Endocrine Articles All Testable Points/ Physio Questions Flashcards
In a 2015 study retrospectively evaluating the risk factors and outcome predictors in cats with DKA (1997-2007) JVECC
DKA cats were compared to cats with uncomplicated DM and nondiabetic cats
Concurrent disorders, initial insulin IV CRI concentration was examined for potential association with outcome
Looked at 93 cats with DKA, 682 cats with uncomplicated DM, and 16926 cats without DM or DKA
Cats with DKA were younger than cats with uncomplicated DM
Siamese cats were overrepresented in the DKA group compared to other groups
AByssinian cats - increased risk for DM and DKA
>50% of cats with DKA had confirmed diagnosis of acute pancreatitis, hepatic lipidosis, CKD, or UTI
Poor outcome (death d/t disease or euthanasia) in 36 cats with DKA (~40%) was associated with increased inital creatinine, BUN, magnesium, and T. Bili concentrations
Cats treated with higher concentrations of insulin (2.2 U/kg/ 240 ml bag) were less likely to have a poor outcome compared to cats treated with a lower concentation of insulin
Recurrence of DKA - 18% of cats
In a 2016 JVECC Sstudy investigating the use of IV insulin aspart for treatment of naturally occuring DKA in dogs…
Objective - To characterize the safety of IV insulin aspart in the treatment of DKA in dogs and determine the times to resolution of hyperglycemia, ketonemia, and acidemia
Prospective noncontrolled single arm study of dogs with DKA
6 dogs with spontaneous DKA
Aspart insulin was administered as a CRI at initial dose of 0.09 U/kg/h, and dose was adjusted according to previously published protocol
Median time to biochemical resolution of DKA — 28 h (range 20-116h)
Mean BG concentration decreased significantly from the time IV fluid resuscitation started until 6 hrs later when IV aspart insulin CRI started
No adverse effects associated with insulin adminsitration were noted
Cost of hospitalization (median) was ~$3500
Start Iv insulin following several hours of IV fluid resuscitation
What average percentage of dogs with DKA will survive to discharge from the hospital? What is the median hospitalization time for dogs with DKA?
6 days
What are factors associated with poor outcome in dogs with DKA?
Degree of acidemia
IV sodium bicarb therapy
Concurrent diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism
What percentage of dogs with DKA are newly diagnosed diabetics?
> 50%
What are common concurrent disorders in dogs with DKA, and what is the median age of onset of dogs with DKA?
Acute pancreatitis, UTI, hyperadrenocorticism
8 years old
In a 2017 JVECC Study evaluating the immediate effect of transmucosal application of corn syrup or 50% dextrose solutin on blood glucose concentration in healthy dogs …
Randomized controlled trial using 12 healthy client owned dogs >1 YO and >5 kg
Dogs were fasted overnight for min 12 hrs
IV catheter was placed for serial blood sampling, each dog was their own control for one of three treatments
1. Mucosal application of karo syrup, 2. Water, 3. 50% dextrose, each at a dose of 1 ml/kg body weight
BG was measured using a POC glucometer, and samples were taken prior, then 5,10,15,20,30, and 60 min intervals
Statistically significant increase in BG was observed at the 15, 20, 30, 60 minute time points in the corn syrup and 50% dextrose groups as compared with controls, suggesting intestinal absorption (I.e. transmucosal administration of dextrose does not increased BG for approx 15 min, suggesting that in more severely affected hypoglycemic patients, injectable glucose may be necessary)
Plasma GLP-1 measurements may help distinguish between tranmucosal and jejunal absorption
In a pilot study comparing a protocol using intermittent administration of glargin and regular insulin to a CRI of regular insulin in cats with naturally occurring DKA (JVIM 2015)…
Prospective randomized clinical trial, 16 cats with DKA
Randomized to either low dose regular insulin CRI or intermittent short and long acting insulin injections (0.25 U/kg SQ glargine q12 + 1 U IM regular insulin q 6)
~60% of cats survived to discharge with no difference in survival between groups
Times of resolution of hyperglycemia and ketonemia and normalization of pH and bicarbonate were significantly shorter in the SQ/IM group
Cats in the SC/IM group had shorter hospitalization (median 54 hr) vs the CRI group (median 111hr)
Time of first meal was not significantly different between groups
In a retrospective study comparing early vs late insulin therapy regarding effect on time to resolution of DK and DKA in dogs and cats (JVECC 2016)…
Defined ealy insulin as = 6 hours after admission, late defined as >6 hours post admission
60 dogs and cats with DK and DKA
Early group patients had more rapid resolution of DKA/DK after starting short acting insulin therapy (36 hrs vs 55 hrs for late group)
There was no difference in duration of hospitalization or complications between groups
More severe ketonuria resulted in longer time to resolution of DK/DKA after initiation of short acting insulin
In a retrospective study evaluating the impact of early enteral nutrition on clinical outcomes in dogs with pancreatitis (JVECC 2017)…
Evaluated the effect of early enteral nutrition on time ot return to voluntary intake, return to max food consumption, and incidence of Gastrointestinal intolerance and total hospitalization time for dogs with acute pancreatitis.
