Endocrine system Flashcards
Diabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitus (DM) describes a group of metabolic diseases that are characterized by chronic hyperglycemia (elevated blood glucose levels). The two most common forms are type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Type 1 is the result of an autoimmune response that triggers the destruction of insulin-producing β cells in the pancreas and results in an absolute insulin deficiency. Type 2, which is much more common, has a strong genetic component as well as a significant association with obesity and sedentary lifestyles. Type 2 diabetes is characterized by insulin resistance (insufficient response of peripheral cells to insulin) and pancreatic β cell dysfunction (impaired insulin secretion), resulting in relative insulin deficiency. This form of diabetes usually remains clinically inapparent for many years. However, abnormal metabolism (prediabetic state or impaired glucose intolerance), which is associated with chronic hyperglycemia, causes microvascular and macrovascular changes that eventually result in cardiovascular, renal, retinal, and neurological complications. In addition, type 2 diabetic patients often present with other conditions (e.g. hypertension, dyslipidemia, obesity) that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease (e.g., myocardial infarction). Renal insufficiency is primarily responsible for the reduced life expectancy of patients with DM. Because of the chronic, progressive nature of type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus, a comprehensive treatment approach is necessary. The primary treatment goals for type 2 diabetes are the normalization of glucose metabolism and the management of risk factors (e.g., arterial hypertension). In theory, weight normalization, physical activity, and a balanced diet should be sufficient to prevent the manifestation of diabetes in prediabetic patients or delay the progression of disease in diabetic patients. Unfortunately, these general measures alone are rarely successful, and treatment with oral antidiabetic drugs and/or insulin injections is often required for optimal glycemic control. In type 1 diabetes, insulin replacement therapy is essential and patients must learn to coordinate insulin injections and dietary carbohydrates. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients require regular self-management training to improve glycemic control, reduce the risk of life-threatening hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia, and prevent diabetic complication
Diabetes mellitus type 1 Dr Deac Pimp
∼ 5% of all patients with diabetes
Childhood onset: typically < 20 years but can occur at any age; peaks at age 4–6 years and 10–14 years
Highest prevalence in non-Hispanic whites
Aetiiology of type 1:
Type 1
Autoimmune β cell destruction in genetically susceptible individuals
HLA association. HLA-DR3 and HLA-DR4 positive patients are 4–6 times more likely to develop type 1 diabetes.
Association with other autoimmune conditions
Hashimoto thyroiditis
Type A gastritis
Celiac disease
Primary adrenal insufficiency
Normal insulin physiology
Secretion: Insulin is synthesized in the β cells of the islets of Langerhans. The cleavage of proinsulin (precursor molecule of insulin) produces the C-peptide (connecting peptide) and insulin, which consists of two peptide chains (A and B chains).
Action: Insulin has a variety of metabolic effects on the body, primarily contributing to the generation of energy reserves and glycemic control.
Carbohydrate metabolism: Insulin is the only hormone in the body that lowers the blood glucose level.
Protein metabolism: stimulates protein synthesis Stimulates amino acid uptake into cells; inhibits proteolysis
Lipid metabolism: maintains a fat depot and has an antiketogenic effect
Electrolyte regulation: stimulates intracellular potassium accumulation
Type 1 diabetes
Genetic susceptibility
Environmental trigger (often associated with previous viral infection)
→ Autoimmune response with production of autoantibodies, e.g., Anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody (Anti-GAD), that target insulin-producing cells → progressive destruction of insulin-producing β cells in the pancreatic islets by autoreactive T cells → destruction of 80–90% of β cells
→ Absolute insulin deficiency → elevated blood glucose levels
Clinical features:
Onset for type 1: sudden, diabetic ketoacidosis is often the first manifestation.
Alternatively, children may present with acute illness and classic symptoms.
-Classic: polyuria, secondary enuresis and nocturia in children.
-Visual disturbances: blurred vision
-Calf cramps
-Poor wound healing
Weight loss: a thin appearance is typical for type 1 diabetic patients.
Diabetes mellitus should be suspected in patients with recurrent cellulitis, candidiasis, dermatophyte infections, gangrene, pneumonia (particularly TB reactivation), influenza, genitourinary infections (UTIs), osteomyelitis, and/or vascular dementia.
Investigations :
Hyperglycemia: elevated blood glucose levels
Diagnostic criteria for patients
A single random blood glucose level ≥ 200 mg/dL is sufficient for diagnosis.
Alternatively, a pathological fasting plasma glucose (FPG) test, oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) , or hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) test establishes the diagnosis (see table below)
If hyperglycemia is high enough to suggest but not confirm a diagnosis of DM, two similar test results, either from the same sample or from a separate test sample, will confirm the diagnosis.
Symptomatic patients need to be tested.
Asymptomatic patients wih younger than 45 years of age who are obese and have one other risk factor for diabetes.
Also need to be tested if >45 years of age.
For diabetes mellitus, fasting plasma glucose level should be greater than or equal to 126
2 hour glucose value after OGTT is greater than 200.
Hemoglobin is greater than 6.5.
FPG: 100-125 (5.6-6.9)
2hour OGTT: 140-199
Hb A1C: 5.7-6.4
FPG: <100 (<5.6)
2 hour OGTT: <140 (<7.8)
Hb A1C In % <5.7
Additional tests
Specific autoantibodies for diabetes mellitus type 1
Anti-GAD antibodies
Anti-tyrosine phosphatase-related islet antigen (IA-2)
Islet cell surface antibody (ICSA; against ganglioside)
↓ C-peptide levels indicate an absolute insulin deficiency → type 1 diabetes
↑ C-peptide levels may indicate insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia → type 2 diabetes
Urine analysis
Microalbuminuria: an early sign of diabetic nephropathy
Glucosuria: Testing urine for glucose does not suffice to establish the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus.
Ketone bodies (usually accompanied by glucosuria): positive in acute metabolic decompensation in diabetes mellitus (diabetic ketoacidosis).
Definition: a rare neuroendocrine tumor of the pancreas that secretes glucagon. In > 50% of cases, metastasis is present at diagnosis.
Clinical findings: nonspecific symptoms, weight loss (80%), necrolytic migratory erythema (70%), impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes mellitus (75–95%), chronic diarrhea (30%), deep vein thrombosis, and depression
Necrolytic migratory erythema
A cutaneous paraneoplastic syndrome that is mainly associated with pancreatic tumors secreting glucagon, but also hepatitis B, C, and bronchial carcinoma
Occurrence of multiple areas of centrifugally spreading erythema, located predominantly on the face, perineum, and lower extremities
Develop into painful and pruritic crusty patches with central areas of bronze-colored induration
Tend to resolve and reappear in a different location
Skin biopsy shows epidermal necrosis
Diagnostics: requires a high index of suspicion to make the diagnosis
Laboratory findings: ↑ glucagon, ↑ blood glucose levels, normocytic normochromic anemia (90%)
Imaging (CT): locate the tumor
Glycemic control
Octreotide (somatostatin)
Pancreatic resection
Definition: a rare neuroendocrine tumor of δ-cell (D-cell) origin that is usually located in the pancreas or gastrointestinal tract and secretes somatostatin.
Clinical findings
Abdominal pain
Weight loss
Classic triad
Glucose intolerance
Laboratory findings: ↑ somatostatin, ↑ blood glucose levels
Imaging: locate the tumor
Octreotide → inhibition of somatostatin secretion
Pancreatic resection: curative if no metastases are present
Individual treatment targets
Blood glucose control and regular glycemic monitoring: A1C values
Weight loss : Type 2 diabetic patients with a BMI of 27–35 benefit from a weight reduction of 5%; in patients with a BMI > 35 kg/m2, weight reduction of > 10% is recommended.
Blood pressure control
Improved blood lipid profile with statin therapy
Low dose aspirin for men > 50 years and women > 60 years with cardiovascular risk factors.
Lifestyle modification:
↑ Physical activity → ↓ blood glucose and ↑ insulin sensitivity
Smoking cessation
Balanced diet and nutrition
Small, frequent meals
Diet: ∼ 55% carbohydrates (replace simple carbohydrates such as glucose and sucrose with complex carbohydrates), 30% fat, 15% protein
High-fiber diet
Alcohol should (if possible) be consumed with carbohydrates to avoid hypoglycemia
Hyperglycemic crisis: undiagnosed or insufficiently treated diabetes mellitus may result in severe hyperglycemia, potentially culminating in a coma
Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state (HHS)
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)
Life-threatening hypoglycemia: secondary to inappropriate insulin therapy
Diabetic cardiomyopathy
Diabetic fatty liver disease
Hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism
Limited joint mobility (formerly known as diabetic cheiroarthropathy)
Increased risk of infection
Strict glycemic control is crucial in preventing microvascular disease.
Diabetes mellitus is one of the leading causes of death in the US; common complications that result in death are myocardial infarction and end stage renal failure.
One of the leading causes of blindness, nontraumatic lower limb amputation, end stage renal failure, and cardiovascular disease
The prognosis primarily depends on glycemic control and treatment of comorbidities (e.g., hypertension, dyslipidemia).
