptor to cause sodium retention and potassium loss.
Adrenal medulla
This has a completely different embryological origin from the cortex and consists of tissue made up of the sympathetic nervous system, which secretes adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine and their metabolites (metanephrines, nor-metanephrines and 3- methoxytyramine).
Addison’s disease?
This arises as a result of destruction of the adrenal gland, or genetic defects in steroid synthesis. All three zones of the adrenal cortex are usually affected.
Clinical features of Addison’s disease
Symptoms may be non-specific and gradual in onset so it is important to maintain a high index of suspicion in order to make the diagnosis. Patients usually describe fatigue, weakness, anorexia, weight loss, nausea and abdominal pain. Dizziness and postural hypotension occur as a result of mineralocorticoid deficiency. Glucocorticoid loss leads to hypoglycaemia, and increased pigmentation due to ACTH excess from reduced cortisol negative feedback. Androgen deficiency in women may lead to reduced libido and loss of axillary and pubic hair.
There are several causes of primary adrenal failure but autoimmunity is by far the commonest cause in the UK, and is supported by detection of positive adrenal autoantibodies. Other causes such as infection or infiltrative processes are rare but should be considered when antibody testing is
Investigations for Addisons
Biochemical hallmarks of primary adrenal failure are hyponatraemia, hyperkalaemia, raised urea, hypoglycaemia, and a mild anaemia. Confirmatory tests include a low 9am cortisol and simultaneously raised ACTH concentration, although a Synacthen test is
generally needed for confirmation.
Management of Addison’s disease
P atients with primary adrenal failure need lifelong glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid replacement therapy. Hydrocortisone is usually the first choice, although some give low dose prednisolone. Mineralocorticoid replacement is given as fludrocortisone. Patients should be instructed to double their glucocorticoid dose at times of illness, and continue on a doubled dose until their illness has resolved. Glucocorticoids may need to be administered IV or IM during surgery or in cases of prolonged vomiting or diarrhoea. Patients should be provided with a steroid emergency card, encouraged to wear medical alert jewellery and be provided with emergency contact details for their endocrine team.
Secondary Adrenal insufficiency (ACTH deficiency)
This may result from any cause of hypopituitarism. The principles of hydrocortisone replacement and dose adjustment are the same as for primary adrenal failure but fludrocortisone replacement is not required. Long-term steroids commonly cause ACTH suppression so sudden cessation may lead to adrenal crisis. Important point: Patients taking long-term steroids should be instructed not to stop their steroids abruptly. As with other causes of adrenal insufficiency, patients should carry a steroid card and be educated about steroid supplementation at times of illnes
Phaeochromocytoma and paraganglioma
These are catecholamine-secreting tumours which occur in about 0.1% of patients with hypertension. In about 90% of cases they arise from the adrenal medulla. The remaining 10%, which arise from extra-adrenal chromaffin tissue, are termed paragangliomas. A familial basis is recognised in up to 30% of patients, especially in bilateral, extra-adrenal or malignant tumours
Clinical features of Phaeochromocytoma
These include headache, sweating, pallor and palpitations. Patients may describe anxiety, panic attacks, and hypertension is present in at least 90% of patients. Left untreated, can lead to hypertensive crisis, encephalopathy, hyperglycaemia, pulmonary oedema, cardiac arrythmias or even death.
Investigations for phaeochromocytoma
Diagnosis relies on the biochemical confirmation of elevated catecholamines or their metabolites (metanephrines), followed by radiological localisation of the tumour.
24 hour urinary catecholamines and plasma metanephrines are the commonest screening tests. Computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the abdomen is the initial imaging test of choice, followed by whole-body MRI if the tumour is not localised. 123I-meta-Iodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) scans may locate tumours not seen on MRI and is useful preoperatively to exclude multiple tumours or metastases. PET scans are also useful to localise the tumour, with various ligands being used. Genetic testing should occur in patients presenting at a young age, or in those with multifocal, malignant or extra-adrenal disease. Identification of a predisposing mutation should lead to annual screening for new or recurrent disease in index cases, and cascade genetic testing of first degree relatives.
Management of phaeochromocytoma?
The definitive treatment is surgical excision, which may be performed laparoscopically or through an open procedure. Important point: all patients with confirmed phaeochromocytoma or paraganglioma need alpha +/- beta blockade at diagnosis. Alpha-blockade, is usually with
phenoxybenzamine (but may be with doxazosin), and this should be done before beta blockade to avoid unopposed alpha-adrenergic stimulation and the risk of hypertensive crisis. Beta blockers may subsequently be introduced to control reflex tachycardia.