34 client owner dogs with acute or acute on chronic pancreatitis
Split them into early feeding group/EFG (food offered before 48 hrs) Delayed feeding (after 48 hours)
Dogs in the early feeding group had a decreased time to return of voluntary intake (2.1 vs 2.7 days in the DFG) and time to max intake (3 days EFG vs 3.4 days DFG)
DFG group exhibited more gastrointestinal intolerance than the EFG group regardless of clinical severity index score (60% of DFG had more Gastro intolerance in comparison to 26% of EFG group)
A clinical severity index score >/= 7 was associated with prolonged length of hospitalization
Time to initiation of feeding and diet selection did NOT impact length of hospitalization
What is the reported mortality rate of dogs with severe acute pancreatitis?
27 - 58%
Why is early enteral nutrition considered to be beneficial in critical patients?
Reduced catabolism
Prevention of protein-energy malnutrition
Improved integrity of intestinal epithelial tight junctions
Overall decreased intestinal inflammation
In a study evaluating urine sodium concentrations and their ability to be predictive of hypoadrenocorticism in hyponatremic dogs - JSAP 2018
Retrospective pilot study
Used to determine if urine sodium concentrations could be used to rule OUT hypoadrenocorticism
20 hyponatremic dogs includes - 11 w/ hypoadrenocorticism, and 9 with nonadrenal causes of hyponatremia
No dog with hypoadrenocorticism had a urine sodium concentraiton of < 30 mmol/L
Urine sodium concentration in dogs with hypoadrenocorticism was significantly higher (median 103 mmol/L) than in dogs with non-adrenal illness (median 10 mmol/L
Serum sodium concentrations were not significantly different between dogs with hypoadrenocorticism and those with nonadrenal illness
Urine sodium concentrations could be used to priortize a ddz of hypoadrenocorticism in hyponatremic dogs (I.e. urine sodium < 30 mmol/L makes hypoadrenocorticism unlikely)
Small sample size
Why does classical hypoadrenocorticism result in renal sodium wasting?
Aldosterone deficiency - also results in potassium retention
In a study investigating the use of hydrocortison in the management of acute hypoadrenocorticism in dogs (JSAP 2016)…
Retrospective review of 30 dogs diagnosed with primary hypoadrenocorticism receiving IV hydrocortison and fluid therapy
Excellent clinical response, all dogs survived to discharge within a median of 2 days
23 cases - mean rate of change of sodium over 24 hours was 0.48 mmol/L/hr, mean rate of change of potassium was -0.12 mmol/L/hr
Circulating potassium normalized in 69% of cases in 12 hours and 100% of cases in 24 hrs
Additional treatment for hyperkalemia was not needed
Plasma Na concentration increased by >12 mmol/L/24 hrs in ~31% of cases
One dog developed temporary neuro signs
Hydrocortisone and fluids is associated with rapid resolution of electrolyte derangements, important to carefully monitor lytes
What is the estimated prevalence of primary hypoadrenocorticism?
Why might hydrocortisone a viable alternative to dexamethasone or prednisone in patients in hospital with hypoadrenocorticism?
Synthetic analog of cortisol
Has equipotent mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid activity
In a study evaluating epidemiology of hyperadrenocorticism among 210,824 dogs attending primary care veterinary practices in the UK from 2009 to 2014 …JSAP 2016
Estimated prevalence for hyperadrenocorticism diagnosis in dogs was 0.28% or 1 in 400 dogs
Four associated risk factors: breed, breed relative body weight, age, insurance status
Other high risk breeds: Dachshund, Yorkie
Bichon frise had 6.5 x the odds of hyperadrenocorticism compared with MBD
Dogs weighing more than or equal to their breed mean body weight had 1.7 x the odds of hyperadrenocorticism compared with dogs weighing less than the breed mean
Dogs <20 kg but above avg breed body weight (I.e. fat little dogs)
Dogs >/= 12 YO had 5.7 x the odds of hyperadrenocorticism compared with younger dogs
Insured dogs had 4x the odds of hyperadrenocorticism compared with uninsured
Overall, fat, bichons, and old dogs that have owners willing to spend money are at higher risk for being diagnosed with Cush
In a study evaluating canine hyperadrenocorticism associations with signalment, selected comorbidities and mortality within north american veterinary teaching hospitals (JSAP 2018)…
Retrospective cohort study of 1519 dogs with hyperadrenocorticism from a population of 70574 dogs
Hyperadrenocorticism was more frequent in females
Neutering was associated with a minor but significant increase in the odds of hyperadrenocorticism
Was the presumed cause of death in ~26% of dogs
Etiology was specified for ~1/3 (527) dogs
PDH 75% of cases where etiology specified (387/527)
ADH noted in 136 (25%)/ 527 cases
Breeds overrepresented: mini poodle, dachshund, Irish setter, Bassett hound
Dogs with HAC were at increased risk for concurrent DM, UTI, urolithiasis, hypertension, GM mucocele, and thromboembolic disease compared to dogs without HAC
In a retrospective study of dogs with atypical hypoadrenocorticism: a diagnostic cutoff or continuum?… JSAP 2017
Objective was to describe the clinicopathologic fundings and outcome in dogs with atypical HAC (group 1) and dogs with suspected atypical HAC whose post ACTH stim cortisol concentrations were greater than 55 nmol/L but below the RI (group 2)
40 dogs group 1, 9 dogs group 2
Most common biochemical abnormalities in dogs with atypical HAC were hypoalbuminemia (87%), hypocholesterolemia (76%). 14% of dogs in this group developed electrolyte abnormalities at 2-51 months post diagnosis
Of the dogs with suspected atypical HAC (I.e. equivocal results where post was >2 but below RR) - steroid therapy was stopped without return of clinical signs in 2/7 dogs, and 4/7 were diagnosed with IBD, 1 dog continued to have c/s despite glucocorticoid treatment
Dogs with concurrent GI signs, hypoalbuminemia and hypocholesterolemia should be assessed for atypical Hypoadrenocorticism, with follow up electrolyte monitoring recommended.