Diabetes mellitus type 2 Dr Deac Pimp
Type 2:
The estimated prevalence in the US is 9.1%.
Adult onset: typically > 40 years ; mean age of onset is decreasing
Highest prevalence in Hispanics, Native Americans, Asian Americans, African Americans, and Pacific Islanders
Aetiology type 2 Hereditary and environmental factors Association with metabolic syndrome Risk factors Obesity, high-calorie diet High waist-to-hip ratio (visceral fat accumulation) Physical inactivity First-degree relative with diabetes Ethnicity Hypertension Dyslipidemia History of gestational diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes
Two major mechanisms:
Peripheral insulin resistance
Numerous genetic and environmental factors
Central obesity → increased plasma levels of free fatty acids → impaired insulin-dependent glucose uptake into hepatocytes, myocytes, and adipocytes
Increased serine kinase activity in liver, fat and skeletal muscle cells → phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-1 → decreased affinity of IRS-1 for PI3K → decreased expression of GLUT4 channels → decreased cellular glucose uptake
Pancreatic β cell dysfunction
Accumulation of pro-amylin (islet amyloid polypeptide) in the pancreas → decreased endogenous insulin production
Initially, insulin resistance is compensated by increased insulin and amylin secretion.
Over the course of the disease, insulin resistance progresses, while insulin secretion capacity declines.
After a period of impaired glucose tolerance with isolated postprandial hyperglycemia, diabetes manifests with fasting hyperglycemia.
Type 2 clinical features:
Onset: Gradual; the majority of patients are asymptomatic
Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state (in elderly especially, signs of dehydration)
Symptoms of complications may be the first clinical sign of disease.
Characteristic features
Secondary enuresis and nocturia in children
Visual disturbances: blurred vision
Calf cramps
Poor wound healing
Benign acanthosis nigricans
Diabetes mellitus should be suspected in patients with recurrent cellulitis, candidiasis, dermatophyte infections, gangrene, pneumonia (particularly TB reactivation), influenza, genitourinary infections (UTIs), osteomyelitis, and/or vascular dementia.
For diabetes mellitus, fasting plasma glucose level should be greater than or equal to 126
2 hour glucose value after OGTT is greater than 200.
Hemoglobin is greater than 6.5.
FPG: 100-125 (5.6-6.9)
2hour OGTT: 140-199
Hb A1C: 5.7-6.4
FPG: <100 (<5.6)
2 hour OGTT: <140 (<7.8)
Hb A1C In % <5.7
Additional tests
Specific autoantibodies for diabetes mellitus type 1
Anti-GAD antibodies
Anti-tyrosine phosphatase-related islet antigen (IA-2)
Islet cell surface antibody (ICSA; against ganglioside)
↓ C-peptide levels indicate an absolute insulin deficiency → type 1 diabetes
↑ C-peptide levels may indicate insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia → type 2 diabetes
Urine analysis
Microalbuminuria: an early sign of diabetic nephropathy
Glucosuria: Testing urine for glucose does not suffice to establish the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus.
Ketone bodies (usually accompanied by glucosuria): positive in acute metabolic decompensation in diabetes mellitus (diabetic ketoacidosis)
Definition: a rare neuroendocrine tumor of the pancreas that secretes glucagon. In > 50% of cases, metastasis is present at diagnosis.
Clinical findings: nonspecific symptoms, weight loss (80%), necrolytic migratory erythema (70%), impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes mellitus (75–95%), chronic diarrhea (30%), deep vein thrombosis, and depression
Necrolytic migratory erythema
A cutaneous paraneoplastic syndrome that is mainly associated with pancreatic tumors secreting glucagon, but also hepatitis B, C, and bronchial carcinoma
Occurrence of multiple areas of centrifugally spreading erythema, located predominantly on the face, perineum, and lower extremities
Develop into painful and pruritic crusty patches with central areas of bronze-colored induration
Tend to resolve and reappear in a different location
Skin biopsy shows epidermal necrosis
Diagnostics: requires a high index of suspicion to make the diagnosis
Laboratory findings: ↑ glucagon, ↑ blood glucose levels, normocytic normochromic anemia (90%)
Imaging (CT): locate the tumor
Glycemic control
Octreotide (somatostatin)
Pancreatic resection
Definition: a rare neuroendocrine tumor of δ-cell (D-cell) origin that is usually located in the pancreas or gastrointestinal tract and secretes somatostatin.
Clinical findings
Abdominal pain
Weight loss
Classic triad
Glucose intolerance
Laboratory findings: ↑ somatostatin, ↑ blood glucose levels
Imaging: locate the tumor
Octreotide → inhibition of somatostatin secretion
Pancreatic resection: curative if no metastases are present
Individual treatment targets
Blood glucose control and regular glycemic monitoring: A1C values
Weight loss : Type 2 diabetic patients with a BMI of 27–35 benefit from a weight reduction of 5%; in patients with a BMI > 35 kg/m2, weight reduction of > 10% is recommended.
Blood pressure control
Improved blood lipid profile with statin therapy
Low dose aspirin for men > 50 years and women > 60 years with cardiovascular risk factors.
Lifestyle modification:
↑ Physical activity → ↓ blood glucose and ↑ insulin sensitivity
Smoking cessation
Balanced diet and nutrition
Small, frequent meals
Diet: ∼ 55% carbohydrates (replace simple carbohydrates such as glucose and sucrose with complex carbohydrates), 30% fat, 15% protein
High-fiber diet
Alcohol should (if possible) be consumed with carbohydrates to avoid hypoglycemia
Hyperglycemic crisis: undiagnosed or insufficiently treated diabetes mellitus may result in severe hyperglycemia, potentially culminating in a coma
Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state (HHS)
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)
Life-threatening hypoglycemia: secondary to inappropriate insulin therapy
Diabetic cardiomyopathy
Diabetic fatty liver disease
Hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism
Limited joint mobility (formerly known as diabetic cheiroarthropathy)
Increased risk of infection
Diabetes mellitus is one of the leading causes of death in the US; common complications that result in death are myocardial infarction and end stage renal failure.
One of the leading causes of blindness, nontraumatic lower limb amputation, end stage renal failure, and cardiovascular disease
The prognosis primarily depends on glycemic control and treatment of comorbidities (e.g., hypertension, dyslipidemia).
Antihyperglycemic therapy algorithm for type 2 diabetes
HbA1C target for adults: < 7% (53 mmol/mol)
The guidelines for the treatment of DM recommend an individualized treatment strategy.
If the target A1C is not reached within 3 months with conservative measures (e.g., diet, exercise), the next step in the therapeutic algorithm should be initiated.
Oral antidiabetic drugs should be avoided in patients undergoing surgery or suffering from severe illness. Instead, insulin therapy should be initiated!
General measures: weight reduction, exercise, medical nutrition therapy, self-management education.
Monotherapy: drug of choice is metformin.
Dual therapy: Metformin + a second oral antidabetic drug:
Metformin +
A second oral antidiabetic drug: dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor, sulfonylureas, thiazolidinedione, meglitinides, SGLT-2 inhibitors, alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, amylin analogs
GLP-1 receptor agonists (incretin mimetics)
Basal insulin
Triple therapy
Add a third oral antidiabetic drug, nightly basal insulin, or injectable GLP-1 receptor agonist
Combination injectable therapy Metformin + basal insulin + mealtime insulin or GLP-1 receptor agonist
Only consider the substitution of drugs in cases in which the drug is not tolerated or side effects occur.
Oral antidiabetic drugs should be avoided in patients undergoing surgery or suffering from severe illness. Instead, insulin therapy should be initiated!
Principles of insulin therapy
Total daily requirement of insulin
On average, the body requires 40 USP units of insulin daily.
20 units for basic metabolism → basal insulin
20 units for calorie consumption → bolus insulin
Insulin correction factor
1 unit of insulin lowers the blood glucose level by 30–40 mg/dL (1.7–2.2 mmol/L)
Carbohydrate counting
10 g of carbohydrates increases the blood glucose level by 30–40 mg/dL (1.7–2.2 mmol/L).
Insulin-to-carbohydrate ratio
On average, 1 unit of insulin is required for 15 g carbs = 1 carb serving (carb unit); however, this varies greatly from patient to patient.
Insulin sensitivity fluctuates over the course of a day → Insulin-to-carbohydrate ratio changes over the course of a day.
Morning hours: 2 units insulin, lunchtime: 1 unit, evening hours: 1.5 units
Type 1 diabetes
Insulin replacement therapy: The exogenous insulin requirement depends on the residual insulin production of the pancreas.
The initial total daily dose (TDD) of insulin should be 0.6–1.0 U/kg.
After beginning insulin treatment, there is often a temporary reduction in exogenous insulin demand.
Type 2 diabetes
Residual endogenous insulin production is augmented with exogenous insulin, depending on the extent of insulin resistance (which in turn depends on the level of obesity).
