Endocrine & Salivary Glands Flashcards
MC cause of hyperparathyroidism is……, that of hypoparathyroidism is…..
Parathyroid adenoma
Surgical removal or devascularization diring thyroidectomy
CP of hyperparathyroidism
Asymptomatic, bone pain (osteitis fibrosa cystica), recurrent UT stones, abdominal pain due to pancreatitis & peptic ulcer, mentak changes, ectopic calcifications, muscle weakness, thirst polyuria, constipation, wt loss
Part of MEN1, MEN2A
DD of hypercalcemia
- Hyperparathyroidism
- Malignant hypercalcemia
- Adrenal crisis
- Nutritional causes as milk alkali $, excess vit D
- Prolonged immolbilization
- Hypocalciuric hypercalcemia
Describe ttt of hyperparathyroidism
- Adenoma/carcinoma remove affected gland
- Hyperplasia & 3ry hyperparathyroidism: remove 3 & half glands, some surgeons implant remaing half in firearm
- 2ry treat CRF & administer phosphate binders
- Ectopic PTH-rP: remove tumor source
Mention causes of malignant hypercalcemia
Either secrete PTH-rP, as SCC of lung, RCC, bladder cancer
Osteolytic as BC, leukemias, MMs
Mention manifestations of hypoparathyroidism
Circumoral numbness, Chvostek’s sign, Trousseau sign, muscle cramps & tetany in severe cases
TTT of hypopara
Early PO hypocalcemia, IV Ca gluconate
Persistent hypocalcemia, oral administration of high dose Ca & vit D
Describe etiology of Addison’s disease
- Autoimmune disorder
- Infections (TB)
- Adrenal amyloidosis
- Metastatic carcinoma
- Surgical removal of adrenals
MC cause of Cushing is….
List inv for Cushing $
- Loss of diurnal variation in cortisol in blood, saliva, urine
- ACTH blood levels & DMST to diff pituitary from adrenal cause
- Localisation mainly by CT, MRI on pituitary & adrenal
MC cause of hyperaldosteronism is….
Adrenal adenoma (Conn $)
Describe diagnosis & ttt for hyperaldosteronism
Diagnosed by Na, K, & aldosterone in the blood & imaging tests to detect adrenal tumors
TTT by resection of tumor, correction of renal artery stenosis or by using drugs that block the action of aldosterone (e.g. spironolactone)
Mention ttt of non-functioning adrenal gland
Mass more than 4 cm, removed surgically
Less than 4 cm, follow up by repeated imaging & blood tests, monitor any inc in size & any transformation to functioning tumor that starts secreting excess hormones then surgery is indicated
Mention inv for virilization
- Dexamethasone suppression test suppresses androgen caused by adrenal hyperplasia to a lesser extent or not at all in other causes
- Localization is done by CT, MRI & US
- Surgical removal of the tumor
List inv for pheochromocytoma
- Measuring levels of CAs or their urine products
- Determination of plasma-free metanephrine & normetanephrine levels
- Localization of lesions
- Radionuclide imaging (MIBG) only abnormal tissues show uptake of MIBG & normal adrenals do not visualize