Endocrine System Flashcards
Meaning “To arouse”
A chemical substance secreted into extracellular fluid and regulates metabolic activity.
What are the major processes controlled by hormones?
Reproduction Growth and development Mobilizing body defenses Electrolyte, water and nutrient balance Regulate cell metabolism and energy
What are the 3 main hormone classifications?
Amines, steroids and peptides.
Steroidal hormone process
- Hormone diffuses through the target’s cell membrane.
- Enters the nucleus and bind to receptor.
- Hormone binds to DNA and activates genes to transcribe mRNA.
- mRNA is translated resulting in synthesis of new proteins.
Non steroidal process
- Unable to enter target cells.
- Bind to membrane receptor and activates an enzyme.
- Enzyme produces and second messenger.
- Second messenger oversees intracellular change
What are the 3 controls of hormone release?
- Negative feedback
- Hormonal
- Humoral
What is the endocrine system?
Endocrine organs release chemical messengers (hormones) into the blood. Slow acting.
Negative feedback mechanism
The means of regulating blood levels of nearly all hormones.
Hormonal release
- Most common.
- Endocrine organs are put into action by hormones.
- Hormones produced by final target glands inhibit the release of anterior pituitary hormones.
Humoral release
-Stimulated by changing blood levels.
-Chemicals in the blood stimulate endocrine glands.
Ex. Release of parathyroid hormone prompted by lack of calcium in the blood.
What are the 2 humoral hormone types?
Calcitonin - Produced by pancreas, released by thyroid.
Neural - Nerve fibers stimulate hormone release
What are the major endocrine organs?
- Pituitary
- Thyroid-
- Parathyroid
- Adrenal
- Pineal
- Thymus
- Pancreas
- Gonads
- Hypothalamus
- Part of the nervous system.
- Produces many hormones.
- Links nervous and endocrine system.
- Controls most endocrine organs, mainly through stimulation of the pituitary.
Anterior Pituitary
- Glandular tissue - master endocrine gland.
- Hormones are proteins and act through second messenger systems.
Posterior Pituitary
- Nervous tissue.
- Doesn’t make the hormone that it secretes
- Secretes Oxytocin and Antidiuretic hormone.
- Produces Thyroxine (T3), Triiodothyronine (T4) and Calcitonin.
- Thyroid hormones are lipid soluble, needing a transport protein.
-Secretes PTH, regulator of calcium
Adrenal Medulla
-Produces Catecholamines - Epinephrine and Norepinephrine.
Adrenal Cortex
-Produces Glucocorticoids and MineralocorticoidsN
Pineal Gland
- Produces Melatonin - regulated by light/dark.
-Produces Thymosin
- Produces Insulin and Glucagon
- Has endo and exocrine tissues (exocrine being larger).
- Secreted enzymes for carb and protein digestion.
- Regulate blood glucose concentration.
- Ovaries produce Ova, Estrogen and Progesterone
- Testes produce male sex hormones - Testosterone.