The TDD of insulin should be 0.1–0.2 U/kg
D: Hypoglycemia, or low blood glucose, has many causes, but it most commonly occurs in diabetic patients as a consequence of insulin therapy or other drugs. The onset of hypoglycemic symptoms depends largely on the individual’s physiological adaptation mechanisms, although symptoms can start to occur when blood glucose falls below 70 mg/dL. Hypoglycemia manifests with autonomic symptoms (i.e., hunger, sweating, tachycardia) and neuroglycopenic symptoms (i.e., confusion, behavioral changes, somnolence). Since prolonged hypoglycemia can result in acute brain damage, changes in a patient’s mental status should prompt immediate fingerstick blood glucose measurement and treatment. Treatment in patients who are still conscious consists of a fast-acting carbohydrate such as glucose tablets, candy, or juice. Unresponsive patients are treated with intravenous dextrose or intramuscular glucagon.
Defining cutoff: There is no specific cutoff that defines hypoglycemia, as there is considerable variability in the serum glucose level at which a person will experience symptoms of hypoglycemia.
In patients with diabetes: generally described as ≤ 70 mg/dL (≤ 3.9 mmol/L). [1]
Whipple triad [1][2]
Low plasma glucose concentration
Signs or symptoms consistent with hypoglycemia (see “Clinical features” below)
Relief of symptoms when plasma glucose increases after treatment.
Causes of hypoglycaemia Insulin-related Insulin excess Accidental overdose of insulin or noninsulin drugs (e.g., sulfonylureas, meglitinides) Wrongly timed medication Drug interactions Factitious disorder Increased sensitivity to insulin Weight loss Increase in activity/exercise Decreased insulin clearance Renal failure
Fasting/missed meals
Chronic alcohol use
Acute illness Sepsis Trauma Burns Organ failure
(Relative) overdose of insulin or a noninsulin drug is by far the most common cause of hypoglycemia.
Consider factitious disorder in patients with access to insulin and other diabetes medications (e.g., healthcare professionals), for whom there is no other obvious explanation for hypoglycemia.
Non diabeteic patients hypoglycaemia causes Critical illness Hepatic disease Renal failure Heart failure Malnutrition Sepsis Trauma Burns
Drugs that cause hypoglycemia: Nonselective beta blockers Hormone deficiencies: Hypopituitarism Adrenal insufficiency
Endogenous hyperinsulinaemia or IGF
Noninsulinoma pancreatogenous hypoglycemia syndrome (NIPHS)
Gastric bypass surgery (late dumping syndrome)
Nonislet cell tumor hypoglycemia
Exogenous hyperinsulinism
Factitious disorder
Accidental insulin use
Autoimmune causes
Insulin autoimmune syndrome (IAS)
Anti-insulin receptor autoantibodies
Genetic and congenital disorders Genetic and congenital disorders [4] Congenital hypopituitarism Glycogen storage diseases Fructose intolerance
Clinical features
Threshold for symptoms
Varies greatly, but symptoms have usually occurred by the time serum glucose concentration is < 50 mg/dL (2.8 mmol/L)
The threshold at which symptoms may appear in patients with chronic diabetes is especially variable due to hypoglycemia-associated autonomic failure (HAAF). [1]
Recurrent hypoglycemia → changes in the counterregulatory response (e.g., decreased epinephrine release) → lower glucose threshold needed to trigger symptoms → asymptomatic hypoglycemia
For this reason, the initial symptom of hypoglycemia in patients with HAAF is often confusion.
The threshold can also vary due to medication: Beta blockers can mask signs of hypoglycemia.
Signs and symptoms
Increased sympathetic activity: tremor, pallor, anxiety, tachycardia, sweating, and palpitations
Increased parasympathetic activity: hunger, paresthesias, nausea, and vomiting
Agitation, confusion, behavioral changes
Seizure, focal neurological signs
Somnolence → obtundation → stupor → coma
Beta blockers can mask signs of hypoglycemia.
General diagnostic approach
Confirm low blood glucose (via fingerstick or BMP) and check for Whipple triad.
Rule out acute illness as a cause (e.g., infection, sepsis, burns).
Review the patient’s medications to rule out medication as a cause (see drugs that cause hypoglycemia).
Perform diagnostic workup based on the leading differential diagnosis and whether the patient has diabetes or not.
Diabetic patients [1]
Hypoglycemia in diabetic patients is almost always due to acute illness and/or medications (e.g., insulin) and further workup is generally not indicated.
Initial workup if no obvious trigger identified:
Labs: CBC, BMP, LFTs, urinalysis
Imaging: X-ray chest
Infectious workup
Consider sulfonylurea and exogenous insulin levels.
Nondiabetic patients [2]
Rule out acute illness and medication as a cause.
Further diagnostic testing should only be pursued if the cause is not evident based on history and examination.
The goal is to determine if the hypoglycemia is due to hyperinsulinemia (e.g., insulinoma).
Laboratory studies
The following labs should be obtained during a hypoglycemic episode (or 72-hour fast if no spontaneous hypoglycemic episode is documented):
Insulin antibodies
Sulfonylurea level (and any other oral antidiabetic agents)
Glucagon tolerance test (see below)
Consider also: anti-insulin receptor antibodies, IGF-1/IGF-2, cortisol, glucagon, growth hormone
72-hour fast [2]
Procedure: The patient fasts for 72 hours, only drinking noncaloric beverages, and all nonessential medications are discontinued.
Measure insulin, C-peptide, and glucose every 4–6 hours.
Once plasma glucose < 45 mg/dL or < 55 mg/dL with documented Whipple triad, obtain serum studies (see “Laboratory studies” above).
After serum studies have been obtained, continue with a glucagon tolerance test and end the fast.
Glucagon tolerance test
Procedure: After the 72-hour fast has ended, inject glucagon.
Measure serum glucose and insulin at baseline, then at 10, 20, and 30 minutes after glucagon injection.
Nonsuppressed serum insulin concentrations with decreased serum C-peptide and proinsulin concentrations are consistent with exogenous insulin use.
Indications: labs consistent with endogenous hyperinsulinism (e.g., insulinoma) [5]
Usually, combined imaging is required to confirm the diagnosis of insulinoma (CT scan and MRI
Hypoglycaemia without hyperinsulinism: glucose: low insulin: low normal Proinsulin/C peptide, low normal β-hydroxybutyrate: normal Glucose response to glucagon: diminished response. Hyperinsulinism or increase IGF glucose: low insulin: ELEVATED Proinsulin/C peptide: Exogenous: low, endogenous: normal/high β-hydroxybutyrate: low Glucose response to glucagon: normal response
If the patient is conscious:
Oral glucose 15–20 g
Fast-acting carbohydrates (such as glucose tablets, candy, or juice)
If the patient is unconscious (or unable to ingest glucose): [2]
IV dextrose
IM glucagon: if neither oral or IV routes of administering glucose are feasible
Recheck POC glucose after 15 minutes.
Suspected severe hypoglycemia should be treated immediately, without waiting for the results of blood glucose testing!
Adrenal crisis (Addisonian crisis)
Description: Acute, severe glucocorticoid deficiency that requires immediate emergency treatment.
Stress (e.g., infection, trauma, surgery) in a patient with underlying adrenal insufficiency
Sudden discontinuation of glucocorticoids after prolonged glucocorticoid therapy
Bilateral adrenal hemorrhage or infarction (e.g., Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome)
Pituitary apoplexy
Clinical features
Hypotension, shock
Impaired consciousness, coma
Vomiting, diarrhea
Severe abdominal pain (which resembles peritonitis)
Hypoglycemia, hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, and metabolic acidosis
Administration of high doses of hydrocortisone: 100 mg IV every 8 hours
Alternatively: dexamethasone
4 mg IV every 12 hours
Does not interfere with testing, as opposed to hydrocortisone [14]
Fluid resuscitation with normal saline to treat hypotension and hyponatremia
Correct hypoglycemia with 50% dextrose
Intensive care monitoring
In order to avoid the development of secondary and tertiary adrenal insufficiency, prolonged steroid therapy must be tapered slowly and should never be stopped abruptly.
The 5 S’s of adrenal crisis treatment are: Salt: 0.9% saline, Sugar: 50% dextrose, Steroids: 100 mg hydrocortisone IV every 8 hours, Support: normal saline to correct hypotension and electrolyte abnormalities, Search for underlying disorder
Adrenal crisis can be life-threatening. Therefore, treatment with high doses of hydrocortisone should be started immediately without waiting for diagnostic confirmation of hypocortisolism!
Hypercalcemia is a condition of high calcium levels (total Ca2+> 10.5 mg/dL or ionized Ca2+> 5.25 mg/dL) in the blood serum. For information regarding the physiology and homeostasis of calcium, please see the hypocalcemia article. The most common causes of hypercalcemia are primary hyperparathyroidism and malignancy with paraneoplastic production of parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP). Symptoms of hypercalcemia include nephrolithiasis, bone pain, abdominal pain, and polyuria. Management depends on the severity of calcium imbalance. Mild and asymptomatic moderate hypercalcemia is treated with oral rehydration and low calcium intake, while symptomatic moderate cases and severe cases require IV rehydration and calcitonin administration. Hypercalcemic crisis is a life-threatening complication that manifests with dehydration, oliguria, and altered consciousness and requires immediate forced diuresis.