Pituitary gland anatomy
The pituitary gland is approximately the size of a pea and sits in the pituitary fossa at the base of the brain. The anterior pituitary is derived from an up-growth of gut and the posterior from a down-growth of primitive brain tissue. The optic chiasm lies superior to the pituitary
gland, and the cavernous sinuses laterally, containing cranial nerves III, IV, Va,b and VI as well as the internal carotid artery. The hypothalamus secretes releasing and inhibiting factors, which are transported down the hypophyseal portal tract to the anterior pituitary.
Pituitary axes?
Growth axis; GH is secreted in a pulsatile manner with peak pulses during REM sleep. GH acts on the liver to produce IGF-1, which is a marker of GH activity. GH acts directly on its receptor, as well as via IGF-1. GH plays an important role in musculoskeletal growth in
children, and has an important role in adults. GH is under positive control by Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) and negative control by somatostatin.
Adrenal axis - ACTH has a circadian rhythm, with peak pulses early in the morning and lowest activity at midnight. ACTH stimulates cortisol release, and is under positive control by CRH. Cortisol has a negative feedback effect on ACTH.
Gonadal axis - FSH leads to ovarian follicle development in women and sperm production in men. In women, LH causes mid-cycle ovulation during the LH surge and
formation of the corpus luteum. In men, LH drives testosterone secretion from the Leydig cells of testes. FSH and LH are stimulated by pulsatile GnRH. Testosterone and oestrogen inhibit LH and FSH, and prolactin has a direct inhibitory effect on LH and FSH as well
Thyroid axis -TSH drives thyroxine release via stimulation of TSH receptors in the thyroid
gland. TRH stimulates TSH secretion, and is a weak stimulator of prolactin secretion.
Thyroxine has a negative feedback effect on TSH.
Prolactin axis - Prolactin causes lactation and has a direct inhibitory effect on LH and
FSH. It is under predominantly negative control by dopamine and weak stimulatory control by TRH. Anything that blocks dopamine will lead to an elevation prolactin.
Pituiary gland clinical assessment
Pituitary tumours present either as a result of the compression of surrounding structures or the effects of hormone excess. Functional pituitary tumours may present with the clinical syndromes of acromegaly (GH), Cushing’s disease (ACTH), prolactinoma (PRL) or TSHoma (TSH). Symptoms and signs of hyperprolactinaemia should be looked for.
Non-functioning pituitary tumours may present with hypopituitarism or compression of local structures. In hypopituitarism usually all hormones go down apart from prolactin, which goes up – due to disinhibition hyperprolactinaemia. Pituitary tumours may cause compression of the optic chiasm, classically leading to a bi-temporal hemianopia. Assessment of visual fields is a mandatory part of the clinical examination of patients with pituitary tumours, as it is the usual indication for surgery in non-functioning tumours.
Biochemical Assessment of Pituitary gland?
Basal tests - Prolactin and TSH do not fluctuate much so can be checked at any time of
day. Both fT4 and TSH should be checked in patients with suspected pituitary disease
because TSH is usually normal in secondary hypothyroidism. In women, LH and FSH should be measured within the 1st 5 days of the menstrual cycle. In men, LH and FSH and basal testosterone should be checked at 0900 in the fasting state. Basal cortisol should be checked at 0900 when deficiency is suspected. IGF-1 is a marker of GH, low levels suggesting GH deficiency, high levels suggesting excess.
Dynamic tests - Synacthen test. This is predominantly used to assess primary adrenal
failure, but is useful to assess pituitary ACTH reserve. After two weeks of ACTH deficiency, atrophy of the adrenal cortex leads to an inadequate response to synacthen. This test should not be used to assess ACTH reserve in an acute situation, such as pituitary apoplexy or immediately post-pituitary surgery.
Insulin Tolerance Test (ITT) - This is the gold standard test of ACTH and GH reserve. Insulin-induced hypoglycaemia is a significant physiological stress, and if frank hypoglycaemia is achieved with symptoms, ACTH and GH will rise will
rise. Important point: The insulin tolerance test should not be performed in patients with ischaemic heart disease or epilepsy because of the risk of triggering coronary ischaemia and seizures respectively.
Imaging of Pituitary gland
MRI is the imaging modality of choice for the pituitary gland. Dedicated pituitary views with injection of contrast highlight the difference between tumour and normal gland. Pituitary tumours > 1cm are termed macro-adenomas, whilst lesions < 1cm are micro-adenomas. CT may be adequate in patients who are unable to have MRI. There is increasing interest in
functional imaging of pituitary tumours (PET and fMRI) to determine functionality of the
High prolactin levels are common clinical practice. Pregnancy should be excluded before
further investigation. A full medication history is essential because dopamine antagonists such as anti-emetics and anti-psychotics commonly cause a high prolactin. Profound hypothyroidism is a rare cause of a high prolactin level. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is commonly associated with mild hyperprolactinaemia. In large pituitary tumours, a prolactin level greater than 5,000 iU/L suggests active secretion of prolactin (prolactinoma) rather than pituitary stalk compression from a non-functioning adenoma.