Dogs with equivocal ACTH stim results should be evaluated for other underlying disease (e.g. IBD), could consider endogenous ACTH?
Diagnostic cutoff of post cortisol for dogs with atypical hypoadrenocorticism requires further investigation
What are breeds at risk for hypoadrenocorticism
NSDTR Standard poodle WHWT Soft coated wheaten Rottweiler Great Dane Portuguese water dog Bearded collie
In a study evaluating the use of lispro insulin for treatment of DKA in cats (JFMS 2019)…
Times to resolution of hyperglycemia, ketosis and acidosis were compared between cats treated with CRI of lispo insulin and cats treated with a CRI of regular insulin
18 DKA cats enrolled (9 per group)
No significant difference between groups in median time to resolution of hyperglycemia, ketosis, and acidosis
Two cats in the regular insulin group developed hypoglycemia
One cat in group Lispro and 3 cats in group regular developed hypophosphatemia requiring supplementation
Duration of hospitalization and time to first SQ injection did not differ between groups
What is Lispro insulin?
Genetically engineered analogue of human insulin in which proline at position B28 and lysine at position B29 are inverted in their sequence. This reduces the formation of insulin dimers and hexamers.
The structural change ensures more rapid absorption and elimination from the SQ injection site, resulting in rapid onset and short duration of hypoglycemic activity.
Has similar effects to regular insulin on suppression of endogenous glucose production, glucose uptake and FFA, glycerol and lactate levels in people
Considered valid alternative in people to regular insulin, considered safe and effective IV alternative in dogs
In a study evaluating the survival times for cats with hyperthyroidism treated with 3.35 mCi iodine 131 dose (JFMS 2018)
Study aim - to retrospectively evaluate the efficacy of a fixed 3.35 mCi I131 dose fro teh treatment of 96 hyperthyroid cats with no length estimation for any palpated goiter >/= 20mm, and to assess outcome and identify factors associated with survival
Serum TT4 at diagnosis and at follow up times, survival times and cause of death were recorded
Administration of mean dose of 3.35 mCi I131 was an effective treatment in 94/96 cats, but 2 cats remained hyperthyroid
No hyperthyroid related death recorded
Median survival- 3 year. 1 and 2 year survival rates post I131 were 90% and 78%
Low body weight (<3 kg) and being male were independently associated with death
Age, prior treatment with anti-thyroid drugs, and reason for treatment and pretreatment azotemia were NOT associated with death
~3 Mci fixed dose of I131 is effective when goiter is <2 cm in length
In a study evaluating serum and urinary cystatin C in cats with FIV and cats with hyperthyroidism (JFMS 2016)…
Included 30 cats with FIV
26 hyperthyroid cats
28 healthy cats
Measured serum and urine cystatic C, and urinary cystatic C to creatinine ratio
Routine renal variables (bun, creat, USG, UPCR) also recorded
Cats with hyperthyroidism had significantly higher serum cystatin C and higher urinary cystatin C to creat ratios, lower serum creatinine, and higher UPC than healthy cats
Based on the RR for serum cystatin C, hyperthyroid cats cannot be distinguished from healthy cats, suggesting that serum cystatin C might not be a riliable GFR marker in hyperthyroid cats
Cats with FIV did not show a significantly higher serum cystatin C concentration but had a significantly higher serum creat and UPC than healthy cats
Urinary cystatin C could only be detected in 4/30 cats with FIV
What is cystatin C?
Low molecular mass protein responsible for intracellular catabolism of peptides and proteins
Many properties for endogenous GFR markers apply to cystatin C
Studies in humans and dogs have show that serum cystatin C may be better than creat at detecting early renal impairment, and urinary cystatin C can be used as a tubular marker
In a study investigating the relationship between TT4, thyroid palpation and a clinical index in hyperthyroid and healthy cats and cats with other diseases … (JFMS 2019)
Looked at 55 cats with hyperthyroidism, 45 healthy cats, and 327 euthyroid cats with nonthyroidal disease
~80% of hyperthyroid cats and 20% of healthy cats and cats with non-thyroidal illness had a palpable thyroid gland
Median thyroid palpation score in hyperthyroid cats was 2 (significantly higher compared to other groups)
Thyroid size did not correlate with T4
Thyroid size was smaller (most <5mm) than previously reported
Hyperthyroid cats with lower clinical scores had significantly higher T4 levels compared with hyperthyroid cats with higher scores
Hyperthyroid cats were older and had lower body weight and BCS than other cats
In a study evaluating the incidence of rebound hyperglycemia in diabetic cats (JFMS 2016)…
Background- rebound hyperglycemia aka somogyi
Looked at 10767 BG curves of 55 cats treated with glargine
Biochemical hypoglycemia did occure frequently, but blood glucose curves consistent with rebound hyperglycemia with insulin resistance was confined to 4 single events in 4 different cats .