Hypercalcaemia Dr Deac Pimp
Hypercalcemia = total serum calcium concentration > 10.5 mg/dL (> 2.62 mmol/L), or ionized (free) calcium concentration > 5.25 mg/dL (> 1.31 mmol/L) [1]
Aetiology PTH mediated: Primary hyperparathyroidism Secondary hyperparaathyroidism Tertiary hyperparaathyroidism Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcaemia
Non-PTH mediated
Hypercalcaemia of malignancy
Granulomatous disorders (e.g sarcoidosis)
Other Medications Hyperthyroidism Long periods of immobilization Milk-alkali syndrome Paget disease of the bone Adrenal insufficiency
Primary hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcemia of malignancy account for > 90% of cases of hypercalcemia. Compared to primary hyperparathyroidism, serum calcium is typically higher in hypercalcemia of malignancy (> 13 mg/dL, or > 3.25 mmol/L), and patients, therefore, exhibit more severe symptoms.
Clinical features
The clinical presentation is variable and may be asymptomatic.
Nephrolithiasis, nephrocalcinosis (calcium oxalate > calcium phosphate stones)
Bone pain, arthralgias, myalgias, fractures
Abdominal pain
Nausea and vomiting
Peptic ulcer disease [5]
Neuropsychiatric symptoms such as anxiety, depression, fatigue, and cognitive dysfunction
Obtundation and coma indicate progression to hypercalcemic crisis
Diminished muscle excitability
Cardiac arrhythmias
Muscle weakness, paresis
Polyuria and dehydration
Hypercalcemic crisis: life-threatening condition that should be suspected at total calcium levels > 14 mg/dL (3.5 mmol/L) or ionized calcium > 10 mg/dL (2.5 mmol/L); patients present with
Dehydration (due to ADH resistance and vomiting)
Altered consciousness
Hypercalcemia can cause pancreatitis. Hypocalcemia in patients with pancreatitis suggests pancreatic necrosis.
The presentation of hypercalcemia includes stones (nephrolithiasis), bones (bone pain, arthralgias), thrones (increased urinary frequency), groans (abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting), and psychiatric overtones (anxiety, depression, fatigue). Note that these are also the findings of vitamin D overdose!
Approach [7]
Evaluate calcium imbalance
Initial test: serum calcium concentration
Confirm true hypercalcemia: measure ionized calcium or use serum albumin to calculate corrected calcium.
Corrected calcium (mg/dL) = measured total Ca2+ (mg/dL) + [0.8 x (4.0 - albumin concentration in g/dL)]
Increased ionized calcium, regardless of total calcium levels → true hypercalcemia (potentially symptomatic)
Increased total calcium with normal ionized (active) calcium → factitious hypercalcemia (asymptomatic finding)
Differentiate between low PTH and high PTH: to determine the underlying cause of hypercalcemia
PTH: the most important test for patients with disorders of calcium balance
Further laboratory tests to confirm the diagnosis (e.g., creatinine in suspected CKD)
Further tests
QT interval shortening
In severe hypercalcemia: J wave
Further evaluation of bone disorders: See laboratory evaluation of bone diseases.
The corrected calcium concentration calculated using serum albumin may not be accurate when major pH changes have taken place in the body (e.g., following surgery). In these cases, it is better to measure ionized calcium directly.
Treatment of any underlying disorder (e.g., glucocorticoids in sarcoidosis or any other granulomatous disease → reduction in activity of mononuclear cells producing calcitriol)
Mild or asymptomatic hypercalcemia: total calcium < 12 mg/dL (< 3 mmol/L) or ionized calcium < 8 mg/dL (< 2 mmol/L)
Encourage adequate oral hydration
Reduce dietary intake of calcium
Avoid thiazide diuretics, lithium, high-calcium diet
Moderate hypercalcemia: total calcium 12–14 mg/dl (3–3.5 mmol/L)
Asymptomatic: same treatment as for mild hypercalcemia (see above)
Symptomatic: same treatment as described for severe hypercalcemia (see below)
Severe or symptomatic hypercalcemia: total calcium > 14 mg/dL (> 3.5 mmol/L) or ionized calcium > 10 mg/dL (> 2.5 mmol/L)
Immediate therapy [8]
IV hydration with isotonic saline
Calcitonin [9]
In hypercalcemic crisis: immediate forced diuresis (following volume replacement!)
Cause-based therapy
Excessive bone resorption (e.g., hypercalcemia of malignancy, immobilization): bisphosphonates (zoledronic acid, pamidronate)
Renal insufficiency or heart failure: loop diuretics (with monitoring of serum potassium) to avoid volume overload
Dialysis in very severe cases (total calcium > 18 mg/dL; ionized calcium > 4.5 mmol/L) or concomitant renal failure
Thiazide diuretics enhance Tubular calcium resorption → Discontinue them in hypercalcemia. Loop diuretics Lose calcium → Administer them in hypercalcemia.
Hypocalcemia is a state of low serum calcium levels (total Ca2+ < 8.5 mg/dL or ionized Ca2+ < 4.65 mg/dL). Total calcium comprises physiologically-active ionized calcium as well as anion-bound and protein-bound, physiologically-inactive calcium. Calcium plays an important role in various cellular processes in the body, such as stabilizing the resting membrane potential of cells, cell signaling, coagulation, and hormone release. In addition to hormonal control by parathyroid hormone (PTH) and calcitriol, calcium homeostasis is also influenced by serum protein levels and acid-base status, both of which impact the ratio of protein-bound Ca2+ to ionized Ca2+ in the serum. Severity and chronicity of calcium deficiency in addition to the patient’s age and comorbidities contribute to the overall clinical presentation of hypocalcemia. Symptoms are variable; the most characteristic features include prolongation of the QT interval and signs of neuromuscular excitation (e.g., tetany, carpopedal spasm, paresthesias). Management consists of calcium supplementation and identifying and treating the underlying cause.
Hypocalcaemia Dr DEAC PIMP
D: Hypocalcemia: total serum calcium concentration < 8.5 mg/dL (< 2.12 mmol/L), or ionized (free) calcium concentration < 4.65 mg/dL (< 1.16 mmol/L) [1]
Severe hypocalcemia: total serum calcium concentration ≤ 7.5 mg/dL (< 1.9 mmol/L), or ionized (free) calcium concentration < 3.6 mg/dL (< 0.9 mmol/L) [2]
Factitious hypocalcemia: an asymptomatic decrease in total calcium with a normal ionized Ca2+ level (typically occurs due to low serum protein levels)
Low PTH –> Hypoparathyroidism
High PTH: Vit D deficiency, chronic kidney disease, pseudopoparathyroidism, hyperphosphatemia, acute necrotizing pancreatitis.
OtherL medications, multiple blood transfusions and hemolysis
Hypomagnesemia, Hyperventilation, osteoblastic metastases, renal tubular disorders
Hypocalcemia is most often due to hypoparathyroidism or vitamin D deficiency (e.g., malabsorption, chronic kidney disease).
Suspect hypocalcemia in the postoperative thyroidectomy patient with new-onset paresthesias and muscle spasms or cramping.
Clinical features:
Manifestations of hypocalcemia are influenced by the severity and chronicity of the hypocalcemia as well as by the patient’s age and comorbidities.
Neurological manifestations [12][13][14][1]
Tetany: increased neuromuscular excitability (when caused by respiratory alkalosis = hyperventilation-induced tetany)
Paresthesias: typically tingling or pins-and-needles sensation in extremities and/or in the perioral area
Spasms (e.g., carpopedal spasm , bronchospasm or laryngospasm ), and cramps (possible in any muscle)
Stiffness, myalgia
Maneuvers to elicit latent tetany on physical exam
Chvostek sign: short contractions (twitching) of the facial muscles elicited by tapping the facial nerve below and in front of the ear (∼ 2 cm ventral to the ear lobe) [1]
Trousseau sign: ipsilateral carpopedal spasm occurring several minutes after inflation of a blood pressure cuff to pressures above the systolic blood pressure [1]
Seizure: may be the initial or only symptom [13]
Signs of neuromuscular irritability (e.g., paresthesias, spasms and cramps) are the most characteristic features of hypocalcemia.
Cardiovascular manifestations [12][13][14][1]
Congestive heart failure
Cardiac arrhythmias (symptoms may include palpitations, irregular pulse, syncope)
Manifestations of chronic hypocalcemia [12][13][14][1]
Psychological/psychiatric manifestations (variable and reversible, usually mild)
Ophthalmologic manifestations: papilledema (in severe cases), cataracts, calcifications of the cornea
Neurological manifestations: pseudotumor cerebri, paradoxical CNS calcifications
Dental changes: altered morphology, dental enamel hypoplasia
Growth plate abnormalities and osteomalacia
Laboratory studies [12][2]
Confirm true hypocalcemia
Measure total and ionized calcium
AND/OR check serum albumin and calculate corrected calcium
Evaluate for other electrolyte abnormalities
Serum phosphate and magnesium
Calcium correction for hypoalbuminemia
Serum intact PTH:
Indication: best initial study for confirmed hypocalcemia with no clear etiology
Low (or normal) PTH suggests hypoparathyroidism
High PTH suggests parathyroid gland function is preserved
Further serum studies: conducted based on clinical suspicion
Alkaline phosphatase
25-hydroxyvitamin D (calcidiol)
Urine studies: 24-hour urinary excretion of calcium and magnesium
Additional diagnostics
Indication: acute, severe, and/or symptomatic hypocalcemia
Findings may include: [13]
Prolonged QT interval
Ventricular arrhythmias: torsades de pointes, ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation
QRS complex and ST-segment changes (may mimic myocardial infarction)
AV block
Recommended in severe/symptomatic cases
Possible findings: papilledema [14]
The mainstay of therapy of hypocalcemia consists of calcium supplementation and the treatment of the underlying cause.