These are the commonest pituitary tumours and are more frequently seen in women than men. Micro-prolactinomas are < 1cm, and typically present with menstrual disturbance (or hypogonadism in men) and galactorrhoea, although infertility may be the only feature. PCOS is distinguished from prolactinoma by the presence of androgenic symptoms, less elevated prolactin levels (typically < 1,000 miU/L) and the absence of a pituitary lesion on MRI.
By definition, these are > 1cm and may be very large. They are more common in men than women. Prolactin levels are typically > 5,000 miU/. When levels of prolactin are extremely high, the immuno-assay can give inaccurately low results (the ‘Hook Effect’) so it may be necessary to dilute the sample to achieve a more accurate result.
Prolactinoma treatment
Prolactinomas are treated with dopamine (D2) agonists, most commonly cabergoline or
bromocriptine. Cabergoline is given once or twice weekly and is better tolerated than
bromocriptine, which is given daily. Common side-effects include nausea and postural
hypotension, and rarely psychiatric disturbance. Macro-prolactinomas are treated medically even if they are very large, usually with good reduction in prolactin and tumour bulk. In 15% of macro-prolactinomas, CSF leak occurs due to rapid reduction in size of the lesion, which gives a potential risk of meningitis. A high cumulative dose of dopamine agonist has been associated with cardiac valve abnormalities in Parkinson’s disease, but this is not a concern for prolactinoma doses, although cardiac symptoms should be investigated with an echocardiogram in patients on dopamine agonists.
Acromegaly cause?
Acromegaly is almost exclusively caused by a GH-secreting pituitary tumour. Patients have often had acromegaly for many years before the diagnosis is made. Untreated acromegaly may lead to disfiguring features and premature death from cardiovascular disease. It is also associated with increased risk of bowel cancer.
Clinical features of Acromegaly
Acromegaly is associated with increased size of hands and feet. Facial features become
coarser over time, with frontal bossing of the forehead, protrusion of the chin and widely spaced teeth. Soft tissue swelling leads to enlargement of the tongue and soft palate, snoring and sleep apnoea, puffiness of the hands with carpal tunnel syndrome. Other specific features of active GH hypersecretion include sweating, headaches, hypertension and diabetes mellitus, which may resolve after treatment of the condition.
Investigation of Acromegaly
Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) and IGF-1 - Failure to suppress GH after OGTT and
elevated IGF-1 levels are found in active acromegaly. Some tumours co-secrete both GH
and prolactin as they share the same cell origin, therefore prolactin may be simultaneously elevated. Pituitary MRI will usually show a pituitary tumour. Micro-adenomas may only be obvious with contrast enhanced scans and there is an increasing role for functional imaging.
Management of Acromegaly
Surgery is the treatment of choice for most patients. With micro-adenomas, there is a high likelihood of surgical remission, whilst remission is only achieved in approximately 60% of patients with macro-adenomas. Medical treatment - somatostatin analogues may improve symptoms and control GH and IGF-1 levels. They are usually given as monthly injections.
GH receptor blockers may control IGF-1 levels in patients with refractory acromegaly.
Dopamine agonists may control GH in certain patients. External beam or stereotactic
radiotherapy (gamma knife) may be used. Stereotactic radiotherapy provides a more
targeted treatment at higher dose and is increasingly used, but is only suitable for lesions well away from the optic chiasm. Radiotherapy may take many years to lower GH. Longterm side effects of radiotherapy include gradual-onset hypopituitarism due to damage to the normal pituitary, and possible cerebrovascular disease.
Monitoring disease activity in Acromegaly
After initial surgery, repeat OGTT will indicate if there is persistent disease. Long-term
follow-up is important to ensure adequate control of GH and IGF-1 levels, and exclude
recurrence. Because of the association of acromegaly with risk of neoplasia, periodic
screening colonoscopy should also be considered. Patients should be intermittently
assessed for sleep apnoea, diabetes, cardiovascular risk and symptoms of recurrence.
Non-Functioning Pituitary Adenomas and Hypopituitarism
Non-Functioning Pituitary Adenomas (NFPAs) are biochemically inactive tumours. They
usually present with visual field loss, headache or hypopituitarism. Pituitary incidentalomas are an increasing way this diagnosis is made. Surgery is indicated if there is a visual field defect or if there is threat to vision. The usual route trans-sphenoidal, although trans-cranial surgery is occasionally needed. Histologically, NFPAs may have positive immuno-staining for biologically inactive LH and FSH, but they do not secrete bio-active hormones.
