Endocrine Flashcards
What is the most common cause of thyrotoxicosis?
Graves’ disease is the most common cause of thyrotoxicosis. Only 30% of patients with Graves’ disease have eye disease
What % of patients with Graves’ disease have eye disease
Only 30% of patients with Graves’ disease have eye disease
@Hypo: hormonal response = ??
@Hypo: hormonal response = 1. decreased insulin secretion 2. INCreased glucagon secretion 3. GH and cortisol are also released but later.
@Addison’s = cortisol low - - > ??
Hence the what test?
@Addison’s = cortisol low - - > hypoglycaemia. Hence the insulin tolerance test i.e. Give insulin - - > induce hypoglycaemia - - > inadequate rise in serum cortisol #adrenalinsufficiency
Incretins eg GLP1 = stimulate ??
Incretins eg GLP1 = stimulate a decrease in blood glucose, esp after eating.
Pioglitazone works how? Side effects?
PPAR-gamma AGonists = reduce peripheral insulin resistance = BFFFL - bladder ca, fatness, fluid retention, fractures, LFTs deranged
PID: Ix and tx?
PID: hcg, high vag swab - > metro + (ofloxacin/IM ceft+doxy)
What is dynamic pit function test?
“dynamic pituitary function test = give pt:
Dopamine blocker = metoclop - > Prolactin measured #hyperprolactin
LHRH - > FSH/LH recorded at reg intervals
Insulin - > BM, cortisol + GH
TRH - > TSH”
which tabs = reduce LTx absorption? How many hrs apart?
Fe/CaCO3 tabs = reduce LTx absorption - - > give 4 hrs apart!!
short fourth and fifth metacarpals, short stature
cognitive impairment, obesity
Pathphys? Types?
PseudohypoPT “G-prot mutation - > target cell insensitivity to PTH - > (high PTH -> low Ca + high PO4)
T1 = cell receptor fucked &
T2 = cell receptor fine.”
RAI - > ??
RAI - > ppt thyroid eye disease & need LTx
lack of smell (anosmia) + delayed puberty”
“XrKallmann’s = GnRH neurons fail to migrate to the hypothalamus - >
hypoGnRH hypogonadism - >
lack of smell (anosmia) + delayed puberty”
pretibial myxoedema is associated with ??
pretibial myxoedema is associated with thyrotoxicosis Graves only!!
Hypothyroid skin sx?
Hypothyroid: OedemaNP, Lat eyebrow loss, Xanthomata and other standard stuff
Hyperthyroid: skin sx?
Hyperthyroid: pretib myxoed, acropachy, sweating, thinning hair
“Amiodarone high iodine content - - > ?effect
Pathphys? How manage?
“Amiodarone high iodine content of - - > Wolff-Chaikoff effect= high iodide - > autoreg phenomenon where thyroxine-prod stopped = hypothyroid - >
cont amiodarone + start LTx”
Amiodarone Ind Thyrotoxicosis Type 1 - > pathphys? sx? tx?
Amiodarone Ind Thyrotoxicosis Type 1 - > XS thyroid hormone #goitre - > Carbimazole/KPerchlorate
Amiodarone Ind Thyrotoxicosis Type 2 - > pathphys? sx? tx?
Amiodarone Ind Thyrotoxicosis Type 2 - > thyroid destroy - > csteds
Acromegaly tx?
“Trans-sphenoidal surg/ext irrad @oldies
Octreotide=somatostatin stops GH release #adj to surg / bromocript-dop ag used too
Pegvisomant-GH receptor blocker-> dec IGF”
“Acromegaly 1st line Ix:
“Acromegaly 1st line Ix:
Serum IGF-1 w/ serial GH measurements –>
if IGF1 high - - >
OGTT to confirm i.e. norm/high GH - - > MRI”
Patients with acromegaly have an increased incidence of ??bowel issue
Patients with acromegaly have an increased incidence of colorectal polyps and carcinoma
The Incretin effect:
?? mediated by?
In T2DM, this is less or more so? Side effects? how to stop GLP1 its breakdown?
“The Incretin effect:
oral glucose load - - > greater insulin release
IV glucose load - - > less insulin release #incretineffect=mediated by GLP-1.
In T2DM, this is less, so give pts more GLP1 #N&V+pancreatitis or stop its breakdown (DPP4igliptins!!)”
DI: cranial: causes?
DI: cranial: Craniopharyngioma, heamachromatosis, histiocytosis X, Head injury, idiopathic, pit surg, DIDMOAD
Nephrohenic di causes?
Nephrohenic: demeclocycline, lithium, high Ca low K, ADH receptor dx/aquaporin
During Ramadan, how much of the normal metformin dose should be taken before sunrise and sunset?
During Ramadan, one-third of the normal metformin dose should be taken before sunrise and two-thirds should be taken after sunset
Sweet’s syndrome aka??
Sweet’s syndrome is also known as acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis has a strong association with acute myeloid leukaemia
“Thyroid eye dx=
common in?
worsenened by?
“Thyroid eye dx=
RAI and smoking worsen it!!
Keratopathy = inability to close eyelids, dry and sore”
“Urgent opthal r/v in thyroid eye dx?
“Urgent opthal r/v:
Vision fucked, sublux, intensity/colour vision change, corneal opacity, eyelid close still see cornea, disc swell”
SGLT2iflozins prevent work how?
SGLT-2iflozins are recognised to increase?
SGLT2iflozins can cause???
SGLT2iflozins prevent glucose resorption from proximal tubule - - > glucose secreted in urine.
SGLT-2iflozins are recognised to increased total cholesterol,
SGLT2iflozins can cause euglycaemic DKA@
“Csted scale?
"Csted scale: Fludro - high mineral, low glucocort Hydro Pred Dexa/betameth highglucocort, low mineralo"
HbA1c should be checked how often?
HbA1c should be checked every 3-6 months until stable, then 6 monthly’.
MEN diseases??
"Panc/pit Para Para Phaeo Phaeo Med Med Ret Ret Marfinoid/neuroma"
what drugs can cause leucopenia?
what drugs can cause neutrophilia?
Amlodipine and bendroflumethiazide can cause leucopenia
Glucocorticoid treatment can induce neutrophilia
Demargination+delayed migration of neuts
Release of immature neutrophils from bone marrow
“Bact infection = what shift’?
With steds use does ‘left shift’ occur?
“Demargination+delayed migration of neuts
Release of immature neutrophils from bone marrow
““Bact infection = incr ‘left shift’
neuts are produced and consumed at an equal rate.
With steds use, ‘left shift’ not occur cos inc production and release of neuts from bone marrow but no neut consumption.”””
in preg when PTU given then stopped? what is ptu assoc with?
PTU @ T1 then T2, woman should switch back to carbimazole, as PTU assoc w/ hepatic injury.
delayed puberty’
hypogonadism, cryptorchidism
sex hormone levels are low
LH, FSH levels are inappropriately low/normal
normal or above average height
Kallman’s - LH low; FSH low-normal, low test
“tall guys with small balls and tits.”
karyotype? phenotype?
“Klinefelter’s - LH & FSH raised, low test
47, XXY, tall guys with small balls and tits.”
Thyrotoxic storm is treated with ??
Thyrotoxic storm is treated with beta blockers, Lugol’s iodine, propylthiouracil and hydrocortisone/dexamethasone - e.g. 4mg IV qds - blocks the conversion of T4 to T3