Endocrine Flashcards
Diagnosis diabetes
Symptomatic + random glucose >11, fasting >7 or 2hr test >11
Asymptomatic + venous sample in diabetic range + confirm with repeat test another day (random/fasting/2h)
The two insulin regimes
Twice daily (2/3 before breakfast and 1/3 pre dinner, both are split 1/3 short acting and 2/3 medium acting)
Multiple dose pen injection (basal background in eve and short acting pre meals)
What advice should be given about exercise in diabetic child
Sugary snack before
When should blood glucose be monitored more closely in children?
When ill
What is the dawn phenomenon
Increase in glucose at 4am due to GH surge
What is somogyi phenomenon
Insulin extra given to counteract dawn phenomenon- rebound hyperglycaemia
How do you know how dehydrated the child is in DKA
pH <7.1= 10%
> 7.1 = 5%
Paediatric DKA Rx
Bolus 10ml/kg if shocked
maintenance and defecit fluids 0.9% saline
Insulin 0.01-0.1u/kg/h infusion after the first hour of fluid (to reduce glucose at a rate of <5mmol/h)
Add potassium when electrolytes back (40mmol/L)
When glucose <12 change the fluid to 0.9% saline and 5% dextrose
Most common cause ambiguous genitalia
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
What is true hermaphroditism
Genetic e.g. chimeric 46XX/XY
What could cause virilisation of a female foetus?
Maternal androgens e.g. ingested or tumour
How is sex determined in a foetus
Y chromosome has SRY gene that = gonads –> testes. If absent, they become ovaries
What is congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Autosomal recessive
Affect synthesis of adrenal steroids
Low cortisol=ant pit secretes more ACTH=more adrena androgens produced=virilisation of female foetus
90% congenital adrenal hyperplasia caused by what
21-hydroxylase deficiency
How might congenital adrenal hyperplasia present
Adrenal (salt losing) crisis 1-2w
Precocious puberty in boys
Cliteromegaly in girls
Tall stature child/short as adult
Old bone age
skin hyperpigmentation
What type of congenital adrenal hyperplasia presents as intersex boys but non-virilised girls
17-hydroxylase defic
If Dx congenital adrenal hyperplasia antenatally what can you do?
Give maternal dex to reduce chance of virilisation of foetus
Precocious puberty ages
<8 girls
<9 boys
FSH and LH high or low in gonadotrophic dependent precocious puberty?
High, central control, premature activation of HPG axis
FSH and LH high or low in gonadotrophic independent precocious puberty?
Low, peripheral cause
Which type of precocious puberty is likely to have an unusual progression e.g. isolated thelarche
Pseudo/gonadotrophic independent
Bilaterally enlarged testes suggests what cause of precocious puberty
IC lesion releasing gonadotrophin
Unilat enarlged testes suggests what cause of precocious puberty
Gonadal tumour