Endocrine Flashcards
Hormone function and types of hormones (3)
Function: Signals molecules or chemical messengers that transport information from one set of cells (endocrine) to another (target)
-Peptide/protein (insulin, GH, ADH, angiotensin, EPO)
-Amine/amino (catecholamines, thyroxine)
-Lipids (steroid, cortisone, aldosterone, estrogen)
Hormone receptors
-Receptor site on cell surface is activated and generates 2nd receptor (cAMP used by vaso, TSH, parathyroid hormone)
-Attracts specific hormone, lipophilic, diffuse into the cell (thyroid and steroid hormones)
Hormone regulation (3 control mechanisms)
- Neural controls (pain, smell, taste)
- Biorhythms (circadian)
- Feedback
Endocrine system is involved in regulation of ____
Behavior, growth, metabolism, fluid status, development, reproduction
Endocrine vs autocrine vs paracrine
Hormone enters…
- Endocrine: blood, acts at distant site
- Autocrine: at site of origin
- Paracrine: adjacent to site of origin
Endocrine glands
Pituitary Thyroid Parathyroid Adrenal Pancreas Ovaries Testes Placenta
Body functions modified by the pituitary gland
Pituitary glad located ___ connected to ___
Located at base of brain
Connected to hypothalamus
Anterior vs posterior pituitary communication with hypothalamus
-Via vascular system
-Via neural pathways
Hypothalamus connection controls pituitary hormone secretion
-No BBB between the two so feedback/communication can occur
6 hormones secreted by anterior pituitary
Growth hormone (GH)
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
-Cortisol/androgenic hormone release from adrenal cortex
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
-Ovarian follicle development, spermatogenesis
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
-Ovulation, corpus luteum development, testosterone production
-Mammary gland development, milk production
-Inhibits synthesis/secretions of LH, FSH
Causes of anterior pituitary hyposecretion
- Large nonfunctional pituitary tumors - compress and destroy normal cells
- Postpartum shock, irradiation, trauma, hypophysectomy
Lack of pituitary hormones
- More common than a decrease in a single ant pit hormone
- > decreased thyroid function d/t decreased TSH
- > Decreased glucocorticoid production (by adrenal cortex) d/t decreased ACTH
- > Depressed sexual development and function d/t decreased gonadotropic hormone secretion
Treatment of pituitary tumor
Surgical removal
- Transphenoidal (nasal)
- Need thyroid hormone replacement and steroids peri-op
- May get diabetes insipidus after removal (give vasopressin)
Anterior pituitary hypersecretion
Most commonly tumors secrete prolactin, ACTH, or GH
- Prolactin -> infertility, amenorrhea, decreased libido (treat with dopamine agonist-bromocriptine)
- ACTH -> Cushings
Growth hormone
Hypothalamus regulates GH activity (negative feedback)
- Increased secretion in childhood, more in adolescence, plateaus in adulthood and decreases in old age
- Increased by stress, hypoglycemia, exercise, and deep sleep
- Increases blood glucose levels (decreases sensitivity of cells to insulin by inhibiting glucose uptake into cells
GH hyposecretion vs hypersecretions
-Dwarfism, hypoglycemia
-Usually caused by GH secreting pituitary adenoma
-Acromegaly -> thick large bones, enlarged organs (cardiomyopathy, HTN, atherosclerosis, LVH), increased lung volumes (VQ mismatch, increased extrathoracic obstruction), coarse facial features
-Gigantism -> if GH is elevated before adolescence, grow to 8-9 feet
-Glucose intolerance, diabetes (GH antagonist to insulin)
-Treatment: Remove pituitary tumor
Anesthetic plan for GH hypersecretion pituiraty tumor removal
Examine airway
- Difficult mask fit and DL due to tissue overgrowth and macroglossia
- May need smaller ETT - vocal cord enlargement
- Extubate alert
- Pre-op glucose and lytes
Posterior pituitary hormones (2)
Antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin, ADH)