(14/55 cats - 25%), with a median of 1.5% of BG curves were consistent with rebound hyperglycemia WITHOUT an insulin resistance component
Represented 0.42% of BG curves in both affected and unaffected cats *** Somogyi
Conclusion - rebound hypoglycemia is rare in cats treated with glargine on a protocol aimed at tight glycemic control. Insulin dose should not be reduced when there is hyperglycemia in the absence of biochemical or clinical evidence of hypoglycemia
**note - Bg monitoring was intermittent and all cats were FED after hypoglycemia was noted, then this study likely under or overestimated occurrence of rebound hyperglycemia **
In a study prospectively evaluating a protocol for transitioning porcine lente insulin treated diabetic cats to human recombinant PZI… (JFMS 2018)
Recruited recently diagnosed diabetics treated with >/= 6 weeks of porcine lente insulin q 12
Assessed fructosamine, 24 h BG curve, and QOL assessment, and diabetic control score at enrollment and 2,4, and 12 weeks after transitioning to PZI at a starting dose of 0.2-0.7 U/kg q 12
22 cats recruited
Median porcine lente insulin dose at enrollment was 0.5 U/kg q 12, equaling median PZI starting dose
Transitioning insulin was followed by significant decrease in fructosamine, insulin dose, and diabetic control score and QOL score
Mean BG did not alter significantly
5 cats (23%) achieved remission
Hypoglycemia was noted in 30/190 12 hour BG curves (I.e. 16%), and 5/22 cats experienced clinical hypoglycemia (though proportion of hypoglycemic cats did not differ between porcine lente insulin treatment and PZI treatment
32 % of cats showed a short duration of action of porcine lente insulin, then went on to show duration of action >/= 9 hr on PZI
10.5% of cats showed short duration of PZI
Name three long acting insulins
Protamine zinc (PZI)
See Picture for study
Investigating prevalence and degree of thyroid pathology in hyperthyroid cats and whether it increases with disease duration
Cross sectional analysis of 2096 cats refered for radioiodine therapy
Objective - to compared serum TT4 concentrations and thyroid scintigraphic characteristics of cats referred for I131 treatment based on disease duration
Methods — Cats were divided into 5 groups based on time from diagnosis
Each thyroid scintigraphic scan was evaluated for pattern (unilateral, bilateral, multifocal), location (cerivcal, thoracic inlet, chest), and size (small, med, large, huge) of the thyroid tumor, as well as features suggesting malignancy
Median TT4 concentration increased with increasing disease duration
Prevalence of unilateral disease decreaed with increasing duration, while multifocal disease increased
Median tumor volume increased with increased disease duration
Prevalence of large and huge thyroid tumors increased from 5.1% to 88.6% with increasing duration, while prevalence of intrathoracic tumor tissue increased from 3.4% to 33%
Prevalence suspected thyroid carcinoma (characterized by severe hyperthyroidism refractory to methimazole, huge intrathoracic multifocal tumors, refractory to methimazole treatment) increased with increasing disease duration from 0.4% to 20%
What is the most common endocrine disease in geriatric cats and what is its approximate prevalence?
Hyperthyroidism, 10% of geriatric cats
98% - benign thyroid adenomatous hyperplasia with ~70 % having bilateral disease
<2% - thyroid carcinoma
In a study evaluating the predictive value of scintigraphic (semi)-quantitative thyroid parameters on radioiodine therapy outcome in hyperthyroid cats (JFMS 2018)…
Background - one factor that may influence outcome of radioiodine therapy in hyperthyroid cats is degree of activty of thyroid gland, represented byuptake of sodium pertechnetate or tracer activities of radioiodine by thyroid gland on scintigraphy. Thyroid gland pertechnetate update can be demonstrated by seiquantitative factors such as thyroid gland to salivary gland ratio and the thyroid to background ratio and the percentage technetium uptake by the thyroid glands
75 cats that had sodium pertechnetate thyroid scans
**Higher thyroid to salivary gland ratios were found to be significantly related to outcome of patient being persistently hyperthyroid. Threshold of 5.4 is a possible indicator of increased risk of persistent hyperthyroidism
Other parameters evaluated (thyroid to background ratio and percentage technitium uptake) were not considered to be significant
For low TT4 outcomes, no significant parameters were found
In a study investigating insulin detemir treatment in diabetic cats in a practice setting (JFMS 2015)
Aim - to evaluate the effect of determir therapy in diabetic cats in a general clinical setting
14 diabetic cats with follow up period of at least 3 months — dose 0.25-0.5 U/kg/BID)
13/14 cats 93% - moderate or excellent control of clinical symptoms within the initial 3 months of therapy, including 5 cats previously treated unsuccesfully with other insulins
Clinical improvements were noted after 1 month and continued with time
3 cats (30%) achieved remission within 3 months, and non experienced a diabetic relapse during the study
1 cat achieve remission after 13 months
Considered safe, with only 2 reported episodes of hypoglycemia
What is the duration of effect of Lente insulin (I.e. Vetsulin) in Cats?
~8 hours (range 8-14 h)
What is detemir?
