Endocrine Anatomy Flashcards
What is the hollow in the skull that the pituitary sits in and in what bone of the skull is it situated?
Hypofosseal in sphenoid bone.
What are the main endocrine organs in the body?
Thalamus Hypothalamus Pituitary gland Adrenal glands Pancreas Ovaries Testes
Where does the optic chasm lie in relation to pituitary gland?
Directly above, 1cm above pituitary fossa.
What would the visual defect be due to pituitary gland enlargement?
bitemporal hemianopia
How is the pituitary gland connected to the hypothalamus?
Pituitary stalk
What does the pituitary gland consist of?
Anterior lobe
Posterior lobe
Pituitary stalk
Which is the larger of the 2 lobes?
Anterior lobe
Which lobe is glandular and manufactures numerous hormones?
Anterior lobe
Anterior pituitary:
What are the types of cells present and what do they secret and what is their target organ?
1. Somatotrophs secrete GH to general epiphyseal growth plate.
2. Mammtrophs secrete prolactin to breast
1. Corticotrophs secrete ACTH and -MSH to adrenal cortex and -melanocytes.
2. Thyrotrophs - secrete TSH to the thyroid
3. Gonadotrophs - secrete FSH and -LH to ovaries and testes and -developing follicles
Arterial blood supply is from where?
Branches of ICA - superior hypophyseal artery and inferior hypophyseal artery.
What does the inferior hypophyseal artery supply?
Posterior pituitary gland
What supplies the anterior pituitary gland?
Hypophyseal artery - breaking up into capillaries which then supply the gland
How does the hypothalamus communicate with the anterior pituitary?
Hypophyseal portal system
Where does the thyroid gland lie?
C5 - T1 between cricoid cartilage and 6th tracheal ring.
Where does the isthmus lie?
Opposite the 2nd to 4th tracheal rings.
Name 3 strap muscles that overlie the thyroid gland?
From which major artery in neck does superior thyroid artery arise?
1st branch of ECA
What is the inferior thyroid artery a branch of?
Subclavian artery
Into which vein does these drain into:
- Superior thyroid vein
- Middle thyroid vein
- Inferior thyroid vein
- Internal jugular vein
- Brachiocephalic vein
What type of cell lines the follicle?
Thin connective tissue
What colour does colloid stain in H&E stain?
What hormones does the thyroid secrete?
Thyroxine T4
Triiodothyronine T3
How are the adrenal glands separated from the kidney?
Where do adrenal glands lie in relation to peritoneum?
What are the 2 parts of the adrenal gland?
Cortex and medulla