Endocrine and Metabolic Function Flashcards
Releasing Factors & hormones from hypothalamus (8)
- CRH Corticotrophin releasing hormone - controls the release of ACTH
- Dopamine- inhibits prolactin release
- GHRH Growth Hormone releasing hormone- causes growth hormone release
- Somatostatin- inhibits growth hormone release
- GnRH Gonadotrpin Releasing Hormone- causes LH & FSH release
- TRH Thyrotrophin Releasing hormone- TSH release
- Oxytocin- causes milk ejection and uterine contraction in labour synthesized in hypothalamus and stored and released in posterior pituitary
- Vasopressin (ADH) promotes water reabsorption in Kidney-synthesized in hypothalamus and stored and released in posterior pituitary
Anterior Pituitary Gland Hormones (6)
- ACTH (adrenocorticotrohic hormone)- releases glucocorticoids and other steroids from the adrenal cortex
- FSH- spermatogenesis in men and ovarian follicular maturation in females
- LH- testosterone synth in males and ovulation in females
- Prolactin-lactation
- TSH- thyroid hormone production and release
- GH- muscle and skeletal growth
Posterior Pituitary Gland Hormones (2)
- Oxytocin- Uterine contraction in labour and milk production
- ADH- water re absorption from renal tubules
Thyroid Gland & Parathyroid
- T4
- T3
- PTH- Calcium and phosphate metabolism
- Calcitonin- inhibits bone calcium re absorption
Adrenal Glands- Cortex (3)
- Glucocorticoids- mainly cortisol- carb metabolism and stress response
- Mineralcorticoids- aldosterone- control electrolyte imbalance
- Androgens- testosterone, DHEAS & 17-hydroxyprogesterone- secondary sexual characteristics and anabolic effects
Adrenal Glands- Medulla (3)
- Epinephrine- CVS and metabolic response to stress
- Nor epinephrine- Peripheral sympathetic nervous system
- Dopamine- neurotransmitter in Autonomic NS
Endocrine pancreas (4)
- Insulin- regulates glucose and lipid metabolism
- Glucagon- elevates blood sugar
- Somatostatin- Regulates GI motility
- Pancreatic polypeptide- regulates GI secretion
Ovary (4)
- Estrogens- regulate reproductive function and secondary sexual characteristics
- Progesterone- stimulates endometrial vascularization and maintains pregnancy
- Relaxin- softening or cervix and relaxing of pelvic ligaments during birth
- Inhibin- inhibits FSH
- Testosterone- regulates reproductive function and secondary sexual characteristics
- Inhibin- inhibits FSH
- Mullerian inhibiting hormone- fetal hormone dedifferentiates the mullerian duct
Levels of hypernatraemia
Mild- 145-150mmol/L
Mod 150-159
Severe 160
Causes of hypernatraemia
- Pure water loss- (extra renal) reduced intake, mucuocutaneous loss, hyperventiliation, hyperthyroidism. (Renal)- diabetes insipidus, chronic kidney disease
- Hypotonic fluid loss- (extra renal) GI (D&V), sweating (renal) Osmotic diuresis (glucose, urea, mannitol
- Salt gain (iatrogenic) hypertonic saline, sodium bicarb (salt ingestion) rare
Hyponatraemia levels
mild- 130
mod 125-129
severe-<125 mmol/L
Causes of Hyponatraemia (3 key)
- Psuedohyponatraemia; Hyperglycaemia, Hypertriglycerideamia, Non-physiological osmolyte
- Sodium depletion Renal loss, Diuretics,Salt wasting
Nephropathy, Hypoadrenalism, Central salt wasting,
Extra renal loss,Gut loss - Excess water intake
- Reduced renal free water clearance
Cardiac failure
Nephrotic syndrome
SIADH mechanism
ADH secretion causes dilutional hyponatraemia and this also causes the Renin-Aldosterone system to produce less Aldosterone (as hypervolemic) therefore more Na is lost through kidneys
Causes of SIADH
Ectopic-Small Cell lung cancer key cause Surgery Brain injury-stroke, hemorrhage Drugs-antieileptics, mood stabilisers Infections- lungs and brain
Diagnosis of SIADH (3 criteria)
Euvolaemic hypoosmolar hyponatraemia
- Low serum osmolarity <275 mosmol/kg
- Urine osmolality >100 mosmol/kg
- Urine Sodium >30 mmol/L
First exclude: hypothyroidism, total salt depletion and ACTH deficiency, or non hypotonic hyponatraemia (ie hyperglycemia)