-Controls water excretion/reabsorption in kidney
-Regulates serum osmolarity
-Stimulates milk ejection during lactation
-Uterine smooth muscle contraction
-Derivatives used to induce labor/decrease postpartum bleeding
ADH stimulation
When plasma osmolarity is 284mOsm/L
-Normal 285-290
10-20% decrease in plasma volume or BP
-Baroreceptors send signal via vagal/glossopharyngeal nerves to hypothalamus -> hypothalamus increases ADH synthesis and release
Pain, emotional stress, nausea, hemorrhage
Diabetes insipidus
=Low ADH neurogenic (or inability of renal ducts to respond nephrogenic)
- Polyuria, polydipsia
- > Dehydration, hypernatremia
- Hyperreflexia, weak, lethargic, seizures, coma
Diabetes insipidus anesthetic considerations and treatment
Assess fluid status, electrolytes
-Surgery increases ADH release so pre-op vasopressin isn’t usually necessary with partial DI
-Monitor plasma osm, UOP, serum Na q1h
-Give isotonic fluids until serum osm=290, then hypotonic
Treatment (complete DI)
-Meds that increase ADH release or increase receptor response to ADH
-Short term=vasopressin
-Long term=desmopressin
Syndrome of inappropriate anti-diuretic hormone (SIADH) (characteristics, anesthetic consideration, treatment)
=High ADH levels
-Water reabsorbed in tubules even when hypoosmolar
-Low UOP -> water intoxication, hyponatremia -> brain edema
Slow emergence
-Mild, without s/s of hyponatremia: fluid restriction (800mL/day)
-More severe: hypertonic saline with Lasix
-Correct Na levels slowly
Thyroid gland
-Secrete thyroid hormones to regulate cellular metabolism and calcium balance
Nerves in proximity
-Recurrent laryngeal nerve and external motor branch of superior laryngeal nerve
3 hormones secreted by the thyroid gland
T4 -Thyroxine -93% of hormone -less potent in blood -prehormone: converted to T3 at tissue sites T3 -Triiodothyonine -7% of hormone -more potent in blood Calcitonin -Regulates calcium short-term Dependent on iodine for production
Actions of thyroid hormone
Increased metabolic rate, O2 consumption, heat production
-Secondarily increased heart, lung, kidney function
T3 plays a role in growth and development
Graves disease or thyrotoxicosis
S/S: Goiter, ST, anxiety, tremor, heat intolerance, insomnia, weight loss, a fib, skeletal muscle weakness
Dx: decreased TSH, increased T4
-Meds to inhibit hormone synthesis (methimazole, propylthiouracil, carbimazole)
-Prevent hormone release (potassium, sodium iodine)
-Mask adrenergic overactivity (propranolol, atenolol)
-Destroy thyroid cell function (radioactive iodine)
-Surgery: subtotal thyroidectomy
Anesthetic management for hyperthyroid
Untreated symptomatic patients should only go to OR if life threatening
-Continue antithyroid meds and BB through morning of surgery to decrease SNS
-Esmolol inhibits T4 to T3
Assess airway for tracheal deviation from thyroid enlargement
*No ketamine, atropine, pancuronium (SNS stimulation)
-Deep anesthesia before intubation
-May need more inhalational agents (increased CO, blood volume)
-Treat intraop hypotension with direct pressors (phenylephrine)
*ETT with NIM (electrodes on VCs) to assess recurrent laryngeal nerve
Thyroid storm
Caused by acute stress in undiagnosed or untreated hyperthyroid patient
-May occur anytime periop, more likely 6-18 hours posto
-Different from MH: No muscle rigidity, elevated creatinine kinase, respiratory acidosis
-Tachycardia, agitation, a fib, fever (>38.5)
-IV hydration with glucose
-Beta blockers
-Potassium iodide (block T4 and T3 release)
-Correct electrolytes/acid base imbalance
Recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy
Postop thyroidectomy complication
- Decreased occurance with NIM use
- Unilateral-hoarseness
- Bilateral-aphonia, stridor -> reintubate
Thyrotoxicosis vs MH
Thyrotoxicosis -Elevated HR/BP, A fib, CHF -Hyperprexia (fever), acidosis MH -Unexplained sudden increase in ETCO2 -Elevated HR, trismus (lockjaw), rapid temp rise, mottling, cyanosis