Hypopituitarism may be congenital or acquired. Acquired hypopituitarism is most commonly due to the presence of a pituitary tumour. Other causes include inflammatory and infiltrative disorders (usually associated with Diabetes Insipidus), traumatic brain injury and radiotherapy. Hypopituitarism often causes non-specific symptoms including lethargy, weight gain and sexual dysfunction. It may present as an acute hypo-adrenal crisis, with hyponatraemia and hypotension, which is a medical emergency. In children, short stature may be the presenting feature
Investigation of Hypopituitarism
The priority is assessment exclusion of adrenal insufficiency. Secondary hypothyroidism is demonstrated by a low T4 and non-elevated TSH. Secondary hypogonadism is confirmed by low sex hormones with non-elevated LH and FSH. In post-menopausal females, LH and FSH levels are a good screening test for hypopituitarism, as gonadotrophins should be elevated at this age. GH deficiency is suggested by low or low-normal IGF-1 levels. MRI may show an empty fossa or pituitary tumour.
Treatment of Hypopituitarism
ACTH deficiency - Hydrocortisone replacement leads to immediate increased energy and appetite with a general improvement in symptoms if ACTH deficiency is present. In the acute situation, hydrocortisone may be life-saving.
TSH deficiency is treated with thyroxine replacement, with doses titrated according to symptomatic improvement and fT4 levels.
Gonadotropin deficiency in men is treated with testosterone replacement both for symptom control and protection from osteoporosis. Testosterone is given by gel or injection.
Gonadotropin deficiency in women is treated with oestrogen and progesterone replacement as appropriate, which may be given as the combined contraceptive pill or HRT.
Growth hormone deficiency in adults may give rise to reduced quality of life, reduced muscle and bone mass, and increased fat mass with an adverse cardiovascular profile. GH deficiency should be considered in all patients with pituitary disease with impaired quality of life, as replacement has the potential to improve this significantly. GH is given as a daily subcutaneous injection and should be continued if there is objective evidence of clinical benefit.
Cushing’s Disease
Cushing’s syndrome is characterised by central obesity, a dorso-cervical fat pad and
increased roundness of the face. Patients often have a red face (plethora) and have thin
skin, easy bruising and proximal myopathy. There may be hypertension, premature
osteoporosis and diabetes mellitus. Important point: Left untreated, Cushing’s syndrome is associated with significant morbidity and has a 5-year mortality approaching 50%.
Investigation for Cushing’s
Screening tests - Alcoholism and severe depression may cause patients to look cushingoid (‘pseudocushings’) but screening tests will usually be normal. 24h Urine Free Cortisol (UFC), Low Dose Dexamethasone Suppression Test (LDDST) and the overnight Dexamethasone Suppression Test (DST) are used as screening tests. 24h UFC will be elevated, and failure to suppress cortisol to < 50nmol/l after LDDST or overnight DST suggest Cushing’s syndrome. Elevated late night salivary cortisol levels are a new convenient outpatient screening test.
Differential Diagnosis for Cushing’s
he 3 potential causes are pituitary, adrenal or ectopic ACTH. Pituitary is more common
than ectopic ACTH. Hypokalaemia, a history of smoking and weight loss are suggestive of ectopic ACTH due to lung cancer or another malignancy (e.g bronchial carcinoid). Significant and accelerated hirsutism may suggest an adrenal tumour. ACTH levels - if ACTH is low, an adrenal tumour is likely due to negative feedback ACTH suppression by high cortisol levels.
If ACTH is normal or high, the diagnosis is pituitary or ectopic. CRH causes an exaggerated rise in ACTH and cortisol in Cushing’s disease, with a flat response observed in ectopic ACTH (CRH Test). The High Dose DST leads to some degree of cortisol suppression in Cushing’s disease but not in ectopic. MRI of the pituitary should be performed if the results suggest a pituitary cause. If there is no clear pituitary lesion on MRI, Inferior Petrosal Sinus Sampling (IPSS) may help confirm central ACTH secretion by showing a clear gradient between central and peripheral ACTH levels after CRH injection. In suspected ectopic ACTH, a whole body CT scan and PET imaging may reveal a carcinoma elsewhere, often in the thorax.
Management of Cushing’s
If an adrenal tumour is found, laparoscopic adrenalectomy is the treatment of choice. In
ectopic ACTH, appropriate treatment of the underlying malignancy and medical control of cortisol levels is needed. In Cushing’s disease, trans-sphenoidal removal of the pituitary adenoma is indicated. Medical treatment with metyrapone and ketoconazole is possible and radiotherapy may help.