Endocrine and Reproduction Flashcards
What are the male equivalents of the mullerian ducts in females?
Wolffian ducts
Can the Y and X chromosomes cross-over?
Yes, but only within a short pairing region
Can the Y chromosome cross over with the X chromosome at any point along its length?
No, the pairing region is comparatively short
What is the significance of the *sry *gene? Is it in the pairing region of the Y chromosome?
It is the sex determining region of the Y chromosome; no, it is in the non-pairing region (otherwise it could be transferred to X chromosomes!)
If the SRY gene is deleted or mutant in an otherwise normal XY male, what will the primordial gonads differentiate into?
What sex phenotype can result if the *sry *gene is transferred to an X chromosome?
An XX male
What is the difference between genetic and gonadal sex?
Genetic is the configuration of X or Y chromosomes; gonadal is the presentation of a sex phenotype with formation of testes or ovaries
What do fetal testes synthesize that oppose the formation of the Mullerian duct system? Is it secreted by fetal ovaries? What hormone supports formation of the Wolffian duct system instead?
AMH, anti mullerian hormone; no, AMH is not secreted by ovaries; testosterone supports formation of the Wolffian duct system
Which week of embryonic development is when the penis and scrotum differentiate?
Weeks 9-10
What hormone is created from testosterone using 5α reductase that allows for differentation of the male external genitalia?
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
If there is no SRY gene, will the ovaries secrete AMH, testosterone, or produce DHT?
No to all
By what week of embryonic development is the fetus fully differentiated into a male?
week 12
What causes testicular feminization?
A defect in androgen receptors: the duct system is insensitive to androgens
In androgen insensitivity disorder, do the uterus and fallopian tubes form? Do female external genitalia form?
No uterus of fallopian tubes, because AMH will still be released and effectively repress Mullerian duct formation; external female genitalia because testosterone and DHT cannot perform their actions
What disease causes masculinization of female external genitalia at birth?
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
How does congenital adrenal hyperplasia cause masculinization of external genitalia?
Androgens are secreted by a hyperplastic adrenal gland
What enzyme defect in the adrenal gland can cause increased androgen production? What sex phenotype disorder does this cause?
21 hydroxylase deficiency; congenital adrenal hyperplasia
What sex phenotype disorder is this representative of?
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
What is the median age for puberty onset in American females? What about in American males?
10 years for females; 12 years in males
What hormone is released in pulses of increased frequency and amplitude to initiate puberty?
Do levels of LH periodically cycle before a girl reaches her reproductive years? What hormone besides LH is elevated during puberty?
No; FSH is also elevated during puberty
Of the pM, nM, μM and mM concentration ranges, which are most common for hormones?
pM and nM
In what two tissues are the enzymes related to steroid synthesis most prevalently expressed?
Adrenal cortex, gonads
Phosopholipase C, when activated by active α G-protein, performs what action on PIP2? What effect does this have on Ca++ cytosolic concentration, and how?
It cleaves it to form diacylglycerol (DAG) and IP3; IP3goes on to open calcium channels and increase cytosolic Ca++