Long acting isulin analogue, is slowly absorbed from the subcutaneous injection site and displays a prolonged action compared with other types of insulin
Mechanisms of longer DOA - formation of dihexamers and binding of detemir to albumin
In healthy cats - has similar pharmacokinetics to glargine
In a study ingestigating the characteristics of hypoglycemic episodes in cats with diabetes mellitus (JFMS 2018)
Objective - review characteristics of diabetic cats presenting for hypoglycemia and identify factors that may have contributed to hypoglycemic episodes, patient clinical signs, and lab findings, and response to therapy
28 cats presenting a total of 30 times
Majority of cats presented with neurologic attributed to reduced ingestion or subsequent vomiting of a meal after insulin had been administered or accidental double dosing of insulin. Concurrent illnesses that may have affected insulin requirements were also common
Cats that demonstrated clinical improvement within 12 hours of treatment were more likely to recover despite mental status and glucose level on presentation
In a study evaluating the effect of thyroid volume on radioiodine therapy outcome in hyperthyroid cats (JFMS 2016)…
Objective - to relate total thyroid volume calculated by a newly contructed formula for feline patients (0.438 x length x width ^2) to the outcome of i131 therapy
167 cats categorized by dose of I131 given and therapy outcome
Study analysis showed no significant relationship between an increasing total thyroid volume and oddes for a final low TT4 or final hyperthyroid outcome
Did find significant relationship between increased odds for hypothyroid outcome in patients with increased number of foci detected on the thyroid scan, but this was NOT true for a final hyperthyroid outcome
Number of detected foci was associated with total thyroid volume
Did find the largest thyroid volumes in the persistently hyperthyroid group, but no statistical significance
Unlikely to be a testable study
In a study evaluating the effect if acarbose on postprandial blood glucose concentrations in healthy cats fed low and high carbohydrate diets (JFMS 2015)…
Study design - prospective crossover
Population - 12 healthy adult nonobese neutered cats enrolled and glucose assessed over 24 hours after feeding high and low carb diets with and without acarbose during single and multiple meal tests
Testable points — cats fed high carb diet as a single meal had LOWER mean 24 h glucose concentrations when acarbose was given
Mean glucose concentrations were lower in the first 12 h when acarbose was given ONCE daily, but no significant difference was observed in mean results from 12-24 hours — I.e. acarbose may be more effective if given before a meal and BID
Acarbose had little effect in cats eating multiple meals or those being fed a low carb diet
Compared with acarbose + high carb diet, cats fed the low carb diet ALONE had lower mean 24 hours peak glucose
What is acarbose?
Complex oligosaccharide of microbial origin
Competitive alpha glucosidase and alpha amylase inhibitor (enzymes involved in digestion of comple carbs into monosaccharides at the brush border of the SI mucosa). It acts to delay absorption of glucose from the intestinal tract, and in people, reduces postprandial BG and insulin concentrations after a carbohydrate meal
In dogs, helps to improve glycemic control
In a study evaluating cutpoints for screenign blood glucose concentrations in healthy senior cats (JFMS 2017…)
Measured screenin BG at presentation, then again after PE, then measured fasting BG after night of hospitalization
RI for screeing BG was 189 mg/dL
Mean screening BG was higher than mean fasting BG
Breed, body weight, behavior score, fasting BG concentration, and aount of carbohydrate consumed before sampling collectively explained only a small proportion of the variability in screening BG.
Screening BG at presentation should be considered, if >190 and if cat has risk factors for DM, consider additional investigation
In a study comparing health parameters in normal cats fed a limited iodine prescription food vs a conventional diet… (JFMS 2018)
Diet fed for 24 months (either limited iodine n=14 or conventional diet n=12). Performed chem, TT4, CBC, UA, thyroid ultrasound at baseline, 6,12,18,24 months
Median serum concentrations of free and total T4 and TSH were WNL for both groups at all sampling intervals
Median urine iodine concentrations in the limited iodine group declined significantly from baseline and were different from conventional iodine diet group
Ultrasound revealed no significant change in median thyroid height in the limited iodine group at any time
Results suggest that euthyroid cats can be exposed/ eat a limited iodine diet for an extended period of time and remain euthyroid
In a study evaluating coagulation parameters in hyperthyroid cats before and after I131 treatment compared with healthy controls …(JFMS 2019)
15 hyperthyroid and 10 healthy age matched controls
CBC, Chem, T4, PT, PTT, fibrinogen, and TEG were performe in al cats before and 7 and 14 days after I131 therapy. Two weeks post I131, further comparisons were made between cats with normal T4 vs those with low TT4
14 days post successful I131, 7/15 cats had normal TT4, and 8/15 had low TT4
Thrombocytosis was noted in 40%
Fibrinogen was higher and PT shorter in the hyperthyroid cats compared with healthy controls, and these changes persisted post I131
Persistent increases in fibrinogen, Pt, TEG MA and TEG clot rigidity occurred in cats that were euthyroid post therapy
TEG k (time until preset amplitude of 20 mm is reached) and alpha angle (reflecting impaired fibrin cross linking ability prior to I131) significantly increased after therapy
Overall - cats with hyperthyroidism were hypercoagulable compared to controls and had worsening parameters 14 days post treatment, suggesting potential radiation induced thyroiditis - questionable clinical relevance
In a study evaluating clinicopathologic features and comorbidities of cats with mild, moderate, or severe hyperthyroidism in a radioiodine referall population (JFMS 2018)
30% of cats were <10 YO at diagnosis
24% had incidentally diagnosed hyperthyroidism
Time betwen diagnosis and referral for I131 was significantly longer in cats with severe hyperthyroidism at the time of referral
Increase in severity groups between time of diagnosis and referral occurred in ~40% of cats
At referral 54% of cats with mild, 67% of cats with moderate, and 81% of cats with severe hyperthyroidism were unstable despite ongoing medical or dietary management
Prevalence of ardiac abnormalities.was significantly increased in cats with severe hyperthyroidism
No significant different in likelihood of renal disease or hypertension between groups
Earlier I131 therapy should be considered- reduced comorbidities and dose requirements
What is the overall success rate of I131 therapy?