Calcium supplementation [2]
Severe and/or symptomatic hypocalcemia: e.g., tetany, seizures, prolonged QT interval, serum calcium ≤ 7.5 mg/dL (< 1.9 mmol/L)
IV calcium supplementation: calcium gluconate or calcium chloride
Continuous telemetry [2]
Consider transfer to critical care unit
Mild and/or chronic hypocalcemia: no symptoms or only mild neuromuscular irritability (e.g., paresthesias), serum calcium 7.6–8.4 mg/dL (1.9–2.12 mmol/L)
Oral calcium supplementation: calcium citrate, calcium carbonate
IV calcium can trigger life threatening arrhythmias in patients simultaneously receiving cardiac glycosides (digoxin or digitoxin). [1]
Treatment of the underlying condition
Calcium supplementation
PLUS vitamin D supplementation
Secondary to loop diuretics: consider discontinue loop diuretic and change medication to thiazides
Vitamin D deficiency: vitamin D supplementation
Hypomagnesemia-induced hypocalcemia: magnesium supplementation
Hyperphosphatemia in chronic kidney disease: calcium supplementation
Loop diuretics Lose calcium. Discontinue them in hypocalcemia.
Total and ionized calcium concentrations
Total and ionized calcium concentrations
Total calcium: the total amount of calcium circulating in the serum, comprising protein-bound, anion-bound, and ionized calcium
Approx. 40% of the total serum calcium is bound to proteins (mostly albumin) and is physiologically inactive.
Hypoproteinemia (due to, e.g., nephrotic syndrome, liver cirrhosis, severe malnutrition, malabsorption) → ↓ total Ca2+ level but ionized Ca2+ level is unaffected → factitious hypocalcemia
pH influences the binding of calcium to serum proteins.
↑ pH → ↓ H+ in serum binding to proteins → ↑ Ca2+ binding to proteins → ↓ ionized Ca2+ concentration compensatory ↑ PTH
↓ pH → ↑ H+ in serum binding to proteins → ↓ Ca2+ binding to proteins → ↑ ionized Ca2+ concentration compensatory ↓ PTH
Ionized calcium: the calcium fraction that is not bound to any proteins but is physiologically active
Approx. 45% of the total serum calcium
Functions as the main regulator of PTH secretion
PTH secretion is influenced by pH variations but not by changes in albumin levels.
An excess causes true hypercalcemia whereas a deficiency causes true hypocalcemia
To remember the changes in PTH depending on pH, think: ↑ pH = ↑ PTH and ↓ pH = ↓ PTH
The physiological role of calcium
The physiological role of calcium [3]
Ionized Ca2+ is responsible for stabilizing the resting membrane potential of cells.
↓ Serum Ca2+ → ↑ membrane excitability
↑ Serum Ca2+ → ↓ membrane excitability
Acts as a second messenger in signaling pathways
Cofactor for several enzymes (e.g., phospholipase A, gamma-glutamyltransferase)
Required for the promotion of coagulation pathways
D: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a heterogeneous disorder characterized by hyperandrogenism, oligoovulation/anovulation, and/or the presence of polycystic ovaries. The diagnosis of PCOS is made following exclusion of disorders that may present with a similar clinical picture (e.g., congenital adrenal hyperplasia), most commonly by hormone analysis. Up to 50% of PCOS patients have metabolic syndrome, which is associated with obesity, insulin resistance, hypercholesterolemia, and an increased risk for endometrial cancer. PCOS primarily manifests with hirsutism, acne, and virilization. Diagnostic methods include a pelvic exam, blood tests for specific hormones, and ultrasound. Management consists of weight loss via lifestyle changes, and oral contraception pills are indicated in women who do not wish to conceive. The aim of treatment in women who desire to conceive is to normalize ovarian function and stimulate follicular growth (e.g., with clomiphene).
D: All conditions that are associated with menstrual cycle changes and signs of virilization should be ruled out before diagnosing PCOS: Pregnancy Thyroid disorder Follicular insufficiency Hyperprolactinemia Congenital adrenal hyperplasia Cushing's disease Pituitary adenoma Androgen-secreting tumors Exogenous androgen intake Exogenous steroid intake
E: Frequency: 6–10% of women in their reproductive years.
C: Onset typically during adolescence
Menstrual irregularities (primary or secondary amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea)
Difficulties conceiving or infertility
Obesity and possibly other signs of metabolic syndrome
Androgenic alopecia
Acne vulgaris and oily skin
Acanthosis nigricans: hyperpigmented, velvety plaques (axilla, neck)
Premature adrenarche
Voice change may occur in severe forms of PCOS. However, it typically suggests a different underlying cause of hyperandrogenism!
The histological characteristics of PCOS are:
Ovarian hypertrophy with thick capsule
Stromal hyperplasia and fibrosis
Enlarged, multiple cystic follicles, which are sclerotic
Hyperluteinized theca cells
Decreased granulosa cell layer.
The exact pathophysiology is unknown.
Reduced insulin sensitivity (peripheral insulin resistance) is present in PCOS, as in metabolic syndrome → hyperinsulinemia
Hyperinsulinemia results in:
Epidermal hyperplasia and hyperpigmentation (acanthosis nigricans)
Increased androgen production in ovarian theca cells → imbalance between androgen precursors and the resulting estrogen produced in granulosa cells
Increased LH secretion disrupts the LH/FSH balance → impaired follicle maturation and anovulation/oligoovulation
Increased androgen precursor release → virilization and a reactive increase in estrogen production in adipose tissue
Inhibits the production of SHBG (sex hormone-binding globulin) in the liver → ↑ free androgens and estrogens
Hyperandrogenism in women is most commonly caused by PCOS!
According to the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, at least two of three of the criteria below are required for diagnosis of PCOS after excluding other causes of irregular bleeding and elevated androgen levels.
Hyperandrogenism (clinical or laboratory)
Oligo- and/or anovulation
Polycystic ovaries on ultrasound
Diagnosis of PCOS is possible without the presence of ovarian cysts!
Rule out any other causes of hyperandrogenism and anovulation (see “Differential diagnoses” below).
Blood hormone levels
↑ Testosterone (both total and free) or free androgen index
↑ LH (LH:FSH ratio > 2:1)
Estrogen is normal or slightly elevated
A clinical picture of hyperandrogenism overrules any normal hormone levels and can fulfill a diagnostic criterium of PCOS!
Evaluate for metabolic disease
Test for hypertension
Monitor BMI
Assess for insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes mellitus → oral glucose tolerance test
Assess for hyperlipidemia → measure serum lipids and cholesterol
Transvaginal ultrasound
Enlarged ovaries with numerous anechoic cysts (polycystic ovaries)
“String of pearls” appearance
The therapeutic approach in PCOS is broadly based on whether or not the patient is seeking treatment for infertility.
If treatment for infertility is not sought: therapy aimed at controlling menstrual, metabolic, and hormonal irregularities
If the patient is overweight (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2)
First-line: weight loss via lifestyle changes (e.g., dietary modifications, exercise)
Second-line (as an adjunct): combined oral contraceptive therapy
If the patient is not overweight: combined oral contraceptive therapy
If seeking treatment for infertility
Ovulation induction with clomiphene citrate or letrozole
Clomiphene inhibits hypothalamic estrogen receptors, thereby blocking the normal negative feedback effect of estrogen → increased pulsatile secretion of GnRH → increased FSH and LH, which stimulates ovulation
If the patient is overweight: advise weight loss
Second-line: ovulation induction with exogenous gonadotropins or laparoscopic ovarian drilling
P/C: Cardiovascular events Type 2 diabetes mellitus Endometrial cancer Increased miscarriage rate
A condition of excessive male pattern hair growth in women (e.g., on the chin, above the upper lip, and around the umbilicus) that is most commonly idiopathic but associated with excess androgen in 10% of cases.
Diabetes insipidus DR DEAC PIMP
Diabetes insipidus (DI) is a condition in which the kidneys are unable to concentrate urine. Central DI, the most common form of diabetes insipidus, is caused by insufficient levels of circulating antidiuretic hormone (ADH); nephrogenic DI, however, is characterized by defective renal ADH receptors in the kidneys. Patients with DI excrete large quantities of diluted urine (polyuria), which causes excessive thirst (polydipsia) in response to fluid loss. Additionally, patients develop the need to urinate at night (nocturia), leading to sleep deprivation and daytime sleepiness. Desmopressin, a synthetic ADH analog, is the treatment of choice in central DI. In nephrogenic DI, hereditary forms are treated with thiazide diuretics or NSAIDs, while acquired forms are first managed by treating the underlying disease.
