Endocrine/metabolic Flashcards
Absorption mechanism of Vitamin B12
Bound to ingested animal proteins - proteins denatures by acids and pepsin in stomach to release B12 -> B12 binds to haptocorrin to protect from B12 degradation - haptocorrin degraded by pancreatic enzymes in duodenum and B12 free again - binds to intrinsic factor travels to terminal ileum - B12/IF complext binds to IF receptor -> once absorbed binds to haptocorrin in blood (70-80%, inactive) and transcobalamin II (<30%, active)
Function of vitamin b12
Important role in DNA synthesis and neurological function byt acting as a COFACTOR for 2 reactions:
- MMA -> succinyl-CoA
- homocysteine -> methionine (along with folic acid)
Dietary sources of Vitamin B12
Animal products
- meat
- poultry
- fish!! (crab, clams, mussels esp. high levels)
- eggs
- dairy products (low levels)
Fortified foods including:
- soy milks
- vegetarian “meats”
- yeast spreads e.g. vegemite
- breakfast cereals
Recommended daily intake of Vitamin B12
85g of salmon
Risk factors for B12 deficiency (8)
Vegetarian/vegan diet Age >65y Institutionalised/RACF residents Newborns of vegetarian or malnourished mothers Gastric surgery patients Atrophic gastritis patients H. Pylori infection Patient with GI disorders (e.g. Crohn's, coeliac disease)
Causes of Vit B12 deficiency
- Low dairy/meat intake >65y
- alcoholism
- strict veganism
Increased requirements:
- pregnancy/lactation
Impaired absorption
- anti-intrinsic factor antibodies (i.e. Pernicious anaemia)
- autoantibodies to gastric parietal cells (atrophic body gastritis)
- gastrectomy
- prolonged use of PPI, metformin or H2RAs
Other GI causes:
- chronic GI symptoms
- coeliac disease
- Crohn’s
- intestinal surgery, gastric resection, sleeve or banding
- intestinal parasites
- ileocystoplasty
Main medications known to lower Vit B12 levels
Histamine 2 receptor antagonists
Metformin (>4 months use)
PPIs (>12 months use)
Clinical manifestations of Vit B12 deficiency
- megaloblastic anaemia
- pancytopaenia
- pernicious anaemia
- paraesthesia
- peripheral neuropathy
- Combined systems disease
- irritability, personality change
- mild memory impairment
- depression
- psychosis
- Alzheimer’s disease
- ?increased risk of MI/Stroke
Conditions causing falsely low serum vitamin B12 levels
Pregnancy Primary folate deficiency Iron deficiency Inherited disorders of B12 metabolism Oral contraception
Management of B12 deficiency
To correct deficiency:
- hydroxocobalamin 1mg IM alternate days for 2 weeks (less intensive tx required if no anaemia or neuro symptoms)
- if absorption not impaired: cyanocobalamin 50-200 microg/day orally, between meals
- if absorption impaired: hydroxocobalamin 1mg IM every 2-3 months
*iron supplementation may be required for patients with severe anaemia as iron stores will start to fall 1-2 days post first injection
Recovery of symptoms after treatment of B12 deficiency
Hb will increase approx 10g/L per week, some symptoms will start to improve within 48h
Neuropathy improves more slowly, patients with long history of neurological symptoms may have residual effects