85-95% for cure
In a study evaluating the accuracy of point of care luteinizing hormone test for help in distiguishing between sexually intact and ovariectomize or castrated domestic cats … (JFMS 2018)…
Background - sexually intact females should have low serum LH concetrations until estrus, when it would increase.
LH concentrations increase if there is no negative hormonal feedback from ovarian production of estrogen and progesterone inducing negative feedback on GNRH production. — I.e. high LH in ovariectomized females
Cats or dogs in estrus may yield false positive results due to LH surge
Time of testing relative to time of year can also affect result (cats are seasonally polyestrous increasing likelihood of false positive in the spring)
Both males and females - Overall test sensitivity 90%
Specificity 93%
Accuracy 91%
For differentiating intact vs neutered
Analysis of spayed vs intact females
91% sensitivity, 92% specificity, 92% accuracy
10 intact queens had unexpected positive results, 2/10 were in estrus
Analysis of intact vs neutered males
85% sensitivity
95% specificity
89% accuracy
In a study evaluating owner acceptance of home blood glucose monitoring for recently diagnosed diabetic cats and the impact on the quality of life of the cat and owner (JFMS 2018)..
74% (28/38) cats entered the home blood glucose monitoring group, and the majority considered it to be straightforward (89%)
There was no significant difference between groups in overal qualityof life score or glycemic control parameters at any time point apart from maximal blood glucose at month 6 (max BG was lower in the home blood glucose monitoring group)
Quality of life score (including indicators of owner worry about diabetes, worry about hypoglycemia and costs, and glycemic parameters) all improved at all time points within the home blood glucose monitoring groups but not within the NON-home blood glucose monitoring group
Remission occurred in 32% of the home Bg monitoring group and 10% of the non home BG monitoring group - not statistically significant difference
home BG monitoring is practical and improves QOL of owner and cat with DM
In a study evaluating abdominal ultrasound findings in acromegalic cats (JFMS 2015)
Retrospective case control study
Control group of age matched cats included
24 cats were included in each group
IGF1 concentrations in acromegaly group ranged from >148 - 638 nmol/L
When compared with controls, acromegalic cats had increased median left and right kidney length, increased adrenal gland thickness, and increased pancreatic thickness
Hepatomegaly (63%) and renomegaly (53%) reported in acromegalic cats and no controls
Pancreatic abnormalities described in 88% of acromegalic cats and 8% of controls
Overall - acromegalic cats tends to exhibit signs of organomegaly
What is acromegaly?
Clinical syndrome that results from excessive secretion of growth hormone from a functional somatotrophic adenoma of the pars distalis of the pituitary gland
Clinical signs of the disease are attributed to the catabolic effects of GH and the anabolic effects of IGF1, and space occupying effect of pituitary adenoma
GH —> causes post receptor defect in action of insulin on target cells, leading to decreased carb use, reduced insulin sensitivity, and hyperglycemia
GH also stimulates production of IGF1 from the liver mostly, resulting in increased protein synthesis and excessive tissue growth
In a study evaluating associations between sex, body weight, age and ultrasonographically determined adrenal gland thickness in dogs with non-adrenal gland illness… JAVMA 2016
Design - retrospective cross sectional study
266 dogs with nonadrenal illness
Thickness of the caudal pole of the left and right adrenal glands was measured on longitudinal ultrasonographic images. Dogs were stratified into age and body weight categories to investigate assocations with adrenal thickness
Testable point(S) —
Adrenal thickness was significantly lower in dogs that weighed = 12 kg than in dogs that weight >12 kg
Left adrenal thickness increased with age
Both left and right adrenal thickness were larger in male than in female dogs that weighed > 12 and = 20 kg
Left adrenal thickness was larger in male than in female dogs that weighed > 20 = 30 kg
body weight, age, and sex appear to be significantly associated with adrenal thickness, indicating that these variables should be considered when evaluating adrenal thickness in dgos with non adrenal gland illness and when developing RR for adrenal thickness in dogs
**Dogs that weigh =12kg should have Adrenal thickness no greater that 0.62 cm
Dogs that weigh >12 kg should have an adrenal thickness no greater that 0.72 kg
In a study evaluating combind assessments of serum anti mullerian hormone and progesteron concentratsions for the diagnosis of ovarian remnant syndrome in dogs (JAVMA 2019)…
Prospective case series with 602 bitches that had previously undergone OVH or ovariectomy
AMH and progesterone were measureing in a single serum sample obtained from each dog, and results were classified as positive, negative or inconclusive
55 dogs underwent exploratory laparotomy, and 48 had histologically confirmed ovarian remnant syndrome
25/48 (52%) were positive for both progeseterone and AMH
23/48 (48%) were positive for AMH OR progesterone or test results were inconclusive
No dogs with histologically confirmed ovarian remnant were negative for both AMH and progesterone
5 dogs that tested positive - no ovarian remnant tissue obtained at sx
combined measurement of AMH and progesteron in a single serum sample can be an effective diagnostic test for spayed dogs suspected to have ovarian remnant syndrome. Histologic examination of excised tissue is warranted
What is anti mullerian hormone?
