Endocrine Flashcards
First test in work-up of suspected acromegaly?
Second test if positive?
First test: IGF-1 level
Follow-up if positive: Oral glucose suppression test for GH (will fail to suppress in acromegaly)
Most common primary pituitary tumor?
When do prolactinomas require treatment?
What is the treatment?
Symptomatic or >1 cm in size
Treatment: DA agonists (e.g. cabergoline, bromocriptine) if <3 cm, larger goes to surgery
HPG axis hormone levels in Klinefelter syndrome?
Testosterone: low
FSH/LH: elevated (lack of negative feedback from testosterone)
Kallman syndrome
Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (pubertal failure) + anosmia
Migration defect in GnRH-secreting and olfactory neurons
Key difference between primary and secondary adrenal insufficiency?
Primary: loss of glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoids, +hyperpigmentation (ACTH stimulating MSH receptors)
Secondary: loss of glucocorticoids only (mineralocorticoids regulated by RAAS, not ACTH)
Menstrual irregularity in PCOS? Cause?
Long, irregular periods.
Excess androgen converted to estrogen, prolonging the proliferative phase.
Potential cause of rapid-onset hirsuitism +/- virilization in women?
Androgen-secreting neoplasm
Test: serum testosterone and DHEAS (dehydroeplandrosterone, produced by adrenal neoplasm and converted to testosterone peripherally)
Who should get surgery for primary hyperparathyroidism?
- Symptomatic hypercalcemia
- Complications (osteoporosis, stones, renal dysfunction)
- High risk for complications (Ca2+ >1 mg/dl over normal, high urine calcium excretion, age under 50)
Tumors in MEN1? MEN2A? MEN2B?
MEN1: 3 P’s
- Primary hyperparathyroidism
- Pituitary tumors
- Pancreatic endocrine tumors (esp. gastrinomas)
MEN2A: 2 P’s, 1 M
- Pheochromocytoma
- Primary hyperparathyroidism
- Medullary thyroid cancer
MEN2B: 1 P, 3 M’s
- Pheochromocytoma
- Medullary thyroid cancer
- Mucosal neuroma
- Marfanoid habitus
Pheochromocytoma and thryoid storm can both lead to dangerous hypertension during surgery. What is a key difference?
Thyroid storm will have fever, pheo will not
Initial medical treatment for pheochromocytoma
Alpha blocker followed by beta blocker
Need to make sure alpha is block first so don’t see unopposed alpha vasoconstriction with beta block
Most common cause of primary adrenal insufficiency?
Autoimmune adrenalitis
Initial treatment of hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state
- Aggressive hydration with NS (regardless of sodium, due to fluid deficit due to polyuria, can give 1/2 NS later)
- IV insulin + potassium
Correction for sodium in hyperglycemia
Add 2 mEq/L Na+ for every 100 mg/dl glucose is above 100