Endocrine/Adrenal/Thyroid Disorders (Deeb) Flashcards
If adrenal insufficiency is present, what do anxiety and stress increase the risk of?
Adrenal Crisis
What should be prescribed for adrenal insufficiency patient during surgical procedures or infection?
Steroid supplementation
What sedative agent is contraindicated in patients with adrenal insufficiency or on steroid treatment for adrenal insufficiency?
No barbiturates
What is an adrenal insufficiency disease?
Addison’s disease
What is a good HbA1c?
6 and below
What is the high limit for systolic BP and treatment?
180 mmHg
What is the high limit for diastolic BP and treatment?
110 mmHg
What is the high limit for blood glucose in diabetes?
400 mg/dL
What is the low limit for blood glucose in diabetic?
80 mg/dL
What is the key every time in a medical emergency
ABC (Airway, Breathing, Circulation)
What is the rule of 2’s for long-term steroid use?
20mg for more than 2 weeks in the past 2 years
If you give an adrenal-suppressed patient steroid coverage to help the body deal with the stress of the procedure, what should be considered post-operatively?
Post-op antibiotic prophylaxis for infection as steroids are immunosuppressive
What is located in the neck near the trachea, having a butterfly shape?
What are 3 thyroid gland hormones?
- Thyroxine T4
- Triiodotyronine T3
- Calcitonin
What is the most abundant thyroid hormone?
Thyroxine T4 (will convert to T3 on uptake)
What is the most potent thyroid hormone?
Triiodotyronine T3
What is the backbone for both T3 and T4 thyroid?
What is the key component to the tyrosine to make it T3 or T4?
How are T3 and T4 released from the thyroid?
Hypothalamus stimulated. Releases Thyroid releasing hormone(TRH) onto anterior pituitary causing anterior pituitary to release Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) stimulating thyroid to release T3 & T4
How are T3 and T4 inhibited?
Negative feedback loop to hypothalamus and anterior pituitary
What are 3 things that will stimulate the Hypothalamus to secrete Thyroid Releasing Hormone (TRH) onto Anterior Pituitary?
- Stress
- Low temperatures
- Norepinephrine
What is an endogenous substance, beyond T3 and T4, that will inhibit the anterior pituitary from releasing Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)?
Glucocorticoids (Cortisol) from adrenal glands
What percentage of T4 and T3 is bound to blood carrier protein Thyroxine-Binding Globulin (TBG)?
Where are thyroid hormones produced and stored?
Colloid-containing Thyroid follicles of thyroid gland
The thyroid hormone has to do in general with what facet of homeostasis?
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
What effect does thyroid hormone have on lipid metabolism?
- Stimulates fat metabolism
2. Enhances oxidation of fatty acids
What effect does thyroid hormone have on carbohydrate metabolism?
Enhance insulin-dependent glucose uptake in cells
Increase gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis to generate free glucose
What effect does the action of thyroid hormone have on the cardiovascular system?
- Increase heart rate
- Increase cardiac output
- Vasodilation
What is hypothyroidism associated with for reproduction?
What are 2 thyroid disease states?
- Hypothyroid
2. Hyperthyroid
What is a hypothyroidism that is autoimmune-mediated or via inflammatory response, an example of which is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis in which antibodies are produced against the thyroid gland?
Primary/atrophic hypothyroidism
What is a hypothyroidism that can be caused by impaired hormone synthesis such as an iodine insufficiency, that can result in compensatory gland enlargement?
Goiterous hypothyroidism
Such things as hypothalamic disease, pituitary disease, or TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) defects can lead to this type of hypothyroidism?
Insufficient stimulation of a normal gland
What type of hpothyroidism in young children results in irreversible growth disruption, mental retardation and physical characteristics of dwarfism, thick lips, protruding tongue and delayed tooth eruption?
Neonatal cretinism
What is an adult-onset hypothroidism with symptoms of fatigue, weakness, cold intolerance, hair loss, reproductive failure, weight gain, dry skin, enlarged tongue, obese, hair loss?
What is the easiest way to treat hypothyroidism?
Give thyroid hormone substitute = Synthroid
What is a key component of synthroid medication?
Dosing must be adjusted once the drug has evened out the thyroid to get patient onto maintenance
What is a subsequent problem with synthroid therapy for hypothyroidism?
If the patient goes through a stressful event, they will need to change dosage
What is the most common hyperthyroid disease that is a diffuse toxic goiter?
Grave’s disease
What is an autoimmune disease in which antibodies bind to and activate TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) receptors leading to continual thyroid stimulation and secretion of T4 and T3?
Grave’s disease
How will the thyroid feel in Grave’s disease?
What are three thyrotoxicoses causing hyperthyroidism?
- Grave’s disease
- Plummer’s disease (toxic multinodular goiter)
- Toxic Adenoma
What are 6 signs of hyperthyroidism?
- Tachycardia
- Atrial fibrillation
- Goiter
- Tremor
- Opthalmopathy (exophthalmos, retracted eyelids)
- Melanin-pigmented oral mucosa
What are 5 symptoms of hyperthyroidism?
- Palpitations/Tachycardia
- Nervousness/anxiety
- Heat intolerance
- Weight loss
- Insomnia
If an elderly person has atrial fibrillation with no history of atrial fibrillation, what should be the main cause?
Subclinical hyperthyroidism
If a person has atrial fibrillation, what medication will they most likely be on?
Blood thinners
If a patient has atrial fibrillation what are they at risk for?
When a person tells you they have atrial fibrillation, what should be the next question?
“Are you on blood thinners?”
What is the most popular treatment for hyperthyroidism?
Remove thyroid (thyroidectomy)
What is one method to destroy the thyroid in hyperthyroid patient?
Give radioactive iodine
What hyperthyroid patient population is radioactive iodine contraindicated in and what is the alternative?
- Pregnant women
2. Give propylthiouracil or methimazole
What treatment is indicated if nature of thyroid nodule is unclear in hyperthyroid patient?
Subtotal thyroidectomy
Why can a beta blocker (Propranolol) be given to a hyperthyroid patient?
It treats the Tachycardia symptom of hyperthyroidism