Hormone that the ovaries secrete, and secretion is limited by granulosa cells of ovarian folicles
Gonas are the sole source of AMH, so complete surgical removal of the ovaries should result in the absence of AMH in circulation
**corpora lutea do not express AMH, so an ovarian remnant that is largely occupied by functional luteal tissue might not secrete a sufficient amount of AMH to be detectable, which is why measuring progesterone together with AMH to detect an ovarian remnant is beneficial
In a case report documented resolution of hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia following partial pancreatectomy in a dog with nesioblastosis .. (JAVMA 2018)
6 MC Australian shepher evaluated for persistent hypoglycemia with high serum insulin to glucose ratio
No pancreatic lesion/ mass found on exlap, so partial left pancreatectomy and hepatic and local lymph node biopsies were performed
Histologic exam revealed islet cell hypertrophy and hyperplasia, with no evidence of neoplasia
Bartonella testing = negative on pancreatic tissue
Clinical signs resolved post sx, and on follow up exasm 8 monthls later the dog was healthy and all b/w was WNL
Consider nesidioblastosis as a ddx in a dog with signs suggestive of insulinoma
What is nesidioblastosis?
Neoformation or neodifferentiation of endocrine cells in the ductal epithelium of the exocrine pancreas.
Results in hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia
Cause of onset is unknown in people, may be associated with gastric bypass surgery
In a study evaluating outcomes of the addition of pasireotide to traditional adrenal directed treatment for dogs with pituitary dependent hyperadrenocorticism secondary to macroadrenoma… (JAVMA 2018)
9 dogs with PDH + macroadenoma where Cushings signs had been managed with adrenal directed treatment (trilostane/mitotane) — were concurrently given pasireotide (0.03 mg/kg SQ q12) for 6 months while adrenal directed treatment was continued.
No dog developed neuro abnormalities or signs of adverse effects during study
No differences from baseline were found in any clinicopathologic values, ACTH stim results, or plasma ACTH results at the 3 or 6 month post points
***After 6 months of pasireotide treatment, 6/9 dogs (67%) had decreases in MRI measured values, while 3 (33%) had increases in MRI measured values **
no adverse effects of the drug were noted, further studies needed to determine if drug is effective in preventing development of neuro signs or improves outcome in dogs with pituitary macroadenomas
What is the reported incidence of pituitary macroadenomas?
0.2% per year
What is the incidence of pitutiary dependent hyperadrenocorticism?
What is Pasireotide and why might it be beneficial in patients with pituitary macroadenoma?
Somatostatin receptor ligand with high binding affinity for multiple receptor isoforms (SST 1, SST2, SST3, SST5)
SST5 and SST2 isoforms are highly expressed in ACTH secreting pituitary adenomas (SST2 is most common in dogs)
Pasireotide has been FDA approved in people with hyperadrenocorticism for whom pituitary surgery is not an options or has not been curative
Previous use in dogs with PDH demonstrated a decrease in plasma ACTH,UCCR and pituitary adenoma size, along with improved clinical signs without adverse effects
What defines a pitutiary MACROadenoma?
Tumor that is > 1 cm in diameter, extends above the sella turcica, or as a pituitary:brain ratio >0.31
What is the mechanism of action of trilostane?
Inhibitor of 3 betahydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
Blocks conversion of 3 beta hydroxysteroids into progesterone/ other steroid precursors to cortisol
I.e. inhibits production of all classes of steroid hormones
What is the MOA of mitotane?
Adrenlytic agent/ adrenal cortex inhibitor
In a case report evaluating management and closure of multiple large cutaneous lesions in a juvenile cat with severe acquired skin fragility secondary to iatrogenic hyperadrenocorticism…JAVMA 2018
Cat had been chronically treated with high dose steroisd
Cat underwent staged wound closure with a combination of daily wound cleaning and debrisement, tension and appositional sutures and wet to dry and nonadherent dressings with triple antibiotic, then with mix of SSD and insulin
Multiple additional lesions developed and were treated in the same way
Complete closure and resolution of all lesions was achieve in 9 weeks
Prognosis in cats that develop acquired skin fragility may be better than previously reported
What are causes of acquired skin fragility syndrome in cats?
Cholangiocarcinoma, cholangiohepatitis, hepatic lipidosis, disseminated histoplasmosis, pancreatic and hepatic carcinoma, FIP, multicentric follicular lymphoma, and spontaneous (most common) or iatrogenic hyperadrenocorticism
What are the histologic characteristics of acquired skin fragility syndrome in cats?
Epidermal thinning
Severe dermal atrophy with wispy attenuated pale staining dermal collagen
Adenexal atrophy, with most follicles in telogen phase
In a case report discussing ischemic necrosis of the digits and hyperlipidemia assocaited with atherosclerosis in a Mini American Shepherd… (JAVMA 2018)
2.5 YO Mini american shepherd referred for 3 week hx of localized crusted skin lesion on the digital pad of digit 3 of the RHL
Chem revealed severe hyperlipidemia
Ultrasonography of the terminal aortal and other major arterial vessels revealed ateeriosclerotic change
Patient was medically managed with atorvastatin calcium, low fat diet, and omega 3 FA, clopidogrel, pentoxifylline, clomipramine and trazodone, gabapentin
Limb was eventually amputated
Response to treatment was poor and patient was euthanized
Necropsy - severe chronic intimal atherosclerosis + CNS changes
What breeds are predisposed to primary hyperlipidemia/ dyslipidemia?
