Endocrine organs Flashcards
the pituitary gland is derived from
oropharynx ectoderm & neuroecotoderm
describe acidophils of anterior pituitary gland
somatotropes- 50% of anterior, secrete GH, inhibited by somatostatin. mammotropes- 15-20% of anterior, secrete prolactin, inhibited by dopamine
what are tropic hormones
hormones that act on other endocrine glands
what do gonadaltropes secrete
FSH and LH
what do cortiotropes secrete
what do thryotropes secrete
basophilic cells of anterior pituitary secrete
FSH, LH, ACTH, TSH. (b-F.L.A.T.)
alternate name for posterior pituitary
axon dilations in the posterior pituitary where hormones produced in the hypothalamus are stored
herring bodies
nucleus that produces ADH
paraventricular nucleus produces
adrenal gland cortex develops from
adrenal gland medulla develops from
neural crest
3 zones of adrenal cortex
glomerulosa, fasiculata, reticularis.
zona glomerulosa secretes
mineral corticoid- aldosterone
zona fasiculata secretes (also spongiosum)
glucocorticoid- cortisol
2 cell types in adrenal medulla
chromaffin and ganglion cells
chromaffin cells are modified…
post ganglionic sympathetic neurons
chromaffin cells secrete
catecholamines into fenestrated capillaries
proteins that bind catecholamines
chromograinins. give off brown color
axonal processes that extend into adrenal cortex and modulate secretion & innervate blood vessels
ganglion cells
secretes PTH
chief cells
pinealocytes secrete
type of capillaries in endocrine organs
zona reticularis secretes
androgens (DHEA) & androstendione
projection of tissue that is derived from oropharpharynx that makes up anterior pituitary is called
rathkes pouch
disorder resulting from lack of ADH
diabetes insipidus
adrenal cortex cells are derived from
intermediate mesoderm
innervation of adrenal medulla
preganglionic sympathetics
prevents early puberty
cells that produce calcitonin
parafollicular cells of thyroid. (surrounded by stroma) also called C-cells
parathyroid gland is derived from
3rd and 4th pharyngeal pouch
difference between cushings disease and syndrome
cushings disease is a problem with ACTH production in pituitary. syndrome is a problem with adrenal gland (tumor)