Endocrine Disorders Flashcards
Endocrine system consists of glands that secrete what?
Chemical messengers called hormones
What helps regulate the body’s functions including; energy, metabolism, response to stressors, thirst, reproduction, and others?
When endocrine functions are disrupted to a significant degree it can be?
Life threatening.
Signs and Symptoms such as; abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, cardiac dysthythmia, altered mental status, dehydration, fatigue or weakeness could mean there is an underlying?
Endocrine problem.
Patients with endocrine disorders are higher risk for diseases such as?
cardiovascular disease and stroke.
Which glucose level can be life threatening, high or low?
Hormones are like a key that can ?
Unlock only the doors they are specifically made to open.
only cells with a receptor for specific hormone molecules are?
affected by the presence of the hormone.
Negative feedback works like a?
Thermastat regulating a heating system.
when the body detects an abnormal condition such as low blood glucose or high blood glucolse, it stimulates?
a series of events to restore conditions to normal.
when the blood glucose level is low, certain cells in the pancreas secrete?
glucagon, a hormone that increases the glucose level
When the glucose level is hight, glucagon levels drop and other pancreas cells secrete?
many hormones such as insulin and glucagon work in?
pairs with opposite actions.
Glucose is a simple carbohydrate molecule or sugar that is the preferred source of?
Energy for cells
Normal cell metabolism requires a steady source of?
The primary storage reservoir for glycogen is the?
Glucose that is not used right away is converted to a more complex molecule, glycogen through a process called
As glucose levels start to decrease, glycogen is broken down again into glucose in a porcess called
The body can create glucose from amino acids and fatty acids using a process called
Whithout what? Many types of cells begin to use fats for energy.
The brain can not quickly convert to using fats for?
Without a constant supply of glucose, brain cells cannot?
Hypoglycemia is a life threatening emergency why?
unless glucose levels are quickly restored, brain cells will suffer damage and die.
although other types of cells can use fat as a source of energy fats are not good because?
They are an ineffecient and dirty fuel.
When fat is burned at an excessive rate?
toxic byproducts accumulate in the blood