Mini schnauzers, Briards, rough collies, shetland sheepdogs, dobermans, rottweilers, and beagles
In a study reporting exogenous thyrotoxicosis in dogs attributable to consumption of all meat commercial dog food or treats containing excessive thyroid hormone…JAVMA 2015
Retrospective and prospective case series
1 case of thyrotoxicosis was identified retrospectively, the others found prospectively, the remainder of dogs were fed meat based products suspected to cintain excessive thyroid hormone. TT4 measurement and scintigraphy were performed before and after food was discontinued
TT4 was high in all dogs at initial evaluation (median 8.8 ug/dL), and scintigraphy revealed subjectively decreased thyroid gland radionuclide in all dogs
At >/= 4 weeks after feeding was stopped, TT4 was within RR, and all signs associated with thyrotoxicosis if present resolved
Diet analyses revealed median thyroxine concentration for suspected products of 1.52 mcg/g
Commercial foods analyzed contained 0.38 mcg/g
Thyrotoxicosis can occur secondary to consumption of meat based products contaminated by thyroid tissue and can be reversed by switching diets
In a study evaluating outcomes for dogs with primary hyperparathyroidism followign treatment with percutaneous ultrasound guided ethanol ablation of presumed functional parathyroid nodules …(JAVMA 2015)
24 dogs with hyperPTH that underwent 27 ultrasound guided ethanol ablation
3 dogs underwent a second treatment b/c of initial treatment failure of development of another nodule
Hypercalcemia resolved after 23 out of 27 (85%) of procedures
In the 23 treatments, 22 (96%) had resolution of hypercalcemia within 72 hours
Hypocalcemia was noted in 6 (22%) different dogs at 2 (1 dog) 7 (3 dogs), 14 (1 dog), and 21 (1 dog) days after treatment. 5 had mild transient hypocalcemia and 1 developed c/s signs requiring calcium supplementation
2 dogs had delayed adverse effects, overall complication rate was 11%
Long term follow up — sustained normocalcemia in 17/19 dogs
May be beneficial treatment with low complication rate in dogs with significant comorbidities that can’t undergo prolonged anesthesia
What is the incidence of urolithiasis in dogs with primary hyperparathyroidism?
What causes primary hyperparathyroidism?
85% parathyroid adenomas
12 % parathyroid hyperplasia
5% parathyroid carcinoma
What are reported complications of ethanol ablation?
Bark change, cough
In a study evaluating the use of detemir insulin for the treatment of DM in dogs… JAVMA 2015
10 Dogs were treated with detemir SQ q 12h for 6 months
Follow up evaluations were done at 1,2,4,12, and 24 weeks and included evaluation of clinical signs and measurement of BG curves and fructosamine
Determir resulted in signficant decrease in BG and fructosamine concentration at 6 months compared with pretreatment values
Median insulin dose at study end was 0.12 U/kg (range 0.05-0.34 U/kg)
hypoglycemia was noted in 22% of BG curvesm and 6 episodes of clinical hypoglycemia were noted in 4 dogs
Subjective clinical improvement in all dogs was noted
Based on clinical improvement, efficacy of detemir was considered good in 5 dogs, moderate in 3, and poor in 2
Detemir is more potent in dogs
In a study evaluating baseline cortisol concentration to monitor efficacy of twice daily administration of trilostane to dogs with potuitary dependent hyperadrenocorticism … (JAVMA 2016)
22 dogs with PDH were retrospectively included
109 ACTH stimulation tests were performed for 22 dogs
Baseline corticsol concentration was >/= 3.2 predicted that ACTH stimulated cortisol concentration would be >/= 2 with 100% certainty
14/64 (22%) tests with a baselin cortisol concentration of >3.2 mcg/dL had an ACTH stimulated cortisol concentration of = 3.2, which suggested inadequate adrenal reserve
There was no correlation between baseline cortisol dose and the subsequent trilostane dose adjustment
**baseline cortisol concentration should not be used as the sole monitoring tool for management of dogs with PDH treated with trilosatne BID **
ACTH stim should be used in conjunction with history and PE to monitor dogs with PDH that are receiving trilostane
In a study evaluating the analytic performance evaluation of a veterinary specific ELISA for measurement of serum cortisol concentration in dogs (JAVMA 2018)
Evaluate agreement of an ELISA and precision for measurement of serum cortisol. — agreement between ELISA and 2 validated chemluminescent assays assessed. Evaluated clinical implications of bias associated with ELISA when measuring Serum cortisol in dogs
75 stored frozen samples
There was a high correlation between ELISA results for all samples combined and the 2 assays used for comparison
Constant and proportional biases between ELISA and the chemiluminescent assays were present at all concentrations
Clinically important disagreement between ELISA and the other assays occurred in 16/63 (25%) of samples, particularly with LOW and HIGH serum cortisol
results suggest that equivocally low or high results obtained by ELISA be confirmed at a reference lab