Prevalence in the US: 3:100,000
Sex: ♀=♂
Central diabetes insipidus (CDI); most common form: caused by insufficient or absent hypothalamic synthesis or secretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) from the posterior pituitary
Primary (∼ ⅓ of cases)
Most cases are idiopathic.
The hereditary form is rare.
Autoimmune etiology of primary CDI has been suggested [2][3]
Secondary (∼ ⅔ of cases)
Brain tumors (especially craniopharyngioma) and cerebral metastasis (most common: lung cancer and leukemia/lymphoma)
Neurosurgery: usually after the removal of large adenomas
Traumatic brain injury, pituitary bleeding, subarachnoid hemorrhage
Pituitary ischemia (e.g., Sheehan syndrome, ischemic stroke)
Infection (e.g., meningitis)
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI); rare: caused by defective ADH receptors in the distal tubules and collecting ducts
Hereditary (mutation in ADH receptor; very rare)
Adverse effect of medications (lithium, demeclocycline)
Hypokalemia, hypercalcemia
Renal disease (e.g., autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, renal amyloidosis)
ADH enables the integration of aquaporins into the plasma membrane of collecting duct cells → reabsorption of free water
Either ↓ ADH (central DI) or defective renal ADH receptors (nephrogenic DI) → impaired ability of the kidneys to concentrate urine (hypotonic collecting ducts) → dilute urine (low urine osmolarity)
Urine osmolality changes
Normal: 500–800 mOsmol/kg
Complete DI (< 300 mOsmol/kg, often < 100 mOsmol/kg)
Partial DI (300–500 mOsmol/kg)
Hyperosmotic volume contraction [12]
Loss of fluid with urine → increased extracellular fluid osmolarity → passage of fluid from the intracellular to the extracellular space → equalization of the osmolarities of the extracellular and intracellular fluid
Due to the loss of fluid, the osmolarities of intracellular and extracellular compartments are now higher (hyperosmotic) than the initial values.
The fluid volume is redistributed between the two compartments to equalize the osmolarities and remains lower than the initial values in each of them (volume contraction)
Note that in central DI, ADH levels are decreased, while in nephrogenic DI, they are normal or increased to compensate for the high urine output.
Clinical features:
Polyuria with dilute urine
Nocturia → restless sleep, daytime sleepiness
Polydipsia (excessive thirst)
In cases of low water intake → severe dehydration (altered mental status, lethargy, seizures, coma) and hypotension
In the absence of nocturia, diabetes insipidus is very unlikely!
Investigations (table on word doc)
If DI is suspected, sodium, plasma osmolality, and urine osmolality values are tested (see expected lab values in the table below).
A water deprivation test then allows DI to be differentiated from primary polydipsia.
The patient’s response to the administration of desmopressin, furthermore, distinguishes CDI from NDI.
If CDI is diagnosed, a CT scan or MRI of the head should be conducted to rule out brain tumors (especially craniopharyngioma).
Diagnosis of diabetes insipidus
Water deprivation test (confirmatory test)
After obtaining baseline lab values, patients stop drinking water for 2–3 hours before the first measurement
After 2–3 hours without drinking water
Test urine volume and osmolality every hour
Test sodium and plasma osmolality every two hours
Water deprivation continues until one of the following occurs:
Urine osmolality rises and reaches a normal value (> 600 mOsmol/kg) → DI ruled out and primary polydipsia confirmed
No change in urine osmolality despite a rising plasma osmolality (> 290 mOsmol/kg)
Plasma osmolality > 295–300 mOsmol/kg or sodium ≥ 145 meq/L
In the latter two situations → administer desmopressin (a synthetic ADH analog)
Monitor urine osmolality testing every 30 minutes for 2 hours
In CDI: Urine osmolality rises after desmopressin administration (renal ADH receptors are intact).
In NDI: Urine osmolality remains low after desmopressin administration (defective renal ADH receptors).
Primary polydipsia
Diabetes mellitus
Beer potomania: Dilutional hyponatremia secondary to limited renal free water excretion caused by intake of large amounts of beer.
Treat the underlying condition, ensure sufficient fluid intake, and initiate a low-sodium, low-protein diet.
Central diabetes insipidus
Desmopressin: synthetic vasopressin without vasoconstrictive effects
Administration: intranasal, subcutaneous, or oral
Important side effect: hyponatremia (→ see syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion)
Other indications besides central diabetes insipidus include:
Hemophilia A
Von Willebrand disease
Sleep enuresis
Alternative medication: chlorpropamide
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
Discontinuation of the causative agent (e.g., lithium, demeclocycline) in medication-induced NDI
Thiazide diuretics
NSAIDs (e.g., indomethacin)
Amiloride : Indicated in patients with lithium-induced NDI; amiloride blocks lithium entry through the sodium channel.
Hyperthyroidism is where there is over-production of thyroid hormone by the thyroid gland. Thyrotoxicosis refers to an abnormal and excessive quantity of thyroid hormone in the body.
Primary Hyperthyroidism is due to thyroid pathology. It is the thyroid itself that is behaving abnormally and producing excessive thyroid hormone.
Secondary hyperthyroidism is the condition where the thyroid is producing excessive thyroid hormone as a result of overstimulation by thyroid stimulating hormone. The pathology is in the hypothalamus or pituitary.
Grave’s Disease is an autoimmune condition where TSH receptor antibodies cause a primary hyperthyroidism. These TSH receptor antibodies are abnormal antibodies produced by the immune system that mimic TSH and stimulate the TSH receptors on the thyroid. This is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism.
Toxic Multinodular Goitre (also known as Plummer’s disease) is a condition where nodules develop on the thyroid gland that act independently of the normal feedback system and continuously produce excessive thyroid hormone.
Exopthalmos is the term used to describe bulging of eyeball out of the socket caused by Graves Disease. This is due to inflammation, swelling and hypertrophy of the tissue behind the eyeball that forces the eyeball forward.
Pretibial Myxoedema is a dermatological condition where there are deposits of mucin under the skin on the anterior aspect of the leg (the pre-tibial area). This gives a discoloured, waxy, oedematous appearance to the skin over this area. It is specific to Grave’s disease and is a reaction to the TSH receptor antibodies.
Causes of Hyperthyroidism Grave’s disease Toxic multinodular goitre Solitary toxic thyroid nodule Thyroiditis (e.g. De Quervain’s, Hashimoto’s, postpartum and drug-induced thyroiditis)
Universal Features of Hyperthyroidism Anxiety and irritability Sweating and heat intolerance Tachycardia Weight loss Fatigue Frequent loose stools Sexual dysfunction
Unique Features of Grave’s Disease
These features all relate to the presence of TSH receptor antibodies.
Diffuse Goitre (without nodules)
Graves Eye Disease
Bilateral Exopthalmos
Pretibial Myxoedema
Unique Features of Toxic Multinodular Goitre
Goitre with firm nodules
Most patients are aged over 50
Second most common cause of thyrotoxicosis (after Grave’s)
Solitary Toxic Thyroid Nodule
This is where a single abnormal thyroid nodule is acting alone to release thyroid hormone. The nodules are usually benign adenomas. They are treated with surgical removal of the nodule.
De Quervain’s Thyroiditis
De Quervain’s Thyroiditis describes the presentation of a viral infection with fever, neck pain and tenderness, dysphagia and features of hyperthyroidism. There is a hyperthyroid phase followed by hypothyroid phase as the TSH level falls due to negative feedback. It is a self-limiting condition and supportive treatment with NSAIDs for pain and inflammation and beta blockers for symptomatic relief of hyperthyroidism is usually all that is necessary.
Thyroid Storm
Thyroid storm is a rare presentation of hyperthyroidism. It is also known as “thyrotoxic crisis”. It is a more severe presentation of hyperthyroidism with pyrexia, tachycardia and delirium. It requires admission for monitoring and is treated the same way as any other presentation of thyrotoxicosis, although they may need supportive care with fluid resuscitation, anti-arrhythmic medication and beta blockers.
Hyperthyroidism Management
Information here is summarised from NICE CKS 2016. Treatment is guided by a specialist.
Carbimazole is the first line anti-thyroid drug. It is usually successful in treating patients with Grave’s Disease, leaving them with normal thyroid function after 4-8 weeks. Once the patient has normal thyroid hormone levels, they continue on maintenance carbimazole and either:
The dose is carefully titrated to maintain normal levels (known as “titration-block”)
The dose is sufficient to block all production and the patient takes levothyroxine titrated to effect (known as “block and replace”)
Complete remission and the ability to stop taking carbimazole is usually achieved within 18 months of treatment.
Propylthiouracil is the second line anti-thyroid drug. It is used in a similar way to carbimazole. There is a small risk of severe hepatic reactions, including death, which is why carbimazole is preferred.
