Endocrine systems Flashcards
What is the definition of a hormone?
A chemical messenger produced an secreted by a gland or cell that is transported in the bloodstream to a target organ or tissue to elicit a physiological response
Name the THREE classes of hormone
Cholesterol derivatives
Modified amino acids
What is ectopic hormone secretion?
Hormone made outside the normal endocrine gland
What does prolactin do?
Causes lactation
What does the H-P-Gonad axis result in the production of?
What does the H-P-Ovary axis result in the production of?
GnRH stimulating FSH and LH
Name the THREE disorders associated with growth hormone secretion
Growth hormone deficiency in childhood - Dwarfism
Over secretion of growth hormone in children - Giantism
Over secretion of growth hormone in adult - Acromegaly
What causes Cushing syndrome?
Over production of cortisol
What causes Addison’s disease?
Lack of adrenal function