Endocrine System Flashcards
Release Location: Hypothalamus
Target: Thyroid gland
Trigger: Action potential
Effect: Releases TSH
Hypo: Hypothyroidism, weight gain, low BMR
Hyper: Hyperthyroidism
Thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH)
Release Location:
Growth hormone - releasing hormone (GHRH)
Release Location:
Growth hormone - inhibiting hormone (GHIH)
Release Location: Hypothalamus
Target: Adrenal glands
Trigger: Stress
Effect: Releases ACTH
Hypo: Lethargy
Hyper: Cushing’s disease, anxiety, depression
Corticotropin - releasing hormone (CRH)
Release Location: Hypothalamus
Target: Gonads
Trigger: Action potential
Effect: Releases LH and FSH
Hypo: Immature sexual organs
Hyper: Early puberty in children
Gonadotropin - Releasing hormone (GnRH)
Release Location: Hypothalamus
Target: Anterior pituitary
Trigger: Too much PRL
Effect: Inhibits PRL release
Prolactin - Inhibiting hormone (PIH)
Release Location: Post. Pituitary
Target: Uterus, breast
Trigger: Labor, sucking of infant at breast
Effect: Uterine contractions, milk ejection, ejaculation, sexual affection
Known as affection hormone
Release Location: Post. Pituitary
Target: Kidneys
Trigger: Increase of ions in blood
Effect: Kidney tubules reabsorb water from forming urine back into blood
Hypo: Diabetes insipidus (frequent urination, excessive thirst)
Hyper: SIADH (Syndrome of Insufficient Antidiuretic Hormone)
Antidiuretic hormone
Release Location: Ant. Pituitary
Target: Adrenal cortex
Trigger: CRH, hypoglycemia
Effect: Release of glucocorticoids
Hypo: Rare
Hyper: Cushing’s disease (high cortisol makes you like a “cushion”)
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
Release Location: Ant. Pituitary
Target: Liver, bone, cartilage, muscle
Trigger: Low blood levels of GH, Deep sleep, GHRH release, exercise
Effect: Increase blood glucose, increase fat breakdown
Hypo: Pituitary dwarfism in children
Hyper: Gigantism in children, acromegaly in adults
Growth hormone
Release Location: Ant. Pituitary
Target: Thyroid gland
Trigger: TRH, cold temperatures
Effect: Growth of thyroid, secretion of thyroid hormone
Hypo: Hypothyroidism; myxedema
Hyper: Hyperthyroidism; Grave’s disease
Thyroid stimulating hormone
Release Location: Ant. Pituitary
Target: Ovaries, testes
Trigger: GnRH
Effect: Growth of ovarian follicle maturation; sperm production
Hypo: No sexual maturation
Hyper: NA
Follicle stimulating hormone
Release Location: Ant. Pituitary
Target: Ovaries, testes
Trigger: GnRH
Effect: Ovulation; estrogen and progesterone production; testosterone production
Hypo: No sexual maturation
Hyper: NA
Luteinizing hormone
Release Location: Ant. Pituitary
Target: Mammary glands, ovaries, testes, prostate, kidneys, liver
Trigger: Decrease in PIH, estrogen, suckling of infant at breast
Effect: Lactation in females
Hypo: Poor milk production during breastfeeding
Hyper: Inappropriate milk production; Cessation of menses
Release Location: Adrenal medulla
Target: Heart, other areas of body
Trigger: Stress
Effect: Prepares body for “fight or flight” response during stressful situations
A.k.a = adrenaline
Hyper: Tachycardia, high blood pressure
Release Location: Adrenal medulla
Trigger: Stress
Effect: Mobilizes altertness, focus in body
Release Location: Adrenal medulla
Target: Brain
Effect: Satisfaction
Hypo: Parkinson’s
Hyper: Addiction
Release Location: Zona glomerulosa
Target: Kidneys
Trigger: ACTH release
Effect: Regulates water and electrolyte balance
Hypo: Low blood pressure, low Na+, salt cravings, dehydration
Hyper: Water retention, frequent urination
Release Location: Zona fasciculata
Target: Liver, muscles, fat cells
Trigger: Stress
Effect: Water retention
Hypo: Addison’s disease, fatigue, dizziness, adrenal failure
Hyper: Extreme water retention, weight gain
Release Location: Zona reticularis
Target: Gonads
Trigger: ACTH, LH, FSH release
Effect: Tissue growth, converted to sex hormones
Release Location: Thyroid gland
Target: Bones
Trigger: High blood calcium levels
Effect: Deposits calcium into bones; Secreted by parafollicular cells
Hyper: Thyroid cancer
Release Location: Thyroid gland
Target: Most cells
Trigger: TSH
Effect: Increases BMR, regulates tissue growth
Hypo: Weight gain, cold, low HR and BMR
Hyper: Weight loss, heat flashes, high HR and BMR
Thyroid hormone
Thyroxine - T4
Triiodothyronine - T3
Release Location: Parathyroid gland
Target: Bones and kidneys
Trigger: Low calcium in blood
Effect: Stimulates osteoclasts to strip calcium from bone, kidneys reabsorb more calcium
Hypo: Muscle cramps, facial twitching, tingling sensations
Hyper: Osteoperosis, kidney stones
Parathyroid hormone
Release Location: Pancreas (beta cells)
Target: Most cells of body
Trigger: Increased blood glucose levels
Effect: Accelerates transport of glucose into body cells, protein synthesis
Hypo: Diabetes mellitus, high blood sugar
Hyper: Low blood sugar
Release Location: Thymus
Target: T- cells
Trigger: Aging
Effect: Supported immune system
Release Location: Pineal gland
Target: All parts of body
Trigger: Deep sleep
Effect: Regulates sleep/wake cycle
Hypo: Difficulty falling asleep
Hyper: Dizziness, vivid dreams, lethargy
Release Location: Ovaries
Target: Uterus and mammary glands
Trigger: LH and FSH
Effect: Maturation of female reproductive organs and development of secondary sex characteristics
Hypo: Male characteristics
Hyper: Endometriosis, irregular periods
Release Location: Testes
Target: Most cells of the body
Trigger: LH and FSH
Effect: Promotes maturation of male reproductive organs, sperm production, sex drive
Hypo: Low sex drive, erectile disfunction
Hyper: Acne, excessive hair growth, muscle growth
Release Location: Pancreas (alpaha cells)
Target: Liver and adipose tissue
Trigger: Decreased blood glucose levels
Effect: Accelerates breakdown of glycogen to glucose, lactic acid –> glucose
Hypo: Low blood glucose levels
Hyper: Frequent urination, unintentional weight loss