Radioactive Iodine
Treatment with radioactive iodine involves drinking a single dose of radioactive iodine. This is taken up by the thyroid gland and the emitted radiation destroys a proportion of the thyroid cells. This reduction in functioning cells results in a decrease of thyroid hormone production and thus remission from the hyperthyroidism. Remission can take 6 months and patients can be left hypothyroid afterwards and require levothyroxine replacement.
There are strict rules where the patient:
Must not be pregnant and are not allowed to get pregnant within 6 months
Must avoid close contact with children and pregnant women for 3 weeks (depending on the dose)
Limit contact with anyone for several days after receiving the dose
Beta blockers are used to block the adrenalin related symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Propranolol is a good choice because it non-selectively blocks adrenergic activity as opposed to more “selective” beta blockers the work only on the heart. They do not actually treat the underlying problem but control the symptoms whilst the definitive treatment takes time to work. They are particularly useful in patients with thyroid storm.
A definitive option is to surgically remove the whole thyroid or toxic nodules. This effectively stops the production of thyroid hormone, however the patient will be left hypothyroid post thyroidectomy and require levothyroxine replacement for life.
Hypothyroidism in children can be congenital or acquired. Thyroid hormone is essential for the development and functioning of the brain and body. Undiagnosed hypothyroidism can lead to significant problems with neurodevelopment and intellectual disability.
Congenital Hypothyroidism
Congenital hypothyroidism is where the child is born with an underactive thyroid gland. This occurs in around 1 in 3000 newborns. It can be the result of an underdeveloped thyroid gland (dysgenesis) or a fully developed gland that does not produce enough hormone (dyshormonogenesis). Very rarely it can be the result of a problem with the pituitary or hypothalamus. This usually occurs without any other problems and the cause is not clear.
Congenital hypothyroidism is screened for on the newborn blood spot screening test. Where it is not picked up a birth, patients can present with:
Prolonged neonatal jaundice Poor feeding Constipation Increased sleeping Reduced activity Slow growth and development
Acquired Hypothyroidism
Acquired hypothyroidism is where a child or adolescent develops an underactive thyroid gland when previously it was functioning normally.
The most common cause of acquired hypothyroidism is autoimmune thyroiditis, also known as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. This causes autoimmune inflammation of the thyroid gland and subsequent under activity of the gland. It is associated with antithyroid peroxidase (anti-TPO) antibodies and antithyroglobulin antibodies. There is an association with other autoimmune conditions, particularly type 1 diabetes and coeliac disease.
This can lead to symptoms of:
Fatigue and low energy Poor growth Weight gain Poor school performance Constipation Dry skin and hair loss
Children will be managed and followed up by a paediatric endocrinologist. Investigations include full thyroid function blood tests (TSH, T3 and T4), thyroid ultrasound and thyroid antibodies.
Levothyroxine orally once a day is used to replace the normal thyroid hormones. Doses are titrated based on thyroid function tests and symptoms.
Hyperlipidaemia management
n 2014 NICE updated their guidelines on lipid modification. This proved highly controversial as it meant that we should be recommending statins to a significant proportion of the population over the age of 60 years. Anyway, the key points of the new guidelines are summarised below.
Graphic showing choice of statin.
Primary prevention - who and how to assess risk
A systematic strategy should be used to identify people aged over 40 years who are likely to be at high risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), defined as a 10-year risk of 10% or greater.
NICE recommend we use the QRISK2 CVD risk assessment tool for patients aged <= 84 years. Patients >= 85 years are at high risk of CVD due to their age. QRISK2 should not be used in the following situations as there are more specific guidelines for these patient groups:
type 1 diabetics
patients with an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) less than 60 ml/min and/or albuminuria
patients with a history of familial hyperlipidaemia
NICE suggest QRISK2 may underestimate CVD risk in the following population groups:
people treated for HIV
people with serious mental health problems
people taking medicines that can cause dyslipidaemia such as antipsychotics, corticosteroids or immunosuppressant drugs
people with autoimmune disorders/systemic inflammatory disorders such as systemic lupus erythematosus
Measuring lipid levels
When measuring lipids both the total cholesterol and HDL should be checking to provide the most accurate risk of CVD. A full lipid profile should also be checked (i.e. including triglycerides) before starting a statin. The samples does not need to be fasting.
In the vast majority of patient the cholesterol measurements will be fed into the QRISK2 tool. If however the patient’s cholesterol is very high we should consider familial hyperlipidaemia. NICE recommend the following that we should consider the possibility of familial hypercholesterolaemia and investigate further if the total cholesterol concentration is > 7.5 mmol/l and there is a family history of premature coronary heart disease. They also recommend referring people with a total cholesterol > 9.0 mmol/l or a non-HDL cholesterol (i.e. LDL) of > 7.5 mmol/l even in the absence of a first-degree family history of premature coronary heart disease.
Interpreting the QRISK2 result
Probably the headline changes in the 2014 guidelines was the new, lower cut-off of 10-year CVD risk cut-off of 10%.
NICE now recommend we offer a statin to people with a QRISK2 10-year risk of >= 10%
Lifestyle factors are of course important and NICE recommend that we give patients the option of having their CVD risk reassessed after a period of time before starting a statin.
Atorvastatin 20mg should be offered first-line.
Special situations
Type 1 diabetes mellitus
NICE recommend that we ‘consider statin treatment for the primary prevention of CVD in all adults with type 1 diabetes’
atorvastatin 20 mg should be offered if type 1 diabetics who are:
→ older than 40 years, or
→ have had diabetes for more than 10 years or
→ have established nephropathy or
→ have other CVD risk factors
Chronic kidney disease (CKD)
atorvastatin 20mg should be offered to patients with CKD
increase the dose if a greater than 40% reduction in non-HDL cholesterol is not achieved and the eGFR > 30 ml/min. If the eGFR is < 30 ml/min a renal specialist should be consulted before increasing the dose
Secondary prevention
All patients with CVD should be taking a statin in the absence of any contraindication.
Atorvastatin 80mg should be offered first-line.
Follow-up of people started on statins
NICE recommend we follow-up patients at 3 months
repeat a full lipid profile
if the non-HDL cholesterol has not fallen by at least 40% concordance and lifestyle changes should be discussed with the patient
NICE recommend we consider increasing the dose of atorvastatin up to 80mg
Lifestyle modifications
These are in many ways predictable but NICE make a number of specific points:
Cardioprotective diet
total fat intake should be <= 30% of total energy intake
saturated fats should be <= 7% of total energy intake
intake of dietary cholesterol should be < 300 mg/day
saturated fats should be replaced by monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats where possible
replace saturated and monounsaturated fat intake with olive oil, rapeseed oil or spreads based on these oils
choose wholegrain varieties of starchy food
reduce their intake of sugar and food products containing refined sugars including fructose
eat at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day
eat at least 2 portions of fish per week, including a portion of oily fish
eat at least 4 to 5 portions of unsalted nuts, seeds and legumes per week
Physical activity
each week aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity aerobic activity or a mix of moderate and vigorous aerobic activity
do musclestrengthening activities on 2 or more days a week that work all major muscle groups (legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders and arms) in line with national guidance for the general population
Weight management
no specific advice is given, overweight patients should be managed in keeping with relevant NICE guidance
Alcohol intake
again no specific advice, other than the general recommendation that males drink no more than 3-4 units/day and females no more than 2-3 units/day
Smoking cessation
smokers should be encouraged to quit
Hyperlipidaemia secondary causes
Causes of predominantly hypertriglyceridaemia
diabetes mellitus (types 1 and 2)
chronic renal failure
drugs: thiazides, non-selective beta-blockers, unopposed oestrogen
liver disease
Causes of predominantly hypercholesterolaemia
nephrotic syndrome
causes of galactorrhea
Galactorrhea = producing milk from breasts
This is a response to prolactin hormone
Prolactin produced in the anterior pituitary, but also from cells in other organs such as the breast and prostate
Regulates production of breast milk
Also regulates immune function and metabolism
Dopamine blocks secretion of prolactin
Pregnancy and Post-Breastfeeding
Can start during the second trimester
Can continue 2 years after breastfeeding
Consider a pregnancy test in a lady who presents with galactorrhea
Idiopathic Hyperprolactinaemia Elevated blood prolactin levels No pituitary or other disease found Usually self-limiting and benign Can be treated with bromocriptine (dopamine agonist)
Prolactinomas Tumour of the pituitary gland Most common in patients aged 20-40 Symptoms include: Gynaecomastia Sexual dysfunction Amenorrhea Infertility Bitemporal hemianopia Galactorrhea Microprolactinomas <1cm Macroprolactinomas >1cm Associated with Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 (MEN1) Treated with bromocriptine (dopamine antagonist) or surgery
Drugs Female contraceptives SSRIs Antipsychotics, domperidone and metoclopramide (dopamine antagonists) Methyldopa Beta blockers Digoxin Spironolactone
Endocrine Disorders Hypothyroid Acromegaly Cushings Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
Other Causes
Liver Failure
Chronic Kidney Disease
Adrenaline is produced by the “chromaffin cells” in the adrenal medulla of the adrenal glands. A phaeochromocytoma is a tumour of the chromaffin cells that secretes unregulated and excessive amounts of adrenaline. Adrenaline is a “catecholamine” hormone and neurotransmitter that stimulates the sympathetic nervous system and is responsible for the “fight or flight” response. In patients with a phaeochromocytoma the adrenaline tends to be secreted in bursts giving periods of worse symptoms followed by more settled periods.
25% are familial and associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN 2).
There is a 10% rule to describe the patterns of tumour:
10% bilateral
10% cancerous
10% outside the adrenal gland
24 hour urine catecholamines
Plasma free metanephrines
Measuring serum catecholamines is unreliable as this will naturally fluctuate and it will be difficult to interpret the result. Measuring 24 hour urine catecholamines gives an idea of how much adrenaline is being secreted by the tumour over the 24 hour period.
Adrenaline has a short half life of only a few minutes in the blood, whereas metanephrines (a breakdown product of adrenaline) have a longer half life. This makes the level of metanephrines less prone to dramatic fluctuations and a more reliable diagnostic tool.
Signs and symptoms tend to fluctuate with peaks and troughs relating to periods when the tumour is secreting adrenaline.
Anxiety Sweating Headache Hypertension Palpitations, tachycardia and paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
Alpha blockers (i.e. phenoxybenzamine)
Beta blockers once established on alpha blockers
Adrenalectomy to remove tumour is the definitive management
Patients should have symptoms controlled medically prior to surgery to reduce the risk of the anaesthetic and surgery.
Multiple endocrine neoplasia
Type 1 MEN
MEN 1 often presents in the 3rd-5th decade.
95% of patients develop parathyroid hyperplasia/ adenoma à hypercalcaemia. Treatment is with parathyroidectomy to remove 3.5 of their 4 parathyroid glands.
70% of patients develop pancreatic tumours à gastrinoma, insulinoma, glucagonoma, VIPoma. Glucagonoma can be accompanied by ‘glucagon syndrome’ which comprises of a migrating rash, glossitis, cheilitis, anaemia, weight loss, high plasma glucagon and high plasma glucose. Treatment of pancreatic tumours is with PPIs.
40-60% of patients develop anterior pituitary tumours à prolactinoma or familial acromegaly. Treat prolactinoma with dopamine agonists to inhibit secretion (DA stimulates secretion from the pituitary).
There are rarely also tumours of:
Carcinoid tumours of the thymus, lung or stomach.
Adrenal cortex (commonly benign).
Cutaneous tumours of the skin.
~40% of patients develop carcinoid syndrome, which presents with:
Flushing Diarrhoea Palpitations Hypotension Right sided heart failure This is due to extensive secretion of serotonin, prostaglandins, kinins, gastrin etc.
Diagnosis of MEN 1 is on the basis of family HX and development of tumours in 2 of:
Parathyroid glands
Pancreatic islets
Anterior pituitary gland
Genetic basis for MEN 1
Mutations in the MEN gene on chromosome 11, which codes for menin, a nuclear tumour suppressor protein which regulates transcription through its interference with TFs and thereby stabilises the genome. It also assists in cell differentiation and proliferation and interacts with TFF-beta signalling.
>1300 different mutations have been identified in affected families.
All mutations associated with MEN 1 lead to loss of function of menin.
How can a loss of function mutation have autosomal dominant inheritance?
A somatic mutation occurs in the normal allele, so now 2 defective alleles (i.e. inherited one that was already defective).
Inactivation of the normal allele (2 copies of the gene on 2 chromosomes but one is inactivated and one is defective).
Type 2 MEN
MEN 2a accounts for ~95% of MEN 2.
100% of patients have medullary thyroid carcinoma à aggression in patients. Early thyroidectomy required.
~50% of patients have a bilateral adrenal phaechromocytoma, which is usually benign.
~50% of patients have parathyroid hyperplasia (but <20% have hypercalcaemia!)
MEN Type 2b
MEN 2b accounts for ~5% of MEN 2.
100% of patients have medullary thyroid carcinoma.
~50% of patients have a bilateral adrenal phaechromocytoma, which is usually benign.
There is no parathyroid hyperplasia in MEN 2b.
Mucosal neuromas à GI symptoms, muscle hypotonia, chronic constipation due to hyperplasia of autonomic ganglia in the intestinal wall. Mucosal neuromas are visible as ‘bumps’ on the lips, cheeks, tongue, glottis, eyelids and visible corneal nerves, so patients may present with these.
Marfan-like signs due to CT defects (abnormal fibrillin-1, which is a ligand for TGF-beta).
Genetics of MEN 2
Mutation in the Ret proto-oncogene, a receptor tyrosine kinase, which is located on chromosome 10.
The Ret gene acts as a tumour initiator. It plays a role in central and peripheral nerve development and function.
The mutant present in MEN 2 is constitutively active without a ligand, resulting in uncontrolled tumour initiation.
Tests for ret mutations are revolutionising MEN2 treatment by enabling a prophylactic thyroidectomy to be done before neoplasia occurs, usually before 3 years of age.
Remember: most medullary thyroid carcinomas and phaeochromocytomas result from spontaneous new mutations, e.g. of ‘ret’ – only ~10% are due to MEN.
MEN is the most treatable form of pancreatic neoplasia, and a treatable cause of hypercalcaemia – so look out for it!
Management involves surgical excision of the tumours wherever possible, along with symptomatic treatment as outlined above, relating to the specific endocrine glands affected.
Due to the autosomal dominant inheritance of the disease, family members should be screened by measurement of serum calcium in MEN 1, and by genetic testing for Ret mutations in MEN 2.
Patients known to have MEN require constant surveillance to check for their acquisition of any additional features of the syndrome, which may indicate their development of an additional tumour. This may happen many years after their initial presentation and diagnosis.
Parathyroid disease
There are four parathyroid glands situated in four corners of the thyroid gland. The parathyroid glands, specifically the chief cells in the glands, produce parathyroid hormone in response to hypocalcaemia (low blood calcium).
Parathyroid hormone acts to raise blood calcium level by:
Increasing osteoclast activity in bones (reabsorbing calcium from bones)
Increasing calcium absorption from the gut
Increasing calcium absorption from the kidneys
Increasing vitamin D activity
Vitamin D acts to increase calcium absorption from the intestines. Parathyroid hormone acts on vitamin D to convert it into active forms. So vitamin D and parathyroid hormone act together to raise blood calcium levels.
Symptoms of Hypercalcaemia
It is worth remembering the “renal stones, painful bones, abdominal groans and psychiatric moans” mnemonic for the symptoms of hypercalcaemia:
Renal stones
Painful bones
Abdominal groans refers to symptoms of constipation, nausea and vomiting
Psychiatric moans refers to symptoms of fatigue, depression and psychosis
Primary Hyperparathyroidism
Primary hyperparathyroidism is caused by uncontrolled parathyroid hormone produced directly by a tumour of the parathyroid glands. This leads hypercalcaemia: an abnormally high level of calcium in the blood. This is treated by surgically removing the tumour.
Secondary Hyperparathyroidism
This is where insufficient vitamin D or chronic renal failure leads to low absorption of calcium from the intestines, kidneys and bones. This causes hypocalcaemia: a low level of calcium in the blood.
The parathyroid glands reacts to the low serum calcium by excreting more parathyroid hormone. Over time the total number of cells in the parathyroid glands increase as they respond to the increased need to produce parathyroid hormone. This is called hyperplasia. The glands become more bulky. The serum calcium level will be low or normal but the parathyroid hormone will be high. This is treated by correcting the vitamin D deficiency or performing a renal transplant to treat renal failure.
Tertiary Hyperparathyroidism
This happen when secondary hyperparathyroidism continues for a long period of time. It leads to hyperplasia of the glands. The baseline level of parathyroid hormone increases dramatically. Then when the cause of the secondary hyperparathyroidism is treated the parathyroid hormone level remains inappropriately high. This high level of parathyroid hormone in the absence of the previous pathology leads to high absorption of calcium in the intestines, kidneys and bones and causes hypercalcaemia. This is treated by surgically removing part of the parathyroid tissue to return the parathyroid hormone to an appropriate level.
Primary hyperparathyroidism
In exams, primary hyperparathyroidism is stereotypically seen in elderly females with an unquenchable thirst and an inappropriately normal or raised parathyroid hormone level. It is most commonly due to a solitary adenoma
Causes of primary hyperparathyroidism 80%: solitary adenoma 15%: hyperplasia 4%: multiple adenoma 1%: carcinoma
Features - ‘bones, stones, abdominal groans and psychic moans’
polydipsia, polyuria
peptic ulceration/constipation/pancreatitis
bone pain/fracture
renal stones
multiple endocrine neoplasia: MEN I and II
raised calcium, low phosphate
PTH may be raised or (inappropriately, given the raised calcium) normal
technetium-MIBI subtraction scan
pepperpot skull is a characteristic X-ray finding of hyperparathyroidism
the definitive management is total parathyroidectomy
conservative management may be offered if the calcium level is less than 0.25 mmol/L above the upper limit of normal AND the patient is > 50 years AND there is no evidence of end-organ damage
calcimimetic agents such as cinacalcet are sometimes used in patients who are unsuitable for surgery